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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. At least it is just a movie and not another sub-par TV series.
  2. If anyone has mentioned David Haye here, you need to remove him from your lists now. He may have been shite at boxing but his recent work is exceptional.
  3. "Anti-Piracy Manager, Sports". As job titles go, this one boggles the mind. Assuming it's IT, but prefer to think of her going about attacking Somali pirates trying to move fake Man United tops around the world.
  4. A jobby on the doorstep days more than words ever could.
  5. I watched it last night. Not as much fun as The Three Doctors but good fun in any case. The guy playing the First Doctor was, i think, a bit miscast. he just didn't do it justice in the same way David Bradley does. Good to see some old companions back. Can someone please tell me how Sarah Jane got a K-9? One is on Gallifrey with Leela, and the other in E-space with Romana. where did this one come from? The Death Zone looks awfully like a quarry, like many alien planets from the Troughton era. My favourite bit was the Brigadier landing a punch on the Master.
  6. I doubt it'll convince anyone to convert their views on climate change. It's much more a 5-minutes-of-fame thing.
  7. After a couple of reminders about mine from last year, I've not heard anything for ages.
  8. The wife heads off on Saturday for a week, leaving me at home. Big screen TV, beer, spicy food and some odd, drunken P&B posts at 2am are likely.
  9. Scott's study leave starts next week, which means his last proper day as a schoolboy is this Friday. How is this possible? He was just in nursery not long ago.
  10. My siblings live quite far away. They were brilliant in my dad's final days, dropped everything and came to help. Now that the funeral is done, I doubt I'll see my sister again until some other wedding/funeral comes up. Probably be at least 2-3 years before I clap eyes on her again. My brother comes to visit every other month, so I'll see him regularly. At the funeral, my daughter (who hates getting hugged) complained that she was getting hugged by family members she didn't know she had.
  11. Nice wee diversion here - when steel reaches 500 degrees C it's Young's Modulus is halved. The steel isn't melted but it isn't strong either.
  12. Not been on P&B much lately but have been battering through series 20. Mawdryn Undead was fun, and good to see the Brigadier make a return. Thurlough looks to be an interesting addition. Terminus was a bit boring, and quite sad to see Nyssa leave. She has been my favourite of Peter Davison's companions. And, for reasons I don't understand, they ripped off her skirt so she spent the episode running about in her underwear. Enlightenment was good fun.
  13. My dad's funeral was at the end of last week. It was a really nice humanist send-off. Music he liked (Scottish country dancing stuff), and the celebrant was a guy he knew and used to work with. The funeral director was a mate of mine at school, and knew my dad since he was a toddler. He really went the extra mile with everything. We expected about 150 to turn up, and almost 240 did in the end. I left mid-afternoon once we had had the tea. The kids sat well through it all, their first funeral ever. Sorry, nothing for the "shenanigans" part of the thread but just to say, when it is done well, it makes a huge difference. Sod all that "Cremate your loved one for a grand" pish, or having the Co-op anywhere near a funeral.
  14. I've lost track of how many times I have voted for Yogi in recent months. Seven or eight, I would say.
  15. Can't believe the UB's don't know the difference between a Union Jack and a Union Flag.
  16. On burglaries, many years ago my parent's neighbours went on holiday. They asked my mum to pop in each day and put out water and cat food for their cat. Mum went in one day and looked around. She thought that the cat had really been acting up - the place was a mess. Drawers pulled out, stuff smashed. Only when she saw that the back door had been kicked in did she realise that the cat has not ransacked the house, but burglars had.
  17. On the episode itself, quite a weak one for the season. There is the confusion of the Borg Queen as noted above. Bringing back Shelby was nice...only for her to make one short speech then get shot dead. The Enterprise F looked a big old beast. The last 10 minutes...why? We're into the realms of fan fiction now, bringing back the D.
  18. Strange New Worlds is good though.
  19. Tesco going OTT with the "Let's celebrate the king's coronation". Aisles of shite, union flags, the lot.
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