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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. How many history graduates go on to be historians?
  2. I wouldn't agree about Turnitin. Through paraphrasing students can reduce their percentage matching and believe that it's job done from there. But they always mess up, every time. I've been in disciplinaries with students showing a Turnitin match of less than 1% to a source paper. They often don't understand how we find the originals. And if a student manages to get their paper down to 0% similarity, that's just a big red flag so we go hunting.
  3. My sense is that we are where we left off last season. Red Bull hosing everyone, Ferrari a distant second. McLaren chugging about in midfield.
  4. Reading the thread, I wish you all luck. Whether you're looking for love or just a bit of fun. My dating days are long behind me. Internet dating sites didn't exist when I was single, and don't know if things are better with them for people or not. If I re-entered the dating scene now I'd be hopelessly lost in all this. My step-daughter met hew new partner through the internet. No idea what site, but he's from Glasgow and she lives in Linlithgow and I doubt their paths would ever have crossed in the old days of chatting folk up in pubs.
  5. I disagree to an extent. I think it has aged very well, mainly because it was so detailed. Burns was trying to portray balance in his doc, and afterwards the Lost Cause folk latched onto it a little. The big thing really was Shelby Foote's open admiration for Nathan Bedford Forrest. He called him one of two geniuses the war produced (the other being Lincoln). And of course, Forrest went on to be the first Grand Wizard of the KKK. So folk are taking Foote's admiration of Forrest the soldier and mixing it with the KKK stuff he did later on and have tried to use this to demonstrate some pro-slavery ideas which really were not in the documentary.
  6. Someone threw a bottle of Omega-3 capsules at me! Luckily my injuries are only Super Fish Oil.
  7. Surely Elton John turning this down isn't a surprise, he was a pal of Diana. They should see if Roger Waters is free that day.
  8. Tough day on Friday. My wife works in on office with 3 other women. They are a tight-knit group, very friendly. One of her co-workers was absolutely fine in December, but a few days before Christmas started feeling ill. She declined rapidly and went into hospital. Issues with white blood cells and calcium. Soon she was diagnosed with cancer of the womb. The wife got a phone call on Friday to say that she had passed away. Something like 8 weeks ago she was fine. It devastated my wife, and the others left in the office. A really unhappy workplace. On the same day we got the (not unexpected) news that my dad's cancer was untreatable. He has a separate, unrelated terminal diagnosis last year so it is just a matter of time.
  9. You have no idea how many students think that by changing the words, they can get away with plagiarism or contract cheating. In some cases they don't even see it as wrong ("it is my own words")
  10. You are doing fine work, bringing enlightenment to the locals.
  11. You expect this from posters who live up north, in the darkness where there is wailing and the gnashing of teeth. But not @RH33
  12. 3 more Tom Baker ones done. Horror of Fang Rock. I have to say I found this one a wee bit dull. A lot of running up and down the stairs between the three rooms of the lighthouse. Finished well enough though. The Invisible Enemy. Really enjoyed this one. It had it all, a bit of inner space, alien virus baddies, mind control, space stations. And now K-9. Tell me the robot dog isn't in it much, please. Image of the Fendahl. A good, creepy storyline. Very enjoyable. Ancient aliens combined with a bit of the supernatural, and another case of a woman being the centre of a macabre religious ceremony. Lots of references to Leela's new dress, clearly made for extra skimpiness.
  13. Episode 2 was a bit slower, but more light shed on the storyline. Still a fair bit of mystery regarding the baddies.
  14. I have not had one yet. Either I am doing P and B wrong, or Falkirk fans are immune from them.
  15. It's bad enough when he commentates on a race. I can't imagine listening to him fill in time during a slow testing session.
  16. "Welcome to STV News, Mr Binks. First off, let me ask: if a woman has a penis, is that woman a man or a woman?"
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