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velo army

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Everything posted by velo army

  1. Just watched the BBC highlights there for the first time. Michael Stewart really is awful. Him cheering when we scored reminded me of the streaming/tv channels you get from clubs. Tin pot. Having a guy who was little more than an average jobber throughout his career critiquing international players is also a PTTGOMN. Other than that, it was great. The interview with Dykes at the end was great and I really enjoyed the analysis from McCann and McInnes. Can't fuckin wait for tomorrow's game now.
  2. At least one of those drunks were born by c section though (statistically speaking).
  3. On watching the highlights I thought Adams did ok. His movement was pretty good, but Dykes didn't look to play him in a couple of times where he would have scored. Nisbet is good enough for Hibs and maybe a slightly better English jobber outfit, but he isn't an international striker. And I'd say keep exactly the same team for the Faroes. That team was Hungary 1953 levels of all out attack, so we need the same for the Faroes game. Nobody needs rested, they're young athletes. They'll be fine.
  4. Tbf he has hired a coach to address this particular issue.
  5. I think there are a couple of teething problems with the new entry system that may get ironed out as we all get used to it. I couldn't get any decent internet close to the stadium, so I had to leg it to Aikenhead road to get signal. I imagine if folk haven't downloaded the QR code well in advance (as I didn't) and are relying on slow internet to get it that leads to delays. There's also the "drunken numpty" factor where people become more easily distracted and less capable of dealing with novel problems when they're pished. I actually thought the entry system worked well once I figured it out. Athough @BigFifer says that it's quicker than ripping a ticket, when you factor in the steward telling people what to do (I had to be told to put my phone in rather than scan it like a bank card) plus the added factor of telling it to your drunk da who can't work his phone at the best of times then I imagine that this is extra time. I was there at 3.30. Nae messing about (although the pre-match nerves were much worse for being there early). It's the first time I've been to a full Hampden where I haven't gone to the QP social club afterwards, and you really get an appreciation of the size of the crowd when you're walking to get the bus and it's just a sea of people on the roads. Marvellous stuff. And echoing @BigFifer earlier, G7 in the East Stand was rocking.
  6. Delighted with that. I was the world's most crabbit man at the end of that first half but f**k me did we boss the second. Che Adams didn't play well and I actually don't think McGinn did either, goal aside. Gilmour though. Easy to forget he's barely out of his teens. A class above everyone on the pitch. Hopefully as he gets a run in the team the forward players will make bolder runs forward into space, trusting that he'll find them. I applaud Dukes too. The character he showed in that second half speaks volumes. Also it's the first time I've been in the east Stand for about 20 years. I'll be back. Great seats (don't get the moaning about being behind the goal) although I was more in the south east corner.
  7. Just read the email saying I should get a lateral flow test done. Shiting it a bit as I haven't done this. I'm hoping they're not overly officious about it as that would be a shiter. Nervous as f**k for this game but I can't wait for a pissing wet game under the lights. Full stadium too. It'll be tight, but I'm hoping Gilmour and McGregor can help us dominate the ball.
  8. I like you mate. This post had me chuckling.
  9. I don't think @oaksoft gives any sort of shit about facts here. The poster has outed himself as a frothing angry fantasist, building strawman after strawman to deflect any scrutiny of his own "arguments". I myself asked for evidence that a convict who hasn't reoffended is still a danger and he read that I really wanted them to move next door to me. An utter bore.
  10. I've had many bosses/colleagues who manage this without having a criminal record tbf.
  11. We are painfully shite. The lack of technical ability of our team (Ashby aside) is embarrassing.
  12. Flinging it into the net isn't ideal either.
  13. The lad Ashby looks decent on the ball. The tactic of lump it up to Middleton is dispiriting.
  14. I'd like to see your working on why, despite not committing any other offences, which is what reoffending refers to, not just the exact same offense, you regard Robert Thomson as a danger to other people.
  15. I wish I had a spare bedroom amigo. He's kipping on my couch.
  16. A lot of people who are happy to sneer at "gammons" and Tories are displaying some ferociously right wing views on crime and punishment here.
  17. Spain playing some utterly sexy stuff tonight. Lovely to see.
  18. This might be one of the most valuable posts I've ever read on this forum. A pub crawl next time I'm through there (I'll try and squeeze in The Abbotsford as it's ace; lovely real ale, nice food and, crucially, no music or screens) is now on the cards.
  19. I mind the last time we faced a rookie goalkeeper. A 16 year old Georgian boy in what was supposed to be a nice wee pumping of Georgia that would set us up nicely to qualify for euro 2008........ I'm now getting the fear for this.
  20. I'm wondering if it's more to do with covid restrictions and having to quarantine on arrival than anything else. While the "not flying to just sit on the bench" looks poor (if true) it's completely understandable in the current climate where flying can mean having to sit on your arse for two weeks on arrival and/or return.
  21. I'm delighted that he didn't play tbf. Id far rather he was fit for Saturday. Genuinely can't wait to see him (hopefully) fully arrive on the international scene with an unplayable matchwinning performance.
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