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throbber last won the day on April 11 2018

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  1. How did it get decided England would play Slovakia and not Netherlands?
  2. Why are two teams who finished second playing each other in next round? Isn’t that the entire point in having a league system for the group stages?
  3. The sounds not on - how does this effect England’s draw?
  4. It’s hard not to dislike England now - topping their group and only scoring 2 goals is impressive shithousery. Hopefully they meet Netherlands in the round of 16 and that won’t be a walkover. I really wanted to see them against Germany though as it would be the most entertaining game possible. What round can they meet Belgium in and are the guaranteed to be up against them if Belgium finish top and win all their games?
  5. There’s been a few stinkers - France games have been awful as well
  6. I can’t help you here. I just remember the butterfly song being constantly played and it was same time as Californication was released and it was putting me off music altogether. This was at a time when radio 1 was ubiquitous for myself.
  7. England looking fairly underwhelming but I just get the feeling they’ll be on cruise mode after they score their first and then win about 4-0
  8. Why are we talking about Scotland in this thread? I take it France finishing second is good news for England should they win their group?
  9. It doesn’t sound anything like Anthony Kiedis but the song probably came out around same time as Californication so maybe you were just confusing one dreary, overplayed song with another. He did a song with Oakenfold called stary eyed surprise that I used to quite like.
  10. They’ll get a shit load of votes but only end up with about 3 seats and then come out crying that democracy doesn’t work.
  11. I 100% believe he’d improve Scotland and our style of play, can’t imagine him being a big Grant Hanley fan.
  12. During his time at Everton he had a remarkably low budget did he not? Didnt realise West Ham were that high spending. Mental.
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