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velo army

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Everything posted by velo army

  1. This should really only feature players from the Vogts era. I feel a bit "remember the 90's" Sellick da' about this but frankly, if you're nominating anyone capped after 2005 then you're either too young or too traumatised and have repressed the memory of the jobber parade that was Berti's "Reign of Error". I consider myself to be in the too traumatised bracket because, despite having gone to most of our games under him (including all but one of the friendlies....what the f**k is wrong with me!!!) I genuinely can't remember the finer details beyond it being a field of utter dross and James McFadden. Wilkie at least scored a goal, and Devlin had a decent game against Iceland, so I can't give it to him. Stephen Crainey looked like the archetypal competition winner though. Looked utterly lost at that level. I genuinely can't remember any of the English haddies who were "unearthed" (exhumed may have been a better word) by BV aside from their names. I'll probably need hypnotherapy to recall the contributions of Robbie Stockdale, Scott Dobie et al. Anyone nominating Gordon Greer obviously can't remember his tackle on Lewandowski over in Warsaw that broke RL's shinpad and had him hobbling off in the first half. Tremendous thuggery.
  2. Appreciate I might get perma-banned for this, but I reckon mayo on a pepperoni pizza would be pretty decent.
  3. Morelos has had his knockers this season but he did well tonight.......
  4. Delighted for you amigo. Enjoy the hell out of it. Marvellous effort from you lads tonight. I'm looking forward to the highlights.
  5. Not that I want Clarke to leave the Scotland job, but I think it's possible that he isn't wedded to a particular type of football, rather that he had his teams playing the football that got the most out of the teams he managed.
  6. Still incredible that Willy gets so many bites. Clever trolling tbf in managing to turn a rambunctious schadenfreude fest into a retrospective on the unpopularity of the bunnet. Nicely played friend.
  7. I quite enjoyed this as I really like the main actor. A lot of it is contrived and some of the character decisions aren't that believable. I didn't think it was very substantial. The lead actor is charismatic as f**k though and totally carries it on his big broad shoulders. The polis are too stupid though, it feels like a weans' show. As I said though, it was enjoyable enough and I really fancy his ex wife.
  8. The away game where we got beat 1-0? Fraser wasn't playing.
  9. He does seem to be playing well enough, but I wouldn't say we're exactly crying out for another midfielder. If he was playing at a higher level and was putting in similarly stand-out performances then aye, but being a stand-out for a team at the bottom of a league not much better than the Scottish Prem isn't irrefutable proof that he's better than what we have.
  10. I think apologies are just the start of it. As has been stated above an acknowledgement of harm has to be a part of it. I think financial reparations need to be part of this reconciliation too. The impact of child sexual abuse (csa) on the developing adult can be profound and devastating. CSA survivors/victims often develop addictions, suffer from depression or relationship difficulties. It ruins lives, sometimes terminally. I know I'm whistling here, but I want all clubs to take collective responsibility for this. Nobody talked about or dealt with sexual abuse back then, and the omerta surrounding it was endemic. I don't care if we were the only club in Glasgow who were innocent of this, we need to play our part in compensating the victims of this. I'm fairly sure enough is being done now to ensure that this doesn't happen again; there are PVG checks and disclosures after all.
  11. We're pish and aren't getting out of this league this season either way, so.....
  12. This for me. I didn't think he had a great impact on the game, but I did love that he never hid and was constantly looking for the ball. The boy has huge character. I still reckon he'd be great for us in a three. One thing we've lacked at times is someone willing to come short to take the ball forward. Not enough credit given to Barnsley for last night's performance. They were excellent and should have won. The very epitome of a disciplined pressing game.
  13. People who ski normally make an absolute mess of mountains by necessitating the construction of lifts and apres ski pish. The likes of me make beautiful patterns on erstwhile unused snowy golf courses and the occasional snowy forest track. Snow boarders are as bad as the skiers for the same reason. My way is simply a beautiful and graceful way of getting about .
  14. I bought (paid a small fuckin fortune for) cross country skis, boots and poles three years ago. Finally getting to use them. Ya dancer. Echoing Barnardo's point but this has been a cracking winter. Frosty as f**k and a good helping of snow. Superb stuff.
  15. In a poetic twist, Davie Bowman became a florist after hanging up his boots. Source; my big mate Stu who is an Arab and Bowman fanboy.
  16. Good summation of this movie. I loved it. Had this movie been made in the 90's he would be a knight errant in a Steven Seagal/Sly Stallone mould. Hell, he could have been Jason Statham in the Transporter who have pithy lines but seldom seem to be psychologically affected by the life they lead. Phoenix is still a knight errant, but this film leaves us in no doubt of the psychological and emotional price he has paid. The social effect too. He has no friends, he loses his mother and in the end he doesn't seem to have anyone and we're left feeling unsatisfied by it all, like (to quote the great Danish poet Ebbe Skovdahl) the operation went well but the patient died.
  17. Just watched "Instant Family" on Netflix. It's an adoption movie that deliberately moves away from "The Blind Side" and its mawkish white saviourism. Mark Wahlberg and Rose Byrne star as a couple who decide to adopt, kind of on a whim. It shows actually how tough it is and how the children react. The comedy doesn't exactly land and often feels a bit clumsy, although the laughs that are had during the support group scenes feel beautifully cathartic and real. The rest of the comedy is a bit too goofy and jars the tone at times. I'm not a fan of that American style "awkward" comedy. Surprisingly Octavia Spencer is in this, phoning it in but still managing to dominate every scene she's in. I'm an adoptee so I cried buckets at this, but also got quite angry at parts (American adoption is pretty fuckin weird and horrible tbh; one of these things that should never ever be privatised). It was a heartwarming movie with characters I did care about, and it gave space for even some of the many side characters to develop. All in all 7/10.
  18. This. Literally dozens of decent Glaswegian or Scottish actors and they pick an Irishman? It's such a tough accent to get right and his attempt is pretty lazy tbh. I quite enjoyed the last series (the ludicrous Billy boys aside) and enjoyed the tension knowing that Mosely isn't going to be killed (Shirley!).
  19. I think the spirit of the OP's post was if you could live in a particular time period, not if you could go on a holiday for a few weeks in your TARDIS. The latter would be cool as f*ck obviously and would play into your frame of reference in which you are an explorer/anthropologist type character and looking at Roman society from the point of view of someone from modern day Fife. In terms of living there though, without viewing it through the prism of modern morality, it would have been class being one of the masters of the universe (as it would have felt, no doubt). Owning farmland, vineyards and beautiful townhouses etc while enjoying all available pleasures would be exquisite. So I guess no matter what time period you're in, be one of the upper classes. Personally I'd want to take a leaf out of @Bairnardo's book and live in northern Europe before agriculture was developed. Pure anarchy. Just hunting, telling stories and shagging. It would have been a land of plenty too. No droughts or fish shortages. Marvellous.
  20. I'm wondering if we're reading too much into Gilmour being left out of two squads. Tuchel is still getting to know his players and is still figuring out what works. He's spoken glowingly of him, praising very highly what he has seen in training. I'm going to presume that Tuchel and Chelsea are still serious about developing him. I have a feeling he'll get his chance soon.
  21. I mean, aye, so being a slave or one of the conquered peoples would be shite. Buuuut, being one of the slave owning classes who regularly attended/hosted bacchanalian orgies would have been, as Cicero would say, teckle.
  22. Aye it appeared there was a lot of credence given to the talksport fanny with no articles carrying any quotes from Tuchel. Reading between the lines it seems that Gilmour's current pathway is unchanged. Mibbe Tuchel will apply his coaching fastidiousness to Gilmour and get him on a strength and conditioning program. But it sounds like he'll get his chance.
  23. I don't think there's anything to get our collective pants in a twist over. Tuchel wants to play a certain way and will go with players he has known for a while (Jorginho) and ones with experience (Kante and Kovacic). Gilmour's best chance to impress and play his way into Tuchel's thoughts (and also the national team) are to go on loan (ideally to a technical team in a technical league rather than yet another EPL team), get games and put in the performances of which he is highly capable. If he plays well and Tuchel still doesn't want him then Gilmour moves to another (presumably still very good) team, while earning his first few Scotland caps. As a Scotland fan I don't care if he plays for Chelsea, just that he plays which, if he goes on loan, he will.
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