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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. We had a Sunday League cup tie against a team from the local quarry at the weekend. We beat them 2-1 on aggregate.
  2. There's a billboard near Graeme High in Falkirk. That's plenty.
  3. Started watching Cunk on Britain. Hilarious. The academics interviewed have clearly been told to keep a straight face, no matter how daft the question was. One woman almost cracked when asked "King Arthur. He came a lot, didn't he? Like, more than a teaspoon?"
  4. The new series was due to air in Australia today, also. Now been pushed back.
  5. My Mum's cousin is in her 80s, and in a care home. The big activity they've had the codgers doing this past week? Colouring in Union Flags for the bunting. She's raging. Always has been a republican.
  6. What a weekend - in all the wrong ways. Boring race, topped with a boring sprint race. The thing at the end was just madness and someone needs sacked for it. Coma-inducing. Guenther Steiner made a decent point - the tyres were too durable. There was little to no performance drop-off. If they went off a cliff sooner, forcing either more pits stops or issues, then things would have livened up a bit. Time to bin DRS in its entirety.
  7. I'd be happy to join in a chant about Charles. Just not the one they're suggesting.
  8. Jesus wept. Super Mario Brothers I don't even know where to begin. Imagine the game with voices. And no story. I checked my watch every 5 minutes to see if we were close to the end. What a waste of 90 minutes of my life. Afterwards I asked my daughter if she liked it. She shrugged. I asked if she would go and see it again. She said no. One of the better reviews. And it was packed. Loads of kids. One wee girl kicked my seat for the whole film.
  9. I made an appointment last week. Was seen 2 days later. Falkirk has a secret super NHS system. Don't tell anyone.
  10. If cooking for yourself and family, once it is on the plate grate some cheddar over the top then under a bit grill for 5 minutes to colour it and give it a wee crust. Anyone else...
  11. Springer was the first. Loads of poor imitations came after him (Ricki Lake, Maury, Etc) Even here we had Vanessa Feltz and Tricia Goddard before Kyle.
  12. That's their list of greatest characters, not the most famous. Some utter dross on that list..
  13. If Si does win, expect many, many social media memes showing Shaun Murphy's rant against him last year. Here's hoping...
  14. The most popular TV character for deaf people as well. It's a show that really can go worldwide as there is almost no talking.
  15. How J.R. Ewing Won the Cold War It's an age thing, I guess. JR Ewing was possibly the biggest TV character in the 80s, but sort of vanished after that. If you're younger than 35 you might never have heard of him.
  16. With the wife away this week, I've eaten far less meat than usual. Vegetable chili, vegetable fajitas and so on. Just didn't fancy the protein.
  17. Not been here in a while. Who has taken up Oaksoft's cause?
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