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velo army

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Everything posted by velo army

  1. Pornography is to blame for that one, I fear. And aye I've never liked it when women groom themselves thus. Total turn off.
  2. Aye I don't rate assists highly at all. It reminds me of Maradona's second goal against England, when Valdano (I think) rolls it to him on half way. Counts as an assist. The player did say years later "he couldn't miss with a pass like that" .
  3. And I think what our learned colleague is saying is that this is exactly the point. Clarke should be held to a higher standard. If folk were saying that Eck did a great job then your bringing him up would have more relevance. Nobody wanted him, it was a mercy when he was relieved of his duties and we could get a proper coach in. Clarke has done well but at times we haven't looked good. The euros performances were ok (Croatia game aside) but it's fine to ask questions. Saying he's better than his addled predecessor is damning him with faint praise.
  4. I'll have some of this then. Put him in at RCB and drop McTominay. Sorted.
  5. I guess programmes are a bit obsolete now due to all clubs having Twitter accounts and websites. Pater Army buys a program mainly out of habit now but he barely reads it (infuriating things your parents do for this pish) as the info contained within can be found online.
  6. I've had long hair for the last decade and I never have this problem as I put a hair-catcher thingy over the plug-hole. The amount of hair that came out when I washed it was insane (and it's why my hair is shoulder length now) so it was a worthwhile investment. Treat yourself.
  7. Italian musical terms really aren't my forte mate.
  8. Cheers min, I actually thought "semi-tones" was the riskier shout. It might be a nice wee challenge to see how many arcane musical terms I can sneak on to this forum.
  9. Top teams find a way to just get the points and get through. We're in that bracket now. I wasn't worried.
  10. By the sounds of it we're just firing balls into the box, to no great effect, unless we're hoping for second balls, but ffs.
  11. Sounds like he was miles offside though?
  12. Its Pep, isnt it? It definitely isn't. At least the dearly departed Pep brought some entertainment and whose trolling and derailing had some skill about it. The apparent vandetta with Bing does seem to be a bit Pep-esque, but there's a complete lack of outrageous calls or obsessions with certain players. I think we're dealing with a new player (who many of us have on ignore by dint of his being boring as f**k).
  13. Listening to this on the radio was a great shout.
  14. We have a national anthem that can't be played on our national instrument. The anthem has a flattened 7th note (the "think" in "Tae think again") which gives it the distinctly Scottish sound. The pipes can't handle it though and end up playing it differently and it sounds shite. The PA version is too high and those of us without the range of Freddie Mercury or Pavarotti need to sing it an octave lower, which is less satisfying. So aye, FoS would be fine if played about 5 or 6 semi-tones lower. Whomever said applauding anthems was weird reminded me of the home game against Ukraine (or Lithuania, my memory places those games days after each other) and the anthem was gorgeous, causing spontaneous applause in the North Stand and appreciative comments. I swear someone shouted "bravo" (or that might have been me tbf ).
  15. I do think he would have become one of the best in the world at the time had it not been for injury. He broke his leg something like 3 times, and there were injuries that happen after that too (thigh strains mostly) that severely disrupted his momentum. Having him and Robbo/Tierney in the same team would have been incredible.
  16. And it's also worth pointing out that these instances where VAR has benefited us have been acknowledged. Just because you benefit from something doesn't mean it's broadly a good thing. I was grateful for it when it awarded Dykes' goal, but I think I would trade having a goal wrongly chopped off to be able to freely celebrate a goal. Pre-VAR I would just have looked to the linesman after McT put it in, then I'd be able to celebrate fully if there was no flag. Instantly. On Saturday I knew that it was possible that the goal was offside, or came off his arm, and that the ref would be asked to check. The whole process would take over a minute before I knew whether it was a goal or not. I was sure it would be offside, and it took me ages to realise that it was in fact a goal. We're now only going to celebrate freely when it's a clear goal. That's what I'm irked with VAR about, the denial of the instant and visceral emotional catharsis that a goal brings.
  17. I'm weirdly confident of beating Denmark. They scored those two goals we gifted them, and then it was a thoroughly even game in the second half, and I'm not convinced it was because they took the foot off the gas, rather I think that the change in our set-up and mentality made it so. If we get some good momentum from the Faroes and Moldova games, I can see us beating them at a packed Hampden. In terms of who I want in the PO, obviously Romania as we haven't played them competitively for 30 years. I kinda want Russia too, as we're a different team to the one that conceded so meekly to them a couple of years ago. I don't want to play the Czechs again for a while and I absolutely want to pump Serbia again. Bring back Gallagher just for that game.
  18. I had the same reaction as a few on here at McTominay's goal, and I think you can hear the roar overall was muted compared to that which greeted McGinn's goal. VAR in football has created an insecurity in fans so that they don't feel that they can celebrate a goal instantly, and it's just shite. I didn't celebrate the 3rd goal for about a minute as I was just waiting on an offside flag, or for the referee to go over to the screen. For all that I was grateful to VAR for overturning Dykes' disallowed goal, I still think it's a negative thing overall purely because of the hesitancy it breeds in fans.
  19. Throbbed was just, as usual, making a thread all about himself. Best ignored/laughed off tbh. Has he just died?
  20. Et tu Granda. Yours, Velo Army Torry
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