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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. I've got two vaginas - I use one for porn and the other for my husband
  2. Don't know who the guy on the left is. But what to the UB have against Nicky Campbell?
  3. A few weeks since we heard from @Hoose Rice - hope he is OK.
  4. I dare say the poor lassie's mum has asked herself - tortured herself - with this ever since. We don't know what she heard, or what else might have motivated this, but we really need to be clear that opening her own front door in no way makes the mum responsible, even partly. This scumbag pointed a firearm and pulled the trigger. He is to blame, only.
  5. https://galactica.fandom.com/wiki/Battlestar_Galactica_(upcoming_series)
  6. Funnily enough I was doing a bit of reminiscing last week. The celebrant for my dad's funeral was talking to us to get everything down on paper about his life, and my brother and I mentioned him taking us to Brockville when we were kids. Turns out the celebrant is also a Bairn. The three of us spent 20 minutes or so talking about past teams and players. Eventually (after a few hints from mum) we got back to the matter in hand. Strangely we were not reminiscing about the last decade or so.
  7. Imagine this, but with the one on the left replaced by an old woman working at her desk.
  8. I quite like her too, but she gets given nothing to do. Hang about in the Tardis whilst everyone else runs about having adventures.
  9. Didn't work from Tuesday to Friday last week. Spent last night thinking I would have tons and tons piled up waiting for me to come back to. Everything cleared off by ten past nine. I'll just knock off for the afternoon. Fuckit.
  10. I was being shown around a building that had been renovated and was being used as offices. The tour guide was telling me about their innovative solutions to space. I went to go to the toilet, and in the gents there was a desk with a guy sitting at it, working. The desk had a perspex screen in front of it and a urinal attached to it. So, to pish I would stand in front of this guy as he worked, and he could watch me. I started laughing, then checked out the cubicle. Another desk with an old woman working at it at one end, the bog at the other. To take a shite I would sit and face the woman. I laughed again, trying to tell the folk that this was ridiculous, but they had all bought into it. Actually woke up laughing.
  11. ICT fans know they're coming to get pumped 6-0, that's why.
  12. I quite enjoyed Four to Doomsday, it was a throwback to some classic stories. Kinda was a bit meh. The "Tegan's mind" scenes were just odd. Tegan is calming down a bit which is good. Adric gets more annoying all the time. Nyssa doesn't really do too much. Getting used to Davison's calmer approach, and I think he's quite good.
  13. Name names, chief. It's a petty annoyance when folk don't specifically name these others, allowing the prospect of a heads gone
  14. Thanks - this is what we are trying to do. From 22 stone aged 45 to 10 stone when he passed away.
  15. 0 in 2022. 784 the year I was born. Peaked with over 1000 in 1990. Spectacular collapse.
  16. New show announced yesterday, production beginning in 2024.
  17. I did watch it when it was on - I find books are always better than the adaptations.
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