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Everything posted by houston_bud

  1. The only positive is that its still 0-0. Could be 3-0. Not convinced that's a penalty but I wouldn't have been surprised had it been given. McAllister was anonymous, although I think that was more down to our shape rather than his performance. Durmus and McGrath haven't been in the game either. In fact other than a couple of tackles by Sheron and a couple of blocks by the defence none of our players have done anything of note.
  2. Is Macpherson carrying a knock? I'm surprised he's not been as involved as I think he's arguably our best midfielder.
  3. Like a mug I'll probably pay it but is is steep. I get these clubs have to make money and are operating on fine margins, but how can we, County, Motherwell charge a fiver less?
  4. I agree. I don't think there's any malice in it but it's a dangerous challenge. Goodwin saying it was a harsh red but that he hasn't seen it back is fair enough, I'd expect he'll change his mind when he does see it.
  5. Even though we played with 10 men for so long, I'm pretty disappointed we didn't win that. Thought we were pretty comfortable until the red card, and it took a jammy two deflections to score against 10 men. Red card all day long for Shaunessey, it was a poor challenge. My only question, who made the decision? The ref played on, stopped play as Stewart was hurt, allows a minute or so of pushing and arguing then produces the red card. Who made that decision? Seems to have been the 4th official as the assistant wasn't flagging. It was the right decision though.
  6. I agree that was his best game in a while, I reckon Hamilton's improvement was more down to their changes though with Ogkmpoe and Johnson coming on.
  7. Accies will probably think they were worth a point as they were the better side in the second half. That said we should've been up 2-0 at half time and despite Alnwick having a couple of decent saves I don't think Hamilton really created many clear cut chances. The second half was scrappy and we really needed someone to put their foot on the ball, hopefully Flynn coming back can help with that. A couple of times Obika took a bad touch where we could've done with him holding on to it and slowing the game down. A win and a clean sheet away from home though. Can't really ask for much more.
  8. I know it's easier said than done, but I just want to see us get in their faces, Jullien struggles against a physical striker so hopefully Obika can let him know he's in a game. With being allowed to make 5 subs that gives us more scope for playing a high press for longer spells of the game. We also need to use the ball better when we have it, too often yesterday we gave away possession and invited more pressure on.
  9. He didn't really need to admit anything, we all saw it. 2 feet right into Millen's chest. What I liked about it was Millen jumped back up and chased him down the tunnel.
  10. Strange that Jakubiak has gone to Dundee, they're cutting players' wages and apparently we couldn't afford him.
  11. Looking at Sheron's appearances on Wikipedia he's made 26 for Fleetwood over 4 years and a handful on loan for a couple of different non league teams. It's certainly possible that he's just not quite ready to play and needs some time to get up to speed.
  12. I quite like little traditions and quirks. I don't have any strong feelings on the Loving Cup but I do think there is a place for continuing stuff like that. I think if your club has something like this then you can expect a bit of a slagging though from other fans though.
  13. Macpherson was a brilliant manager for us. He took over a shite team at the bottom of the second tier, finished 2nd in his first full season in charge, then won the league the following year. He then proceeded to keep us up and get us to a final (disappointing as it was) and a semi final. I think all managers have a shelf life and maybe the time was right for a change, but his record as Saints boss is a very good one. I don't understand the animosity towards him and anyone that says he was a shite manager is an idiot.
  14. I agree with that completely, he probably needed that season in the Championship but we should've loaned him out. Stubbs got rid of a promising youngster and brought in a couple of guys from the Jamie Vardy school and a Brock Madsen. I can't believe I'm even talking about Stubbs again, it just annoys me.
  15. More often than not I think it would be a yellow but to be honest it's a stupid foul, high and with no attempt to play the ball. He can't have many complaints.
  16. At first I thought getting Rangers at Ibrox with no fans would help us a little, but the more I think about it the more I think that could be wrong. When teams frustrate Rangers at Ibrox the fans get on the team's back, without the fans Rangers will probably be able to play with more freedom. As always in these fixtures, to take something we'll need to be at our best and hope Rangers have an off day. It's not completely out the question. We looked solid enough on Saturday but it's difficult to see where our goals come from.
  17. I wonder if that's how they are justifying it. As I said in my previous post it's difficult to know how much of an impact he (or the role) has at a club. I just hope it's not a case of knowing the cost but not the value.
  18. Robert Grieve of the Sun is reporting that Gus Macpherson is leaving. Appears that he's done a good job, I suppose with these behind the scenes roles we never really see how much of an impact he's had but I think he'll be a loss. I wonder if they'll look to replace him or use this as a cost cutting exercise. They should bring in Danny Lennon for a nice piece of symmetry.
  19. You know what you're getting with Morais, he'll run and run and try to make a nuisance of himself. McAllister is a more talented plater, no question, but he's a bit of an enigma. I really hope he comes good as on his day he's so exciting to watch.
  20. Not to dwell on a fairly small moment of the game (not for Sibbald admittedly) but I don't think the the fact that he's going for the ball is relevant, he leaped at speed and clattered right through Durmus before getting anywhere near the ball. The ref gave several softer ones for fouls on Obika. It was unintentional and I agree the ref should've stopped play as he took a sore one, but it's still a foul.
  21. That'll be the same sibbald who had to go off injured after being clattered in the air? You must've had your specs on upside down. Sibbald clattered into Durmus. I couldn't believe we never got a free kick there. Thought Saints edged it, our back 4 and keeper looked really good, Foley was brilliant too. Good 3 points.
  22. There was always likely to be teething problems. I'm still hopeful that everyone who wants to see it will be able to but there's no point in worrying about it. There will probably be people at the club getting stressed over it, i hope they don't get abuse if it doesn't happen. I'll have Open All Mics on with a few cans if I can't get the stream working.
  23. Totally agree, seeing young players progress is definitely one of my favourite things. Almost gives you a sort of proud dad feeling to see the likes of McGinn and McLean playing regularly and doing well in the Premier League or turning out for Scotland. At the likes of St Mirren we don't get a lot of silverware, so getting youth players to a high level feels a real achievement for the club.
  24. There's always players, when they leave clubs fans aren't that worried. It's all about who you replace them with. Take Calum Waters for example. I don't think anyone was that fussed when he left but had we replaced him with a Luke Conlon type player that wouldnt have been great. Fraser was a regular for a team at a similar level to us, for several years and was offered a new deal. He's no world beater but I think he'll be more than an adequate signing and depending on who plays right back for Ross County this year their fans might start wishing he'd signed that deal.
  25. I love Fitzy, you couldn't meet a nicer guy. Imagine getting wound up because a club's chief exec thinks they should push for top 6. I'd care more if he said all we want is 10th.
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