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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. It's bad enough that some idiot was chucking a coin on the field at Alloa, but to have the Herald put DRoss in an article about us is just the pits.
  2. I'm assuming P&B has some kind of filter that is keeping out whatever filth Welshy is trying to post...
  3. Exactly. He was probably looking forward to a good half-season with us and getting some game time under his belt. Hamstrings are a real ache to treat as well, and this sounds like a real bad one. Take ages and ages to heal.
  4. That sucks. Feel very sorry for him too, barely on the park and gets that as an injury.
  5. Match thread titles that don't actually name the teams. Looking at you @Alert Mongoose...
  6. To me, this is what makes this transfer window fascinating. You stuck, and we twisted. Time will tell which approach works out but, for me, I'm just looking forward to the next few months of seeing how this championship goes.
  7. There is a general Star Trek exemption in place across the board. You can discuss them in any thread you like, at any time, even if it is not relevant to the topic of the thread. It's the deal I signed with the mods and it runs to next summer.
  8. The last thing we need is Lafferty. We tried a similar experiment last year with Griffiths and all it did was drain cash out of the club for no reward. We don't want to be seen a a club where former old firm players com for one final pay day before retiring.
  9. Watched Kindergarten Cop with the kids last night. At the very end, Arnie is in hospital having been shot in the leg. His arms seem fine even though he was shot somewhere in the upper body. Regardless of his perfectly functional limbs, a nurse is spoon feeding him jelly.
  10. I applied once back in around 2000. I was very, very tempted to go. Went to the interview in Edinburgh and the guy who was interviewing me (more of a chat) was explaining it. 6 days a week, 14 hours a day, shit money. But, he added, you get Sundays off and there might be pretty girls working there. The fact he kept touching my knee and his general creepiness made me decide not to go in the end.
  11. I'm frankly amazed that we've not seen Mr Williams for this bit yet.
  12. Did you get a goodwill gesture also? When I took Scottish Power to them, they had to pay me a few hundred quid.
  13. He is probably sitting at home right now, crying into his pile of old Daily Mails. Chugging off to old photos of the Queen, whilst PlumperPass videos play on a loop in the background and he is watched by the unblinking eyes of a stolen shop mannequin that sits in the corner with a sign around its neck that simply reads "wife". Probably.
  14. Finished a further 2 Tom Baker stories. The Planet of Evil was very creepy. This could easily have been a Hartnell story, a few parallels to The Rescue but much more fleshed out. Highly enjoyable. The Pyramids of Mars was a fun adventure storyline. The name "Mars" made me think this would be the ice warriors again but it wasn't, which is refreshing.
  15. And then there were none... The Gender Thread claims another victim roaster
  16. Got Falkirk promoted. Won the Scottish Cup with ICT. Got Dunfermline relegated. That's shree big successes right there.
  17. "Right, I've been thinking." I said to the oncologist. "I'm not keen on radiotherapy or chemotherapy. At this stage I think it would be best to just let the disease take its natural course." My wife's eyes filled with tears, "We should've discussed this together." "My minds made up." I insisted. "I think your wife is right." Said the consultant. "After all, she is the one with cancer."
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