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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. The Scottish Reformation of 1560 and the English one under Henry VIII were hugely different. This was nothing at all to do with bringing Scotland and England together. That argument is utter nonsense.
  2. He better bloody get in! Any chance of free tickets would do me nicely.
  3. My youngest was cooking in home economics today and brought it home for me. "I made pasta. It has mince in it. It isn't raw because it went brown. And it has a stock cube and tomato toothpaste stuff in it." A natural saleswoman.
  4. I'll join you on the barricades if you bring the sandwiches.
  5. Your 56th birthday. You'll just wake up a new man with new ideas about how the world ought to be run. You'll change your news subscriptions and radio channels. GB News will be your channel of choice. But, you won't realise you've changed. That's the trick. Auld Oaksoft was a pinko commie well into his 50s. Then...pooft.
  6. I imagine that this is how many investigations go in the US. Loads of media coverage, amateurs/podcasters all over the place, conspiracy theories, short-lived celebrity status of a few and at the centre of it, police trying to do a job whilst being pulled in all directions by the maelstrom. And a family no further forward.
  7. I used to get a valentine's card every year from a secret admirer, but this year I haven't received it. First my gran dies, now this.
  8. Product design. Not 100% sure what it is but he is well set on it.
  9. Scott is in his first interview for uni right now. It's over zoom, and he is downstairs doing it. Just hoping he gets through, this is the course he really wants to do.
  10. The police apparently released this personal info at the request of the family, as someone was trying to sell this as a story to the papers.
  11. One day to go, and I am unnaturally excited by this.
  12. I liked Jodie Whittaker in the role. A lot of those scripts though were dreadful. She was badly let down. I watched her run before watching any of the classics. I assumed that the Doctor plus one companion of the opposite sex was the norm because of that. So having 3 companions was at first very strange. But the old ones are far more fluid about the number and make-up of the team.
  13. Thanks for the heads up https://www.perthstjohnstonefc.co.uk/news/article/max-kucheriavyi-heads-to-falkirk-on-loan
  14. If @BFTD was still around, we'd have been 90 minutes into posts about cock rings by now.
  15. In An Audience with Billy Connolly, he talks about weird guys with last names for first names. He gives the examples of Findlay and Crawford. When he appeared as a baddie in Columbo in 2000, his character was called Findlay Crawford. He chose the name himself.
  16. Damn. I was really hoping to vote for John Hughes on the "Next Dunfermline Manager" thread.
  17. I don't know about people not changing their attitudes. My dad and I argued about Section 28 years ago, him wanting to keep it and me wanting it gone. In the years since he really has mellowed out - I think when he was growing up, gay people were weird and amoral things to be avoided. It was the prevailing opinion at the time (he is almost 80). Now he has a completely different attitude. Getting to know a handful of gay people has helped break down these barriers. Having a gay nephew and grandchild also did. Years of societal education that gay=weird have finally gone. They're just...people. Took years but it can be done. And hopefully new generations won't be so blinkered.
  18. Everyone watching that on TV was the same. Utterly cringeworthy.
  19. I won't name the tweeter, but on the Nicola Sturgeon thread @Richey Edwards pointed to one guy openly fantasising about the rape and murder of Nicola Sturgeon. Richey, being a good guy, reported the tweet as did @DeeTillEhDeh and @Leith Green Apparently though the tweet was fine. Twitter, under Musk, have no problem with this kind of thing. No safety rules broken, no problemo.
  20. On Robot of Sherwood, I have a recollection that they had to hastily re-do the ending as it involved decapitating a robot, and there was something in the news at the same time about folk being decapitated. It sort of threw the whole episode - a slow build-up to an event that never happened. Surprising as the MArk Gatiss episodes are usually alright. I never, ever took to Danny Pink. He seemed a bit aggressive and controlling. I wasn't exactly dancing a jig when he got bumped off but I can't day I thought he was a loss to the show.
  21. "The army I spoke about three weeks ago, having been 3,000 strong, now it is tens of thousands strong, and we are the soldiers on the front line. Soldiers of belief, soldiers of hope, soldiers of togetherness, soldiers of love. It's a chipper, not a chippy. Now get a can of Lilt inside you before we go and beat Falkirk."
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