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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. The wife headed off this morning for her week-long holiday, leaving me at home. On the week of the snooker world championship. That's my viewing sorted for the week.
  2. I saw a Bang Bus held on a Stagecoach hosted by Brian Soutar. Like A Handmaid's Tale, a sheet with a wee hole in it and lots of prayer. 3/10.
  3. Went to visit my mum today. She had been clearing out cupboards and found my old report cards (from primary one to S6, every single one). My kids faces just lit up. They divided the reports between them and just started reading. In p4 apparently I was daydreaming in class. My 12 year old daughter wagged her finger at me, asking "why were you not working instead? Eh? Explain!" A whole day of getting ribbed about these.
  4. My team have clearly chosen to hold back for Deadly December. Almost May and zero points.
  5. It was very enjoyable, even if it did rip off Return of the Jedi, All Good Things..., and Star Trek 4 (listen to the wording of Chekov's speech).
  6. I saw my neighbour's cat stalk, then kill a mouse in my garden. I've been a fan of that cat ever since. I'd rather mice were killed in my garden than living in my loft.
  7. I'm on the PS4, sorry! I've done a few combat missions but they get a bit dull after a while. So far I've found I can kill someone really easily, or they wipe me out in 5 seconds. There is no in between of having a long battle with someone. Been exploring, salvaging stuff, a bit of trading..
  8. Before becoming a novelist, Conn Iggulden was a teacher. One of his pupils was Fearne Cotton.
  9. It was a bit of comedy...
  10. Schumacher family planning legal action over AI ‘interview’ with F1 great
  11. They have risen, but a recent study showed that they rose ever so slightly more in northern England. As such, they are concluding that MUP has saved lives. But this also negates the very real point that MUP is utterly devastating to hardcore alcoholics. They stop spending money on things like food and heating to keep drinking, making their health outcomes worse. In effect, the very people this policy is designed to "save" are being harmed by it. As @Todd_is_God says, the answer always seems to be that it isn't expensive enough. Heard a guy on Radio Scotland yesterday saying it needed "reset" to 70p a unit. A 40% jump in costs.
  12. Lalla Ward was in another story before becoming Romania, too. In that case, she said she specifically chose the face because she liked it.
  13. There is precedent. Colin Baker was a guard on Gallifrey on a Peter Davison story.
  14. Saw 5 minutes of an MTV show. Full of shite patter. "catching feels" - hoped that had died out by now.
  15. It was burgled. They took everything, furniture, the lot. When he saw it, Phil said "Take a look at it now. It's just an empty space."
  16. The average horse produces 12 litres of saliva every day.
  17. You're viewing this all wrong. A danger shag would be much more fun.
  18. At least it is just a movie and not another sub-par TV series.
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