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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. Thanks to this thread, I bought Elite Dangerous. Not started playing it yet though, but probably will today.
  2. I asked a woman for a date once, but she said no because I had a face like the back of a boat. I didn't reply, I just gave her a stern look.
  3. Wolf Hall. Excellent book. Written in many ways in the style of John le Carre, with much done in flashback, but very engaging indeed.
  4. Just one from me today - Castrovalva. First outing of Peter Davison taking on the David Moyes position of following Tom Baker. In some ways he reminds me a wee bit of Matt Smith. Some very nice touches, taking a bit more time and breath to get to the point. The new Master is alright, but I wish they hadn't made him up to look like the original one. Feels a bit like a tribute act. Tegan is irritating me a bit but hopefully that will calm down.
  5. Rocky IV is the perfect film. 90 minutes that go by like 19.
  6. Off The Ball is bad for this. Stuart Cosgrove describing games and players as tasty
  7. You'll just have to buy them from now on, instead of nicking them.
  8. My wife used to work at the deli counter in Sainsburys and sliced her finger when she should have sliced ham. Took her to hospital. The fuckers docked her wages from the time she left "her post" Notice handed in shortly afterwards.
  9. My wife's boss has been off all week, having tested positive for covid. The wife suspects BS. I agree with her. This boss is off with Covid all the time. 5 infections so far, apparently.
  10. Warp speed also. Warping a ship is very slow. A dog paddling next to a warping ship could outrun it.
  11. I, for one, welcome Scotland's Turkmenbashi. Hail to the chief.
  12. A mate of mine had a life size cardboard cut out of her in his bedroom as a teenager.
  13. In no mood at all for bullshit this week. And this parasite is a fucking bullshitter. @Wingman and @CarrbridgeSaintee are just spreading the bullshit. Take up farming if you're so keen to spread muck.
  14. This gave me a flashback to Oaksoft equating Valentine's day with everyone's wives/girlfriends being prostitutes.
  15. Four pages in and no mention of @RH33
  16. Cancer took my dad on Monday. His last few days were horrible. He went downhill quickly. A few days earlier he was sitting downstairs, talking to visitors. The only saving grace is that his decline at the end was so rapid, it didn't draw out his suffering and indignity. We are all devastated of course. But at the same time his suffering is over, and by the end it was a relief of sorts that he was no longer in pain, no longer reduced, no longer relying on boxes and boxes of medication and feeding stuff. It hasn't really, fully hit me yet. It will. The whole family have been great, and we are rallying round my mum. I cannot think what else to add except to say, when you see fundraising efforts for McMillan and Strathcarron, stick a few quid in. The Strathcarron nurses were amazing. They all deserve more. The two who were with him at the end were there 2 hours after their shift finished. Not a word of complaint. Give em all a pay rise and much more.
  17. A friend of mine's wife had her birthday on Saturday. She told him not to bother with cards or presents and he fell for it. Utter rookie mistake. He got the cold shoulder all weekend. He's taking her out tonight for a big meal, and is going OTT with presents and flowers and so on.
  18. Betty Swallocks was the name of a 90s bongo movie star.
  19. I have seen the first 2 episodes of the Davison era, so you might well be inching ahead now. What an odd regeneration that was!
  20. Hi guys, I need to take a week or two off to deal with some family stuff. Please just relegate me to the seaside leagues. I'll come back soon. Cheers.
  21. The big difference between the two referenda was timescale. Indyref was 3 years in the making. By the time folk voted everyone was engaged and know the nooks and crannies over every argument you could think of. The Brexit one, Cameron tried to run like a general election campaign and run it in a few weeks. That allowed Farage and co to talk about immigration alone. All the other stuff, like Norn Iron, were barely mentioned. It became an uninformed referendum on immigration.
  22. Went to the dump. In front of me was a wee car with a decal that said "If you're going to ride my ass, at least pull my hair". The car door opened and a wee old woman came out. Must have been well into her 70s, maybe in her 80s. Fair play, auld yin.
  23. This sounds like what I had - an epidydimal cyst. The doc I spoke to (back in the 90s) said that it it was a hard lump like a peanut on the ball, they would be worried. Mine was squishier and bigger. Instead of an ultrasound he used a wee pen torch. Put it behind the lump and switched it on. The lump lit up, showing it was full of liquid.
  24. I always get through to the same Geordie lass. I cannot get angry with her. She calls me "pet".
  25. His was a strange exit from P&B. I think he got a suspension for a while, then took time off. Not sure if he ended up banned or voluntarily leaving. Deepti levels in that message.
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