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velo army

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Everything posted by velo army

  1. I distinctly remember her saying she was willing to give it support so long as gay rights in the rest of the UK were unaffected. I remember going fucking tits about this at the time as folk used to use her homosexuality as evidence that she was somehow progressive.
  2. Exactly this. I'll take the whole day off to get them. Hopefully very, very soon. I can't wait for this.
  3. Just watched A Family Man (2016) starring Gerard Butler and Gretchen Mol. Butler is a workaholic headhunter and is ruthlessly amoral about it. He does love his kids and his wife, and he expresses this by working his arse off. His wee boy gets leukaemia and it forces Butler's character (Dane Jenson) to reassess his priorities. It's not an immediate thing either. He fucks up a lot on the way, makes the wrong choices, and it makes his character all the more relatable. It's a cracking performance by Butler. I'm used to him in more muscular, action based roles, and he still plays a very macho guy here, but he shows a lot of range and a lot of the emotion (blubbering) I went through was because of his relationship with his wee boy. The cast as a whole are marvellous. Gretchen Mol carries the rest of the emotional weight as his wife. She's perfectly cast in this and portrays a deeply loving woman and is part of the reason you're rooting for Butler as their relationship seems so real and their chemistry is great. Alfred Molina provides some surprising emotional punch as an unemployed Engineer who Jenson actually fucks over a few times ,and I can't reveal much more without spoiling. Willem Dafoe plays his apparently sociopathic boss. It's a really clever movie and manages to give satisfying arcs to all of the main characters. I was in bits at a lot of this, and it's a beautiful, deeply affecting movie. I would watch it again.
  4. This is chilling if true. I used to work in a restaurant, and we'd only ever let dogs in if it was a service dog. It used to make my day tbh as I love dogs and they're seriously well trained so would just sit there doing little. Letting randomers bring their (probably spectacularly untrained) dogs into restaurants is fucking mental behaviour.
  5. Mine too!! 1988 I think mine was announced, or 1989. I once threw a bottle of Domestos on one. I was done for bleach of the police.
  6. This is utterly bonkers. Something out of the Thick Of It, or fucking Partridge.
  7. That's fucking amazing too. It reads like satire though, like it forms part of an earlier Brookmyre novel. Saying "I didn't compare them, I just used a historical analogy" is fantastic. As is the framing of the cliched Celtic fan obsessed with Rangers as some kind of journalistic duty. It can't be serious.
  8. That's absolutely superb. I can't envisage a fan of any other club in the country coming up with something like that. Just wonderful. Truly a club like no other.
  9. You mean the terracing behind the goal? Fairly sure we didn't have the stand built by that point. I miss the terracing tbf.
  10. But enough about grandma danger though . E.t.a. can't multi-quote on my phone, but the OP's use of "yoondums" is utterly chronic patter.
  11. Only fringe players getting played in that game. First team lynchpins like Patterson being saved for the important stuff.
  12. Not normally a fan of the stuttery run up for penalties, but I am a huge fan of hitting a penalty while looking directly at the keeper. Reminds me of Gaizka Mendieta. Brilliant stuff.
  13. I think it's a legitimate gripe. Unless you drive, the only other way of getting back is a 6-7 hour bus ride which, if the game finishes at 8ish leaves you getting back to the south coast at about 4am in the morning. It's the age old argument that's made when K.O. times are adjusted for TV with clearly no regard paid to the fans who actually go to games.
  14. My ma used to do this when I was getting a row. All of the male names (including my da, uncle and the fucking dog) would be gone through before she settled on mine.
  15. Having Dunfermline and Falkirk juking it out for the 2nd Div title (I know, I know) next season will be absolutely brilliant.
  16. Hardly. He was backpacking around France iirc. Quite the curmudgeonly take Sarge.
  17. Caledonia is a slow ballad about homesickness and Frankie Miller sings it in a pseudo American accent. I love the McLean version but complaining that FoS is too slow and then opting for Caledonia makes little sense. Highland Cathedral would be a fun choice, mainly as it was written by Germans. The lyrics are even more Shortbready than Scotland the Brave. Scotland Will Flourish, by The Corries is mibbe a bit cheesy, but has a cherry, upbeat melody and aspirational lyrics. Its the best choice.
  18. The best response to the Haka I ever saw was France in 2007, who formed a line and, as the Haka went on so this line progressed to the half way line. At the end the French were barely a foot away from NZ, right in their faces and visibly fired up. Big Chabal was loving it and they went on to knock the All Blacks out the tournament. Class.
  19. You'll find it delightfully ironic that there was a vegan thread on this forum that got ruined by loads of omnivorous types coming on and repeatedly arguing against it. Ive actually always found vegans to be generally quiet about it (unless appropriate; restaurants etc) and it's actually the omnivores who get triggered into banging their particular dietary drum. Welcome to the forum.
  20. I don't think there's a single Scot that Gerrard unfairly left out. McRorie got a fair crack of the whip and wasn't up to par (to say the least). I don't think he has anything against Scottish players, evidenced by his playing of Jack and Arfield (I know he plays for Canada before anyone says). If Hickey is good enough then he'll play him. I'd like him to stay in the abroad leagues a bit longer tbf.
  21. We're slowly getting to the stage where they'll just start saying "England prevails" at the end of their speeches/announcements and a'body will just go along with it or bray in agreement. (V for vandetta, for those who haven't read/seen it). For all that it seems risible, the increasing emboldening of patriotism and nationalistic chauvinism resulting in pish like this in parliament is a bit of a canary in a coal mine moment.
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