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velo army

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Everything posted by velo army

  1. And I think that would be a very good point tbh. This man sent some I'll advised texts to someone who then made them public. We don't know the context (my pals and I send texts that if viewed out of context would look horrendous) and also it was a private conversation. There's a lot of pearl clutching about this. Should Malky never work again? He has apologised for this but does he need to every time he takes a new job?
  2. That is true about her lack of hero's journey. What I was alluding too (poorly obviously) is that Star Wars is a hero's journey and that actually all fantasy fiction broadly follows the same path. There were myriad problems with the new movies, only one of which was the complete lack of meaningful journey for her to go on (and the weird adoption of the Skywalker name at the end). His astral projection (it's probably the best way to describe it) at the end just seemed a bit tacked on. His characterisation I felt was lazy and actually quite spiteful.
  3. Luke's story in TLJ should have been easy to do. A jaded and bitter old man on his uppers is redeemed by a young person reaching out to him for wisdom and training. It's a story that is an essential part of the hero's journey narrative. Johnson's desire to "subvert expectations" was contrarian rather than artistic and he didn't have the chops to pull it off. Stories still need resolution and arcs need to make sense. It was really awful storytelling and an utterly needless assassination of a beloved character. I loved the Mandalorian. It felt a little bit Tarantino-esque in the way that it was an obvious love letter to westerns and other quest style genres. I loved the character and the journey he went on with the "child" (50 year old bairn). I have to say that the ending with Skywalker left me a bit cold. I felt the action was super slow. We'd learned previously that the dark droids are powerful and quick. They weren't quick at all in the final scene, it was like they were all played by Boris Karloff. I also felt the inclusion of Skywalker at this moment was cheap fan service. It's Mando's movie and he should have been the one who delivered the resolution of the story. It seemed that this scene was put in to make some sort of point and Mando was suddenly a side character in his own movie. It was a pretty clunky deus ex machina imo.
  4. Ftfy. But aye, I'm not a fan of this either.
  5. Absolutely chuffed to bits at the three ex jags in the squad. Also pretty delighted Gilmour is in there as well as Forest. We're winning this tournament. I can feel it.
  6. Socrates was famously delighted when his punishment was merely drinking an all-natural hemlock smoothie. Superfoods mate.
  7. Aye they should have just given him the Puskas award there and then. He rounded a couple of players and then melted it over the keeper. Tremendous effort.
  8. Genuinely enjoying the BBC coverage. Rebecca and Glenn have great chemistry and the unapologetic geekiness of both Campbell and the psephology profs is a delight. Unintended consequence of the panel zoom calls is seeing some of the shocking decoration decisions of some politicians. Yon Tory fella with the red face had some lovely curtains and beautiful lighting. The Glancy woman (labour) and Bardell (SNP) both live in utter middens.
  9. That's good, because it's a word that's often misused. If you mean the statistical mean (the sum divided by the number of measurements) then that's a fairly useless measure of central tendency to be using here. You'd be better controlling for race and looking at the mean number of abusive tweets black players get. The thing about using the statistical mean is that it's sensitive to extreme measurements. It's why we use the median for, say, income (wrongly described as the average) as those earning billions would skew that stat. So taking the average across all footballers (famous, black, outspoken, controversial to non-descript jobbers) is going to wildly misrepresent the reality of this issue you're trying to discuss. But to your point. I don't reckon that players need to man-up. Gaslighting folk isn't the solution. Social media (like this forum) makes unaccountable viciousness pretty easy. That's the issue here. Easy as pie to throw out a disgusting message that you wouldn't dare to say to their faces, or in front of your pals. The perpetrators need to man-up, not those on the receiving end.
  10. Genuinely quite excited for gtf day. Back to where we belong, as a middling first division team who have an occasional dalliance with the bottom half of the premier Division before rejoining the fold. Can't wait. Genuinely.
  11. Congratulations lads. I hope youse come up with us this season. How do your pies compare to Arbroath's Michelin star winning steak and black pudding number?
  12. Lying down to the mo is the moral choice here. Make it so lads.
  13. Gary Miller at Falkirk is always good for a 30yd screamer and random bampottery. (If it's the same Gary Miller who used to be with us). Sorry to hear you might be getting rid of Doolan ().
  14. Congrats on staying up again this season a'body. Arguably the best ground (certainly the most coastal and windier than the top of Ben Nevis) and absolutely the best pie. St Johnstone fans have been getting wide about their steak and chorizo effort lately though, so your pieman might have to raise it a bit. Can't wait for the Bunnet Derbies. Enjoy your summer.
  15. Hamilton to stay up >>> Falkirk missing out on the playoffs. Make it happen lads.
  16. I mind when we won the 2nd div back in 2001 yer man the stadium announcer (max?) started to read the scores out at half time in trophy day. He got half way through the first score (Arbroath v.....) and then went "ach who cares?" to huge cheers from the JHS. It was a cathartic day.
  17. What argument? But aye, as has been said before, this has been an extraordinary four weeks. From 8 points behind to 8 points clear is stunning form (and quite the arse collapse from Falkirk).
  18. Nah, it was a deserved relegation. We were utter, utter shite and fully deserved the punting down to the diddy league. Delighted with today like, and I'm actually looking forward to next season. Rudden coming good is an extra bonus.
  19. Lads are youse going to be ok next season financially? Serious question, but spending another season by the sea must be setting the alarm bells.
  20. Genuinely think we can win this 7-0 if we want it. Falkirk look hopeless and we look clinical, confident and hungry as f**k.
  21. Utter nonsense disallowing Prentice's goal. Our commentator is hilariously clueless. Sammon is utterly finished at senior level, sadly, because I fuckin love him.
  22. Paid for the Jagzone nonsense for this. Mon eh fuckin jags!!
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