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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. Personally, I see more problem with you accepting someone wanting to turn your offspring into a c**t, than my comment
  2. I'd quite happily stab my wife if she wanted my child to support one of the Old Firm
  3. I'm more amazed he's allowed to work with the public
  4. I just got told they make that much every month. It wouldn't be surprising since they charge pretty much £100 an hour and all parts are insanely marked up. It's about £8 for a wheel bolt
  5. You must know better than me. So I'll start following this advice. It better work
  6. I hope to God someone posted telling her all she needs to do now is get rid of her rat like features
  7. Peugeot had a GTi before VW. That annoys me the most about VW trying to claim Golfs the original and best
  8. I think I have misread your posts after re-reading them. I apologise for acting like a douche
  9. ^HOMO TV's in, PS3's set up. FIFA here we come!
  10. My girlfriends addicted to playing Paper Mario on her Wii. I've got a craving for playing FIFA just now. There's only one TV in the living room where both consoles are located. I'm on the verge of moving a second TV into the living room just so we can play both at once, I feel like it would spell the beginning of the end of our relationship as we both immerse ourselves into our respective games and stop sharing our tales of the day and chatting about how much we care for each other
  11. I'm not saying I'm in the loop. I'm saying that UEFA are looking at the Richard Brittian situation as it could have huge consequences of the PCA system, and that in the midst of this the deals that Rangers are conducted have attracted some attention as it seem to be using yet another loop hole of this system
  12. UEFA's started to grow interested in the Richard Brittian saga and the whole deal with PCA's. I've been told their gaze will be flitting over the deals The Rangers have agreed at the same time
  13. There was probably just people in your room. Nothing to worry about
  14. Do you expect a small garage to buy a car, spends hundreds fixing it, get it MOT'd, and then try and sell it for a profit? It's simply not possible. Big garages get cars far cheaper than little garages, so the price ghets pushed up meaning there's almost no profit in car sales for smaller garages anyway. I'll tell you now that a small garage will do any work you want them to before it's sold, as it's a fucking nightmare is someone's constantly coming back wanting work done. Bigger garages don't do any more work before they sell a car, they generally do nothing as it's all about turnover. They just get newer cars, with less problems, for far less. Leaving them a huge profit, a high chance that there won't be any problem for a while after the cars been sold and also a huge margin if anything does go wrong You seem to be suggesting small companies are all about the money and would rather shaft you than help you, when it's the complete opposite for most. You'll bound to find a garage of dodgy traders. But the majority of small garages are fighting everyday to try and make a profit. The Audi garage in Perth makes a profit of almost £500k a month from labour and parts alone. To try and compare a garage like that to a small independent is completely foolish, and for what its worth your customer service would be far better at a small garage. The bigger ones are all about profit, and trying to kill the smaller ones off, this is why you see so many finance deals at the moment. Small garages cant compete
  15. Are you trying to claim that bigger garages are more likely to fix problems before a car is sold then a small garage?
  16. I think they remove versions when a new one comes out. It's shitey but seems to be how they work
  17. I parked a customers car on the street as we'd run out of parking spaces. The car at one side was mine, and the other was also from the garage. She had plenty of fucking room to get out as I left a good few feet at either end. 10 minutes after picking up her keys I hear an almighty fucking bang and she comes down screaming about how I'd purposely parked her car there and how nobody would ever have gotten out of that space. Luckily the old guy who lived in the house adjacent to where her car was had wandered down and ripped into her about how she shouldn't be driving if she couldn't get out that space without bashing something. Stupid cow It's not a stereotype at all by the way. From my experience women drivers aren't as good as male drivers at any manoeuvre, almost every time someone suddenly dives out a junction in front of me, it's a woman at the wheel
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