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velo army

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Everything posted by velo army

  1. Aye, 1994 was the first world cup where they gave 3 points for a win iirc. Utterly ridiculous that we went out in 1974 and 1978 having a win and a draw. That's enough to qualify from any group these days.
  2. Leighton being the obvious answer, but I imagine the answer isn't obvious. Ally Maxwell?
  3. I would hope that the proceedings against Kamara would be a quick wrap of the knuckles for putting one on Kudela in the tunnel (if that is in fact what he did, I hae ma doots). A good 6-8 game ban for Kudela would send a signal that UEFA was in fact serious about racism. Again, I hae ma doots, but I'm hopeful.
  4. TWAW was on telly the other night and it really is quite superb. BBC Storyville docs are the tatties as well. The one one the Black Panther party a while ago was incredible. Mark Thomas' documentary on Coca Cola meant that I haven't bought a coke product since. Excellently done.
  5. ^^^^ only started following the gers in 2012?
  6. I hope you have them a nice bottle of wine as a thank you.
  7. As one who recently bought a pallet splitter (most important tool since Guttenberg's printing press imo) this is a sumptuously relatable analogy.
  8. I wasn't bothered before, but I hope we absolutely pump you. Ive gone full Kevin Keegan now. Seething.
  9. Pansexuals are attracted to everyone regardless of gender, which really just makes the term bisexual obsolete as it can only exist in a binary paradigm and we seem to be moving away from that. I've heard it said that the difference is that bisexuals are attracted to people because of their gender, while pans are attracted to the person. This is, imo, a juvenile and simplistic notion of attraction and as such there is, materially (in that, how can you say a bisexual is attracted only to their partner's gender?) no real difference between the two.
  10. I realise I made that seem as if Greer was talking about Winston's gender identification. The two stories were quite unrelated.
  11. Aye I can imagine. Him having a full body aneurism when Ross Greer dared to provide a more nuanced view of Churchill was delicious telly.
  12. Cis means that your gender aligns with your biological sex. Queer these days means that you don't entirely align with your gender. There are so many terms that overlap. Gender fluid and gender queer seem to be the same, as does non binary. Bisexuality seems to be materially the same as pansexuality. You can tell I have young studenty pals.
  13. Not having this. Some of the quotes were more than reasonable at the time. Tierney had stagnated at Celtic and was also injured, apparently chronically. Also, we've now got a cracking few players in the squad and Tierney put in fantastic performances in the last few games. Using it as an opportunity for a GIRUY is poor form.
  14. @KnightswoodBear and Shagger are basically best pals now, so I fully expect him to have a word.
  15. Great attacking performance last night, and I'm delighted for the boy Adams getting off his mark. He looked like he enjoyed that. Our midfield press, or lack of it, is still a worry. We stood off the Faroes at points and just let them have shots and crosses. I might have thought this was due to them not being seen as a threat, but we do that with all teams, some of whom (Israel, Austria, Slovakia) punish us for it. We have the players to play an aggressive press/counter attack game. I don't think we'll qualify if our midfield continue to stand off.
  16. He was loaned out to Notts County before he was a first team player at Celtic. He was a bit and then went on to be excellent for Celtic. Saying he bombed is way off.
  17. Robbo has never been someone to beat a man unless it's from a give and go. Fraser is a pure winger so should at least be trying.
  18. Fraser definitely has the goods to beat a man, but continues to stop and play it back. Frustrating to say the least.
  19. It's easy and highly satisfying to get tore into the police and throw all of your anti-authority anger onto them. I've done it too. It feels fuckin brilliant to create an other and to just have at it. There are obvious things that we can use as evidence against the police, there is definite room for reform, but we also need to watch that we don't fall into the trap of dehumanisation. These folk tend to deal with people on their very worst days, and I imagine that takes something out of you. I also imagine that to deal with death and awfulness on the daily (or even just weekly) you have to become a certain type of person just to not fall apart. Incidentally, when I was working at the police club in EK I saw more than my fair share of bobbies who were functional alcoholics. The emotional toll of dealing with, not just the material impact of death and cruelty (gore, dead bodies) but the collateral impact in the shape of bereaved families, is unimaginable. So aye, there's perhaps cultural changes needing to be made (and may be in effect; these things do take time to percolate and become norms) within the police, and it's easy (for me too) to view them as, at best, jobsworths and at worst, fascist bullies. The treatment of football fans can leave a lot to be desired, and the aforementioned macho culture can have profoundly negative effects on public and officers alike. The apparently heavy handed approach to the recent vigil cast them in a poor light too at a sensitive time. But f**k me it's a profoundly tough job. Thanks for the reminder @Inanimate Carbon Rod, @pub car king and @scottsdad.
  20. Considine and Shinnie are both thoroughly pleasant and lovely individuals. They don't tip though. Ever. Context, I worked at TGI's and they were regulars. Dom Ball was an absolute gent though. And would always leave a tenner, regardless of the size of the bill.
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