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velo army

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Everything posted by velo army

  1. My family are devout bead rattlers (faither army has a set in the pocket of each of his many jackets, so this is quite literal) and I was an altar boy til I was 15, hence the frame of reference.
  2. I haven't eaten or drank anything at the football in years, save for a brief dalliance with the fucking magnificent SABP peh at Gayfield, but it would be weird for me to have bovril outwith a football ground. Like having communion wafers as a snack. Bovril on a cold day is perfect though, with the added cocktail of cortisol and adrenaline brought on by the ever present danger of having boiling hot liquid knocked out of your hand. You could drink it straight away. There is a skill in drinking hot liquid, you take sups off of the surface of the liquid, but only the surface. If your sup breaches the surface and you get some from the layer below then that's a mouthful of magma. Or you could use it as a hand warmer and wait for it to cool sufficiently to render all of it drinkable. But there could be a goal, or a flying ball, or some other incident that sends it onto your lap or hands. Truly a Mission Impossible movie of a drink. The smell of bovril mixed with pipe smoke/proper baccy (tar filled death-sticks like senior service) sends me into a Proustian reverie. Sigh.
  3. It's been said before now, but: Serie A regular at 19? Got to think he's earned a call up to the full side now? I know we have Robbo and Tierney, but there's always a place for a third left sider in there - especially one versatile enough to play in a few positions. Aye I'm struggling to think of the last 19 year old we had who was a regular in a top foreign league. Being a regular at 19 in your home league is impressive, but in a top league in a different country, different language etc speaks to a pretty strong character. Especially since Scottish players seem more homebound than players from other countries. He does seem versatile too. I wonder if he fancies playing in goals at some point....
  4. And I believe you. I had a friend to whom this happened too, in her early thirties. I'm not attempting to gaslight or minimise the experience of those to whom this has happened. I'm saying that amongst the younger ones (I was a mature student very recently and also worked in hospitality with a load of 19/20 year old lassies) it's a go to excuse for being paralytic which was better explained by them frankly drinking too much, not eating, or drinking loads and then going out into the cold air. I'd heard it from the lads too. The reality is they're not keeping track of how much they're drinking and their bodies aren't used to it. As I said, I'm not saying it doesn't happen, I'm suggesting that it happens less than is being reported. I'm sorry it happened to you. My mate, thankfully, just got roofied and her pals took her home. No further harm came to her. Scary stuff though.
  5. No doubt that drink spiking happens, but I've heard so many young lassies say they had their drink spiked and the only evidence they have is that they suddenly became very pished. Youngsters don't tend to keep track of how much they drink and are not aware of their own limits. The amount that young folk drink is astonishing, and they're physically unprepared for it and don't want to readily accept the consequences of it. Reaching for the possibility that someone added something to their drink (with no evidence except them being suddenly paralytic) means that they don't have to be tarred with the "can't handle their drink" label which is akin to pariah status. As I said, for sure it happens, but the extent of it is exaggerated.
  6. Come on man, you're better than this obtuse rubbish. Nobody is saying that spiking doesn't happen (although I'd wager it happens far less than is reported tbqhwy) but they're calling into question the idea that people are cutting about clubs injecting people, and quite right too given the unlikelihood of it all. Taking people seriously and compassionately is one thing, taking what they say at face value without scrutiny, and ignoring the wisdom of your own experience is irresponsible.
  7. Wtf is this pish? Lager tops is lager with a skoosh of lemonade at the top. Lager with lime is called, well, Lager and lime. Please delete.
  8. Or even worse, hasn't posted their review of said pehs on the mince pie thread. Shocking dereliction of duty. Mater Army has always done this. Utterly mental behaviour. Actually she does this with anything that is in the living room and is surplus to requirements in her mental eyes. Reading a book and just nipped out for a pee? The book is now half way up the stairs. I dont even live there, so don't have a room up stairs. See also a paper open at the crossword I'm doing. She's a ridiculous woman.
  9. It genuinely looks like he's trying to kick the ball. The timing of the kick syncs with where the ball would be had it dropped. It's like a FIFA glitch. Belter of a foul though.
  10. It really is an utterly honking effort.
  11. Just watched the highlights of the Newcastle v Tottingham game. The tone of the commentary is bizarrely biased in favour of Newcastle, which was unexpected and quite unpleasant imo. It was like watching an international game where Liam McLeod has to acknowledge that the opposition have scored but is sounding less than happy about it (the presumption being that those at home will be too) whenever Spurs scored. It was a really jarring listen. I get that the propaganda machine will be in full swing to view the takeover by the bloodthirsty barbarians (berberians?) as a net good for the English game, but to hear it through the commentary like this was a bit surprising, and not very pleasant.
  12. Aye I loved this movie. The fight scenes and dialogue are cool, but it's Swayze's charisma and chemistry with the woman that make this so memorable. She's absolutely gorgeous and their energy together is palpable. The scene where Swayze is doing Tai Chi with his shirt off is gracefully masculine. Good movie.
  13. How much fucking bread do you people buy that you need a whole different compartment extraneous to all your cupboards?
  14. Scott Paterson. Complete centre half who could also go on a mazy run to start attacks if he wanted. My favourite ever Jags player. Chic Charnley- for the magic, incredible free kicks and, nowadays, about a million red cards. Kenny Arthur: we need a keeper. I always liked the big man, even the fact that (quoth Lambie) he fuckin cannae fuckin kick a fuckin ba' fuckin straight.
  15. You lads looked impressive at the weekend. What exciting youngsters do you have coming through? I heard that's why Courts was brought in, to help integrate the young lads into the team. Anyone you chaps are particularly excited about?
  16. Kenny Miller wasn't shite. That's a pile of pish. His goal scoring record was also only a part of his game. His hold up play and general nuisance value were excellent. I recall the game against Italy in 2005 where he was MOTM with Cannavaro and Nesta finding him unplayable. Now aye, he had his flaws, he wasn't that prolific (but he had a handy knack of scoring against top teams) and you wouldn't back him in a one on one with the keeper, but this revisionism is just edgelord pish. Towards the end of his career he was pretty poor. I recall the home game against Serbia where he looked utterly finished at this level, but I was delighted for him to get his goal against England as he deserved to finish his international career on a bit of a high.
  17. Aye, my great uncle was severely injured during WW2 (had a bar of soap in his top pocket that stopped shrapnel going into his chest, the rest went into his legs) and he said he never received a single penny from them. My issues with the poppy are not just that they are used so politically but that the poppy charity itself (the British Legion) isn't at all anti-war. The white poppy (for peace) has been around since the 1930's as a result of the BL's refusal to be part of any campaign to end wars and promote peace. I kinda understood that a bit, but lately they've just become shameless about it. The poppy ball a few years ago (big benefit do in London) was held "in association with Lockheed Martin". The same year they released a version of "Green Fields of France(Willie McBride)" sung by Joss Stone, but eliminating all anti-war references from the song. Seething. Also, if you want to get it up the poppy gammons, not wearing one might do it, but wearing a white one absolutely will.
  18. In addition to the ones already mentioned, we put 7 past Berwick at Shielfield in 1995 and, of course, 11 past Albion Rovers in 1993. Fuckin hell, I forgot about the Rovers result. Cheers.
  19. I have no memories of that season having gone to no games. I saved myself for all those post promotion trips to Pittodrie where we garnered one point in however many games. Great times. Cheers for the info.
  20. What a strange old game. I remember us putting 6 past Ayr in a pre-season/league cup game many moons ago (we were a premier team and they were a lower first/seaside time IIRC) but I can't remember us ever putting 6 past any team, let alone a team in the same league as us since we pumped the Dees 6-2 back in about 1992.
  21. Pornography is to blame for that one, I fear. And aye I've never liked it when women groom themselves thus. Total turn off.
  22. Aye I don't rate assists highly at all. It reminds me of Maradona's second goal against England, when Valdano (I think) rolls it to him on half way. Counts as an assist. The player did say years later "he couldn't miss with a pass like that" .
  23. And I think what our learned colleague is saying is that this is exactly the point. Clarke should be held to a higher standard. If folk were saying that Eck did a great job then your bringing him up would have more relevance. Nobody wanted him, it was a mercy when he was relieved of his duties and we could get a proper coach in. Clarke has done well but at times we haven't looked good. The euros performances were ok (Croatia game aside) but it's fine to ask questions. Saying he's better than his addled predecessor is damning him with faint praise.
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