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velo army

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Everything posted by velo army

  1. This strikes me as the type of "wearing a dinner jacket to lunch" snobbery that is more OFTW than choosing to wear a fitba top on holiday (gasp!!). It's thinly disguised class snobbery, made less thinly disguised by the "wearing a polo shirt is fine" pish that reminds me of wanky golf club nonsense. In short, i'm a 37 year old "fully grown" man who wears a jags/scotland top on holidays. It's comfy and, aye, it's a talking point, especially when I wear it to a tantra festival or some other similar thing. I quite like the juxtaposition, but I also love the connection to my inner child. It seems tragic to me that we demand that adults stick to certain rules of dress simply because we're adults. But in saying that, seeing someone with an OF or England top on holiday gives me good info on their good guy/w**k credentials.
  2. You familiar with the Jungian concept of the shadow? Bringing them out into the open is desirable as you can then identify and engage with the problem, rather than having it hidden (in this case, racist attitudes) and deniable.
  3. hawmstring injury, I believe. Stick Armstrong up there and we'll be just peachy though.
  4. It took me ten years to watch the highlights of that game. I've now gotten over some of the trauma by realising that we weren't robbed at all (they had a goal wrongfully chopped off for offside and our goal was, in fact, offside) but I still also have flashbacks to Faddy's chance. I rate that game as the best one I've ever been to. The fact that I was sitting beside Lesser Hampden at about 11pm absolutely crying myself hoarse over it is part of it. Sounds like a weird thing to say, and a strange one to choose rather than, say, either of the France games, but everything about that game was special. It was an end to end, even and dramatic game. The noise was constant. I remember thinking about the game for weeks, and then walking down to the stadium with my cousin from my flat, which was up the hill from Hampden, seeing it as a seething cauldron of light and noise. I wonder if I would have remembered it so vividly if we'd won. Anyway. I'm not going to engage with the stated intention of this thread. I'm superstitious as f**k and think the moderators should launch this thread into the sea before the Gods of fate catch wind of it and deliver a 5-0 pumping.
  5. Sizzling King Prawn McCoys is the correct crisp choice for this. "Driven by hatred". A wild take on a light hearted wind up post that seems to have hooked you in something special. Take a few deep breaths man. Tartan Army da's are there for the mocking; the hats are ridiculous and they tend to have more interest in getting blootered than watching/talking about the game. (awaits greenie from Gordo for correct use of a semi-colon).
  6. Watching in my flat while my flatmate (a non fitba supporting weirdo from Wick) looks on in utter bafflement at my understandable and completely proportionate emotional reactions to the game. I can't fuckin wait for this. And I support Gannonball's decision to laugh at all the Scotland da's* as I take pride in being a warm and inclusive support. *Presuming we win. Should we lose he can take his tattie-deprived face for a shite.
  7. I wish I could afford to live in a house with windows that big..... But maybe I'm protesting too much here. In all seriousness though, given the sheer amount and rolls of the stuff, I can see her not stopping at just the one window. War Chrismas indeed.
  8. My pal shared it on fb. She'll be livid if she ever found out I shared this on a thread mocking the poppy shite tbf (i hope she has no friends on here aside from me.....) Aside from the mawkish sentimentality, I'd have thought she would want to maximise the natural light coming in her window now the days are getting shorter rather than covering it up. I also think the poppies look like arseholes with piles. (I used to work in a care home, before you ask how I know such things).
  9. Thanks for this thread a'body. I've been finding it inspirational and validating to read some of the stories. I'm aiming for 3 months at the moment and have just completed a 4 week stretch booze free. I've long treated booze as an anaesthetic to stop me feeling things I don't want to be feeling at the moment. I love wine and beer, but I recognised increasingly that I was drinking to escape or to just feel better (and feeling drunk is ace too!!) and that the feelings I was escaping would come back tenfold in the morning (which I would then find another way of avoiding, via coffee and food "treats"). Being in my late 30's hangovers would feel horrible, and I recognised that I was giving myself an illness, voluntarily, once a week for a couple of days (I don't generally drink just the one glass of wine; it's the whole bottle). It's important to me especially now to not have it as a handy go to as I'm in the middle of a feminine fast (not being in contact with women) which is necessary (don't want to turn this post into an essay about my own personal journey, feel free to PM me though) and tough, and I need to let what comes up come up without having something to numb the feelings/escape. But f**k me this 4 weeks has felt like 4 months. I'm a hospitality worker who was used to hitting the pub after work three or four times a week. I feel emboldened hearing about all of youse able to give it up for many months.
  10. I think if someone is convicted (in the case of Gallagher and Strachan) then they should be allowed to go back to earning a living. I don't see the benefit to society in denying them this. It isn't as if Strachan just picked up where he left off either. He plays in the diddiest of diddy leagues and works during the week as a window cleaner, so using him as evidence of football not caring about someone's past is a bit off the mark. He talks like a man who knows he messed up hugely, and (according to the article I read when he was with EK) wants to help young lads from going down the road he did. So aye, him and Giggs don't seem to occupy the same boat. Gallagher is one I don't know enough about, but if the judiciary and criminal justice system are happy that he has served his time and is ready to be a productive member of society again then I dare say I'm at ease with it too. He spent three years in prison, which I'm sure our Daily Mail reading chums (hiya JLD, hiya pal) reckon is akin to going for a long spa treatment, but the loss of liberty is profound, and three years is a long think. He will have received various social work and psychological interventions too, which will do a lot to ensure he comes back out determined to live a life that ensures he doesn't go down the road which led to the aforementioned offense (which is the main function of the post custodial part of the criminal justice system). Giggs, if he is convicted, should go to prison. After his sentence his finished he probably will have too high a profile to get a decent job, regardless of our opinion on the matter.
  11. They're not chasing you mate, they're 6 points clear.
  12. I thought both keepers were excellent. Some of De Gea's stops were different class.
  13. Exactly this. Although what I find is that the further we get from WW1 the more leeway those in charge of the messaging have to change the narrative of that war, due to there being nobody around to challenge it (aside from those of us who read a book from time to time).
  14. Aye this was definitely Jim Slavin. I don't remember much about him except for the fact that one of my school pals thought his nickname was tremendous and used to do the honey monster voice when referencing either him in particular or the Jags in general.
  15. Just let us get carried away MT. Maybe even allow yourself to join us. I ken we've all been hurt before, but this time it'll be different. I promise.
  16. Seconds away from giving you a charles only to read the bit in bold and throw up. f**k Clyde, and for the avoidance of doubt I'm not seething or on the "verge of tears" after getting pumped by your lot.* *I am, of course, both of those things. Enjoy your Sunday you b*****d.
  17. All the more shocking that there was no punishment. In looked like a career ender.
  18. You should try beer traps instead. Slug pellets also get eaten by our hodgeheg friends and they are on the endangered list (not because of this, but it aint helping). E.T.A. I'm also one of those "kill nothing except food" hippy b*****ds on here. Even snails get launched into the neighbour's garden rather than be dispatched personally.
  19. Considine will ensure Mbappe sees the final......from his back pocket.
  20. *libel. Booooooooo!!! I'll probably listen in on the radio tbf.
  21. He makes old people food. He eats old people? "people you don't like because they're absolute monsters" thread for this pish please.
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