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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. Mike nodded. A sombre nod. The nod Napoleon might have given if somebody had met him in 1812 and said, "So, you're back from Moscow, eh?”
  2. I imagine that my voice sounds exactly like his. It doesn't, but I like to dream.
  3. It was just a comedy poem by PG Wodehouse. I wouldn't take his stuff too literally.
  4. TNG has had more farewells than Frank Sinatra, but none have ever felt quite right. Certainly not the abomination that was Star Trek nemesis. This feels a bit more like it.
  5. Anyone going from season 2 to season 3 without watching BoBF is going to be a bit confused.
  6. The irony is, if Sunak agreed to a referendum right now, and said it had to be held before the end of 2023, it might work in the yoons favour. With Sturgeon stepping down, the fragmentation amongst the nationalists is becoming clear, from the gradualists to the Jim Sillars types looking for UDI. The independence cause looks weaker today than it has at any time since 2011 because it seems that the united front for independence is fraying. He won't though.
  7. Napoleon was a little guy: They used to call him Shorty. He only stood about so high. His chest was under forty But when folks started talking mean., His pride it didn't injure : 'My queen,' he'd say to Josephine, 'The thing that counts is ginger.' He got too fat. We all know that From portraits in the galleries. He never seemed to learn the knack Of laying off the calories. But though his waist was large, he faced And overcame all foemen. He knew quite well it's brains that tell And not a guy's abdomen.
  8. Saw Quantumania last night. It was OK but I'll have forgotten it completely in a few months.
  9. I said that his effect on your team will depend on his fitness, and his recovery from injury. If he gets fit quick and stays fit, he'll be a good signing, especially as he has worked with McPake before. He is 35 though, so much depends on how quickly he gets back to match fitness. I said all this when you signed him. Not rattled. He could be a good signing - Dundee fans certainly think so - but time will tell.
  10. Absolutely right. William Wallace in particular, his story is pieced together from various second and third hand accounts (Blind Harry's Wallace etc) that went on to become part of the legend. Record keeping in the middle ages wasn't up to much.
  11. I hate to ask, but what sort of bedroom antics can lead to a deviated septum?
  12. Reece Witherspoon once went a bit Paul McGowan and got arrested for arguing with the polis.
  13. I have been reading Shelby Foote's History of the American Civil War recently. He adds a bit of colour to the books, beyond the dry historical. Quite into that at the moment for some reason.
  14. I wonder how many on here remember back to the beginning of the parliament? I remember when Henry Mcleish was First Minister. Apparently competent and taking over from something of a big name in Dewar, he wasn't very good in the end. I imagine who comes next will be like McLeish (who resigned in disgrace over what, by Boris standards, is an utterly trivial offence)
  15. "In a liberal society you can co-exist" Whilst in the real world, as the anti-Trans rhetoric hit fever pitch in the media, a 16 year old Trans girl was murdered.
  16. I've read up quite a bit on medieval Scotland recenty. The thing I take from this is that (pre-Reformation) the Catholic church was not just a single, homogenous entity teaching the same stuff everywhere. You had religious orders moving about such as the Blackfriars, Whitefriars, Cistercians, Benedictines and so on. Add to this, each local church had its own local cults and saints. Dunfermline, for example, is strongly tied to the cult of St. Margaret. Elgin and Thomas Becket. I have been examining pieces from churches that were damaged/destroyed in the Reformation (trying to see how they have degraded). Some timbers survived really very well, others not so much.
  17. I like that you read "degraded drink/drugs/red light binge" and immediately thought of Star Trek
  18. Been invited to speak at a conference in November in Amsterdam. Just need to figure out how to convince the wife that this is indeed work and not some degraded drink/drugs/red light binge.
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