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Everything posted by Raidernation

  1. 1-10000000000000000 Anyone, anywhere associated with the bigoted brotherhood of clubs, old & new.
  2. I see "Virgil" still has his "old-firm" "GETOUTOFJAILFREE" card. Anyone else would have been yellow carded for that assault.
  3. Don’t. Just don’t get into steam. I had FM 2017 for several years, suddenly asking today to “sign into my steam account” Never had one but I tried. 20+ attempts to prove I’m not a bot by clicking on images, for an account I don’t have, and several years of FM is destroyed. f**k them! Do NOT get into FM any more, get out or avoid!
  4. Ohhhh, the one (of many) that actually wasn't one? I still remember a LC Final in that run of 3 Dons v Satan's XI finals, where "super" Ally sat on willie Miller's knee and got a penalty. "Good new sevco, always cheating"
  5. Oi! I grew up with Brora being "south" or "down there". Mostly golf as opposed to football (was long before Wick made it into the HFL)
  6. You lot would be absolutely fucked without Tavernier and "penalties"
  7. Football cliches 101 You can only beat what's in front of you
  8. Havertz is a donkey (and suddenly the melody of "Rhythm Is A Dancer" comes to mind...)
  9. Never mind, the BBC has just updated. How long ago did we actually score?
  10. It's only Clyde and the sheep-shaggers, the BBC don't care. It's maddening that I have to rely on this thread for updates as the BBC thread is so slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!
  11. ^^^ Translation: We fukkin' hate the sheepshaggers and hope they lose.
  12. I Fuuuucking HATE celery. I can taste even the smallest amount. In the bin now please. I drink tomato juice, but cannot drink V8 because of this, and the number of places that try to palm you off with V8 instead and think you won't notice? I have had arguments in restaurants over this and I'm not being a kuunt. Same with fennel. Pointless. Why make your food taste like a licorice allsort? I want a savoury dish you fashionista twat.
  13. Is ther actually a "likeable" snooker player left?
  14. I wanted Gruden to the Pats. Such a fraud.
  15. 16” in next 24 hours???!!! Ffuck
  16. Forecasting 8-12” for my area, starting 3am (local) on Friday. School has already called an e-learning day so I get to stay home!
  17. Isn't it about time that we punted Israel from UEFA and put them where they geographically belong, which is this tournament?
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