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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. If anyone deserves to let off a bit of steam, it is you. Car accidents, racism and Covid in recent weeks. I do not blame you at all for getting wired in.
  2. I saw a Thomas the Tank Engine where the tunnels all got blocked. This thread has reminded me of that for some reason.
  3. It has been going down hill ever since they peaked with Windows 98 2nd edition.
  4. Last night's conversation with Scott. Me: What would you like to watch? We have all of netflix, amazon prime, sky cinema. The choice is yours. Literally anything. Scott: Original series Star Trek. Me: Watched Arena and Space Seed.
  5. To me, saying "wid" or similar is a regular thing on these pages. It usually never goes past this. If it does, then the roaster responsible for the comment gets the piss taken. Think Bonksy and his incel thread about hating women (which was thankfully deleted) and you see the distinction. That was incel stuff, not this. Seing oaksoft become wokesoft has been fun though...
  6. Fathers Day stuff in supermarkets. When did Del Boy Trotter become the face of this? Every second card is "luvvly jubbly" pish.
  7. This can only be good news for Red Bull. A bit like Mercedes in 2014, or Brawn in 2009, they just got the new regulations right from the beginning and will probably hose the championship. Ferrari are just too brittle to succeed this year. They can match (but maybe not beat) Red Bull on pace, but their engines are made out of porcelain.
  8. Hard to disagree. And there will be utter bewilderment from the studio bosses when these new shows just don't bring in the numbers of viewers. On the books, up to the end of part 2 of A Storm of Swords was brilliant. I really, really loved them. Then he started splitting the books into Kings Landing/Everywhere Else and they lost momentum. A Dance of Dragons was an utter slog, clearly rushed out to try to capitalise on the success of the show. I reckon that GRRM, in his 70s now, simply hasn't the energy to keep churning out these massively complicated books any more.
  9. It is amazing to look back. Throughout the 2010 there was GoT stuff everywhere. Folk wearing T-shirts, naming their kids after the characters, huge hype for each series. Each episode really, deeply, discussed and debated. Then the last season seems to have sucked all the life and energy out of it. Not just that the show finished but it really, really put people off the whole legacy of it. Very few people I imagine have watched this show from start to finish several times like they have for other shows.
  10. Many years ago, my wife and I were staying at her mum's house. We went out at night, I got utterly blootered, came home and puked all over the bathroom. Mostly in the bath. I started cleaning it up when my mother-in law came in. I told her that it was the wife that did it, and she believed me.
  11. Planet F1 are clear that Mercedes will be shafted by this. In short, they will find a way of measuring how bad the bouncing is. They will set a limit, and any team exceeding that limit will need to raise their ride height. Mercedes in particular will be shafted by this.
  12. Another solid episode. I wonder if T'Pring will end up like Kim in Better Call Saul, with people wondering what had happened to her. Security on the ship is bloody awful ETA: Had this been Discovery, the fact that the main guest character was trans would have been "the message". There would have been long, emotional speeches. There would have been a storyline all designed to explore how people can be who they like. SNW managed this much better by having the character be just a huge and important part of the story as they were. And the character was brilliant - best guest in a Star Trek show for a very long time.
  13. I must have read the first half of that book three or four times, and never made it to the end. Bored me ragged.
  14. I worked at the ISIS neutron source in Oxfordshire about 15 years ago. There was no space left at the on-site hostel so I was placed in a local "B&B". It was a house, occupied by an older couple. The room I got was their son's bedroom. He had moved out apparently, but all his stuff was there. It was the weirdest feeling, sleeping in someone else's bed surrounded by their childhood toys and trophies. There was literally a box of action man figures at the foot of the bed. In the morning, the old man had a strict routine. The Telegraph and Radio 4, we men sat at the table at 7am sharp whilst his wife brought us breakfast. It was very, very strange.
  15. Time the kids learned the joys of swimming in an unheated pool. When I was 13 I went on a swimming club tour of Aberdeen. We raced against local teams (I was by far the worst swimmer there). Every morning started with a 6am swim in a local, unheated pool.
  16. As Frankie Boyle said, the UK government don't care about these migrants. All they'll do is place a single lifeguard on the south coast of England to rescue them if they get into trouble in the water. And that lifeguard will be Michael Barrymore.
  17. It's a magic trick. He made his shop door disappear.
  18. I still cannot see how 2023 will have the same legal weight as 2014. Still, happy to be proved wrong.
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