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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. In itself, gender dysphoria is not an illness but can cause significant mental health issues if unaddressed. I would have thought that was straight f2.
  2. That's the one my dad had. Awful disease. Hope your neighbour recovers well.
  3. Blue lights thread for this pish.
  4. On the "number of horror stories", I looked into this after mine. 15% of people who get the snip experience some sort of issue afterwards. So, 85% of people are fine. I was one of the 15% but it has all settled down now.
  5. If William Shatner married Stevie Nicks, she's be Stevie Shanter-Nicks
  6. Yes indeed - Gene Roddenberry wrote the lyrics, knowing they would never be used. Why? Easy - by doing that he claimed 50% of the fee for the theme tune. Alexander Courage (who did the music) had it in his contract that every time it was played he got royalties, as would any lyricist. So by doing this, Roddenberry took half of Courage's fee. For decades, Roddenberry took half of his cash. Courage was, to say the least, unhappy about it.
  7. It frees my mind up to think of other, more meaningful things.
  8. The most obscure Star Trek one yet. In the episode of The Next generation "The Neutral Zone", Troi is talking to a woman revived after centuries in stasis about her descendants. She shows her the family tree. In the original broadcast, what popped up on screen was this: A bit blurry, bit it names the first 6 Doctor Who actors on the left. On the right names include Kermit T. Frog and Miss Piggy. This was replaced in the remastered version with names related to the character's name.
  9. She did indeed.http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/792414.stm But let's reflect a little more on her time with the Tories. https://www.theguardian.com/world/1999/may/04/gender.uk What's her views nowadays? Who knows?
  10. When I met my wife I had a healthy collection of Hawaiian shirts. Wore them almost daily. Within 6 months of us getting together I was down to my last one. Now I just have what she buys me.
  11. Just amazing that the good people of Central Fife didn't elect such a first-class politician.
  12. There are no error bars in the paper. Data are presented as tables, not graphs.
  13. Here's the Tory candidate for Central Fife in 1997
  14. Saw one where a couple went to an estate agent, and the guy was setting up webcams and microphones to spy on them "to see if they are any good" Pish.
  15. I've seen Behind the Green Door. Next week, we're Behind the Red Door. Was genuinely routing for Lore. Spiner should have been left out of this reunion.
  16. Blue Lights or Parole?
  17. My dad went on a curling tour of Canada in 2004 and absolutely loved the Tim Hortons there. When they opened one here, my mum took him to it...all they had in common was the name. Utter shite here, he said.
  18. I think we're about level pegging @Autistisches Nilpferd Time-Flight was mince. Really just a bizarre story designed to shoehorn in an advert for Concorde. No offence to Anthony Ainley but his Master isn't really up to much for me. Doesn't quite have the same level of camp menace that Roger Delgado was able to bring to the part. To be fair he isn't helped by the fact they've made him up to look like Delgado as much as possible. I was pleased that Tegan was left behind as I felt she spent the whole series whinging and asking to go back to the Tardis... And on to the Arc of Infinity, and Tegan has returned. But she isn't nearly as annoying now. Nyssa is given much more to do and I am warming to her quite nicely. And Colin Baker doing a turn as a security guard was nice also. The Time Lords are a bit boring it has to be said. When you think back to The War Games and other early stories they were in, there were really, really powerful and almost baddies. Now they're like headless chickens waiting for the Doctor to come and rescue them. Peter Davison has settled well into the role after his first series. But he is still a bit low-energy compared to Baker and Pertwee. Onwards...
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