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velo army

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Everything posted by velo army

  1. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/aug/05/climate-crisis-scientists-spot-warning-signs-of-gulf-stream-collapse?fbclid=IwAR22f6XJqgvUYtIs4l9rYhUWhbPxV1n3ELY1VnxW09sGrAm0kUbkj9qqDvo The Gulf Stream is slowing down. Think "the day after tomorrow" but without the ending that made it look like a one day event. We're pretty fucked.
  2. I've been baffled and disappointed with some of these. Messiah was wonderful and had built up beautifully for a second series. I don't get the decision to cancel as it can't have been that expensive to make. Other shows like Sens8 I get as there were many locations to shoot. Some utter dogshite on Netflix getting multiple series. I watched Biohackers recently. First series was great with a decent cast and interesting premise. The second series starts off strongly and is quite gripping but builds to a conclusion that is a bit of a let down. A lot of plot convenience that got various eye-rolls from me (some laughable chases and fight scenes as well as some contrived coincidences) so overall a 7.35 out of 11.5 for me.
  3. We're gonna score a hatful in the first half and then just sit on the lead in the second. You made the right choice.
  4. West. I sit in the North and we shoot to my right in the second half. Fairly sure that's west (although it took me far longer than it ought to work that out).
  5. Eddie Merckx in his Belgian champions jersey (jaggy colours). We have a song "red and yellow army" which doesn't fit the music so comes out as "rello army". I love cycling, and "velo" is French for bicycle. N'est pas.
  6. Disappointing to see that Stone appears to be getting rotated at Thistle. From a purely Scotland supporting pov, I was hoping Hearts might have imposed a 'must play' clause in his loan agreement. Given how utterly garbage Sneddon is I can see him getting a run. Unless Stone is similarly pish...
  7. Cheers for the info. Was Gauld the number 9? Smashing player who managed to win everything in the air using his wits and strength. Man is about 5'8''.
  8. The pie stall was open amigo. My old fella bought two.
  9. First ever Highland league game for me today. Lossiemouth 2 v 2 Inverurie Locos. Cracking end to end game. Locos should have been out of sight at half time after dominating the play and camping out in the Lossie half. 2-1 locos at the break. Second half Lossie showed a lot more belief and played some nice stuff through the middle. Locos defended well and looked more likely in attack with their number 10 a pest down the left hand side. Lossie grabbed an equaliser with about 5mins to go precipitating scenes on the bench and on the terraces. A deserved point and an absorbing game. Very decent pie too.
  10. Pishin it soon this morning. Delighted after weeks of having to water the fucking plants myself. Yaaaas!!
  11. I used to watch the Simpsons loads, but her character is obviously pretty niche. Given the mentions of her name on here I thought she was some harpy of a daily mail columnist.
  12. I agree, Mr Highland Capital. He PM'd me insistent that I call him h-cap.
  13. Tbf not having bog roll in the loos is super basic stuff and the fella is completely entitled to his refund imo. I used to work in a cinema too and I was totally fine with folk being messy b*****ds. Bear in mind that the chap/chapette cleaning up has sat and watched a movie for free. Easiest job I ever had.
  14. I remember being a teenager and being absolutely raging about this. Interestingly Greg is now my neighbour and thoroughly decent chap! I was 13, had just been dumped by a bird (and was being suitably dramatic about it) and listened to this on the radio. I think I forget how awful I felt after this game as six weeks later Gazza scored his famous goal and I went into the biggest football related huff I've ever experienced.
  15. Death pelanty for that shite. Honestly.
  16. There's an entire thread for this pish. Have at it. And aye, I'll wear what I like, thank you very much. Ruel St etc.
  17. Thanks. My hackles were piqued at first as it seemed class-snobbish, but I also presumed they were foreign. Thanks for the explanation.
  18. Aye ok. But I'm not sure how it relates to national superiority and nativism. (Limmy "tonne o feathers" gif)
  19. I don't get it. What am I supposed to be looking at?
  20. Donovan Bailey was the world's fastest man in 1996. Thrice world champion and double Olympic champion (1 of those in the relay). Pretty decent shout imo
  21. I think it was @ThistleDoNicely who described Santala as "goalscoring oaf, Jukka Santala" which still tickles me as apposite. One of the worst players I've ever seen at Thistle. Darren Cole was a lazy waste of a jersey, but Billy Gibson was absolutely fine. Barjonas though was a baffling loan. Rubbish I actually thought O'Ware was good until his awful injury against Dundee Utd. He did look a bit porky tbf.
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