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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. A first time offence, and the student admits it, then we normally void the course and make them take a resit and attend a class on plagiarism. That is the slap on the wrist stuff. It is still on the transcript though.
  2. In 2019 my doctor checked my prostate too. I was 39 and went in with a pain in my knee. Not sure how I ended up on my side hugging my knees. I dare not go back to him with any ailment.
  3. Everyone is. Including us. We just don't know it yet.
  4. Opening a plastic medicine container. Stand over a sink, attack the thing violently to get the lid off, and have the pills going everywhere.
  5. The dream scenario for me is this. Falkirk beat ICT in a thrilling 4-3 encounter that is a joy to the eyeballs. Rangers beat Celtic. Don't care how, won't be watching, but this will be followed by a "Beale's first trophy" festival across newspapers, radio and TV. Clyde 1 and the Daily Ranger lauding the new golden age. Then, Falkirk go on and win the final by a single goal. We would enjoy a full summer of "How did we lose to a League One team?" seethe and angst.
  6. If you guys make it to the final, I for one would hope you go on and win the thing.
  7. I think we need a rule on this thread that whenever anyone posts about him, they include his photo. Then remember that all the bile comes from a guy who owns this face.
  8. Went to a wee shop in Alloa at the weekend. They still don't allow people into the shop, service at the door only. I stood there asking for sweets whilst the woman retreated into the shop to get them. No clue how they are still in business.
  9. I shouldn't have done it, but I listened to 10 minutes of Clyde 1 last night. Rangers, Celtic, Rangers, Celtic. Apparently if Rangers win the game they win the cup. According to all the pundits and goons who phoned in,
  10. The line in the Thin Lizzy song "Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak Somewhere in this town" always annoys me so it wasn't chosen. I mean, where in the town will they have a jailbreak? My guess would be the jail.
  11. We're getting into "the proof is in the pudding" territory. Utter nonsense, the right saying is "the proof of the pudding is in the eating" which sort of makes sense.
  12. This was a postgraduate student. Had he fessed up and shown some remorse, we would have allowed him to keep either a postgraduate diploma or a postgraduate certificate. As it is, 2 years of his life up in smoke. On @mathematics point, the lecturer was well supported. She was bemused by the whole thing. We never believed for a second she did anything wrong, and I think she knew that.
  13. Long and complicated story. In essence it was contract cheating. Both he and another student at another uni bought the same dissertation and submitted them a few days apart. But our chap (who submitted first) claimed that he sent a late draft to his supervisor - a member of staff here - and that supervisor must have sold on or shared his dissertation with this other student. A very serious allegation as I'm sure you can imagine. I had to do the investigation as the case lead, getting files and raw data and so on. His story just didn't stand up (this other student apparently corrected a few mistakes he made as well). We had 3 hearings with him. In the final one we told him straight that we know it was contract cheating, we know where he got it from, know the website, know the original file (which i got a copy of), we know he lied previously. We told him that if he was honest and came clean we would take it into account. But no, he stuck like glue to his story that someone stole or shared his file (which was utter shite to be honest) and he really did do all the work himself. Loads more to this case than what I have put here but this is the rub. Expelled, obviously, with every single course he ever did wiped out also. We could not be any harsher. On a separate case, a student used Chegg for an exam paper and got the sizzling score of 3/100 from their "expert answers" In both cases students paid good money to buy utter garbage.
  14. Not me, but a close family member caught it in the late 90s/early 2000s. He is older than me and I remember him in the pub one night, talking to me and my friends describing in great detail what sounded like a cocktail umbrella being put down his old chap to scrape it out. His biggest gripe was that he caught it off a posh woman.
  15. Fourteen disciplinary hearings this week. Most are little ones, slap on the wrist, resit and attend a special class. One is the most serious I've come across and the harshest penalty we gave (or can give in the rules). Knackering.
  16. Have you ever been chased through a cave by a giant green alien who uses a five foot long penis as a bludgeoning device? The Doctor has. The creature from the pit - a lot of fun and a few laughs, but totally mental. K-9 has a new voice actor to add that wee bit of annoyance that was missing before.
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