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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. I'm about 5 episodes into Moon Knight and am losing track a wee bit.
  2. Tesco in Wales screening off all the non-food aisles because it was unfair on toy shops who had shut. No wonder Amazon absolutely cleaned up during the pandemic.
  3. Maybe he was chasing the kid into the water? You foiled his plan.
  4. I long suspected that Lilt was the drink of choice of deviants and sex fiends. Seeing who has popped on here saying they will miss it has just confirmed this.
  5. Enjoyed the game quite a bit. Enjoyed seeing the eyebrowless Braveheart's dreams going up in smoke even more. The more you see of Darvel, the nastier a bunch they look from top to bottom.
  6. Eating History (Blaze). The premise is simple. Two guys find/get sent old food and drink, still in the original packaging and unopened. They then open and try it. Caught one last night where they had cans of Billy Beer (which I thought only existed in an episode of the Simpsons). Gave the history - it was only made in 1977 and was named after Jimmy Carter's brother. So, two cans of unopened beer from 1977. They opened it, drank it, and the reactions were pretty special. Basically it tasted like yeasty bin juice. They tried crackerjacks from 1938 that had dead insects on them, cod liver oil from the 1920s, a 1990s candy bar...for some reason it is an utterly joyous 20-odd minutes of TV. A wee bit like Pawn Stars in the way they describe the background to the stuff they are about to ingest. Then you see if the stuff is nice or nasty (mostly nasty).
  7. I agree, I think we got peak Yogi. We even saw the start of his decline, that final season.
  8. He turned Falkirk round too. From an upwardly mobile Championship club to League 1.
  9. Aberdeen, Motherwell and Partick all looking for a manager. If Yogi doesn't get a gig at one of these, surely his time as a manager in Scotland will be up.
  10. My mate has quit his job at BMW. Of course, he gave no indication he was leaving.
  11. @Dons_1988 in all marriages and relationships there are peaks and troughs. For me, thinking back to ~2016 my wife and I were in a dreadful place. We just couldn't find common ground. Some of it was down to individual pressures each of us were facing, and some down to just some kind of inexplicable deterioration in our relationship. We sat down and had some pretty serious conversations. Were we going to stay together or split up? If we split up, how exactly would we do it? In the end we decided to stay together and see how it went. A few pressures eased off, and we made more time for each other. Starting in 2017 we really put time into it. Might sound silly but simply being aware of how you speak to each other and listen to each other helps. We're closer now than I think we have ever been. I know folk on here like to take the piss because my wife goes away for wee holidays without me, staying with a couple of friends of hers, but honestly this has been brilliant for us. These short breaks make me (at least) realise that I miss her when she is away. Years ago, when we first got together, I was away every third week with work. Similar dynamic - looking forward to coming back and seeing her, making plans for a night out together when we are back together and so on. This is all rambling and not any great advice, except to say that talking and listening can help. Use the cushion thing of need be (the person with the cushion speaks and the other one listens, then pass the cushion over). We did that for a while because I had a bad habit of interrupting her when she was making a point.
  12. If so, it hasn't worked. My Samson-like strength has defeated the cunning weasels in charge of the Coca Cola company. Why would anyone want to drink out of the bottle with the cap smacking you at the same time? Madness.
  13. 500 ml coke bottles. Unscrew the cap and it doesn't come cleanly away from the plastic collar. The wee ring ends up with a long, jaggy bit sticking out, ready to turn your gums into ground beef. This has happened a few times to me in recent weeks.
  14. Just do it yourself. Gorilla glue and duct tape will sort it out no problem. Be sure to post pictures of your work.
  15. My old man has been in hospital since Wednesday, and is getting out today. Back to his own home and his own bed. Genuinely spent the last week or so worried, but he seems to be getting better. Took the kids to visit him yesterday and that cheered him up too.
  16. This might sound glib but there is no normal. Everyone is unique. All you can do is be yourself and if others don't like it, that's their problem and not yours. You're a good guy, that's the thing to remember.
  17. Another two Baker stories done. The Deadly Assassin. I was looking forward to this one - back to Gallifrey. And I wasn't disappointed, got more of the Time Lords here than I think we have before. That said, the Master being a sort of Skeletor took away some of the menace for me. That, and episode 3 (fighting in the matrix) was just a bit nuts. I didn't like that one so much. The Face of Evil had a very interesting premise. Savages and technicians, ruled over by an evil supercomputer who was accidentally imprinted with the Doctor's personality. It unfolded very well, though at times I was trying to think if this was referring back to a past episode. And now a new companion. Having had scientists, reporters and UNIT staff recently, we've gone down the scantily clad savage route with Leela. I'm not saying it's wrong, just that they probably wouldn't do this today. Also, she was the only woman on the planet, apparently. Looking forward to seeing how she compares to the other recent companions. I think Jo Grant is still my favourite so far.
  18. Weegies, Teuchtars...all jealous of those of us born in Falkirk.
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