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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. Ignore it. I've been with OVO for years. They did some sort of update about 2 years ago and all their calculators went to shit. I got similar "based on your usage" messages saying I needed to triple my DD. Just ignored it. The DD I have covers what I use.
  2. State of Decay was alright, bit really felt I had seen it (or a similar story) before but this time with vampire references. Warrior's Gate was a right mess. Bad plot, bad characters, really weird "set". 2 stories to go of the Tom Baker era. He is phoning it in a bit now.
  3. Cancer is awful to watch. My dad hasn't long left and it has just taken everything from him. Absolutely no quality of life now.
  4. Shazam, Fury of the Gods. Enjoyable nonsense. I enjoyed this one more than the new Ant Man. Helen Mirren and Lucy Liu as the baddies was an interesting choice. Especially the fight scenes (Mirren has a long one early on) but... Why not? They clearly were having fun.
  5. Best of luck. As a teenager I discovered a lump on one of my baws. Spent ages worrying about it, but in the end it was just a cyst. Hoping for good news for you.
  6. Zipping through Tom Baker's final series now. He really is starting to look worn out by it. Less K-9. But this kid Adric is just a new annoyance. The quality has picked up a bit since the leisure hive, which I am confirming as my least favourite of all time.
  7. Well that was excellent. The show has changed to focus on the investigation side of things. When. It started it was all about the person in custody. But when all four sit and say "no comment" the show has to evolve.
  8. makes one decent point though: That really is spreading it too thin. That averages just over £3k per player per tournament. The total average is about £78k per season but most players will get far, far below this.
  9. Today is World Poetry Day. Not even a Friday FFS
  10. Really can't get a handle on the younger lassie. On one hand she's mortified that he'll disappoint her mum and is really concerned about finishing her degree. Then she gives a whole cold "No comment" interview whilst being shown clear CCTV that she led the two guys in.
  11. Don't worry, he goes back to his old voice in series 18.
  12. Finally, someone making a TV show entirely for me!
  13. I only have one question: What the actual f**k? The first 30 seconds and I'm thinking "OK, they're doing an El Camino style movie. Fine." After 30 seconds or so?
  14. As always, the details in the headline miss out important aspects from within the study. from the discussion: This has been raised here before. The absolute hardcore alcoholics just stop spending money on things like food and electricity to keep drinking, worsening the outcomes for them. And also This comes from the bottom graph here. The "trend" shows an upward trajectory in deaths in both Scotland and England since 2020. This is a model - a statistical analysis of likelihoods. I'm not saying it is wrong; I'm just saying that putting hard numbers (eg 156 deaths per year) on this is a little bit spurious. Now, onto the deaths - we know that we are still in a period of excess deaths post-pandemic. We're getting into the Covid territory of: did these people die of alcohol related diseases, or with alcohol related diseases? In other words, an alcoholic who dies because of Covid will be included here. Conversely, an alcoholoc who dies due to his alcohol related illness but within 28 days of a positive Covid test will also count as a Covid death. Next, take hospitalisations: A huge drop for both countries in April/May 2020 as hospitals simply stopped admitting people. The graph shows a clear dip, but a much deeper one in Scotland. The fact that NHS Scotland admitted fewer people here than NHS England is a driver in these statistical analyses. To be fair in the study they do discuss the fact that the pandemic with various Covid restrictions blurs their control group somewhat.
  15. In Alloa I remember a bit of bother in the news a few years back. They have a large area of nice, cultivated woodland called the Pleasure Grounds. Made at the end of World War 1 apparently to please the returning soldiers, I spent a few school days doing litter picking there. Anyway, they were building a new scheme nearby and one councillor got to name the streets. He named one "The Pleasures" which was nearby. A horrendous name for a street. Makes it sound like down town Amsterdam. I also see there is Brodie Avenue, named after the Reverend Brodie who was the minister at St. Mungo's. When I was a kid he would come to school at the end of every school term and bore us all to death.
  16. "Say what you like about them, the trains ran on time"* *Actual quote from my old driving instructor
  17. At school there was a girl who passed her driving test and her folks bought her a brand new car. They also made her use green P plates as she had just passed the test. Every day people stole those P plates. Every day the car came back with a fresh set. At the end of the school year they covered the car with the P plates. Not me, but I did have a laugh at it.
  18. Found my old post (2014) from when I got mine done. I had forgotten almost all of this.
  19. Posted this before but wiped my arse on the flag from the green of the 9th hole of Braehead Golf Club. Then put it back.
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