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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. Just phoned a guy I had an appointment with. I introduced myself and he said: "How was Seville?" What the actual f**k?
  2. Text from a friend last night to whom I made the same recommendation.
  3. Sexually transmitted. Many posters here have nothing to fear...
  4. Think of all the folk waking up this morning with loser flags hanging from poles and windows. Slowly bringing them in, tidying them away to be kept in a cupboard for 50 more years. All with a tear running down a cheek.
  5. AotC update. Finished now. I turned to my daughter (who chose it) to see what she thought and she is fast asleep. Now I can watch the end... Watch them crumble...
  6. No game is that bad It is fucking torture to be fair.
  7. I am following the game on text updates on the BBC site, as I am watching the dreadful Attack of the Clones with my kids. Sounds like a good call.
  8. Steven Davis on to lose the final for the second time in 14 years
  9. Mystery solved. WFH is to blame.
  10. My dad goes on and on about Quimby and Tom & Jerry. He'd agree with you there.
  11. Joe Walsh, guitarist and singer with the Eagles and the James Jang (and a solo artist) in the Blues Brothers. He started the prison riot.
  12. Oaksoft taking the side of the bosses again, trampling on the little guy!
  13. Silver lining though. Rebekah Vardy apparently caused England to get knocked out of Euro 2016 by Iceland.
  14. We've about 3000 pages to go before this thread beats the BRALT. Must keep posting...
  15. Memories change over time. Looking back on some stuff I am a little bit horrified that I didn't do more to stop bullying. In third or fourth year at school we had an English boy join us and he was bullied horribly. At PE, his clothes and bag would be put in the shower and soaked. I heard that someone shat in his shoe once. I got on fine with him but didn't speak up or confront anyone. In fifth year, a few us us set up a safe space in the school (a cupboard). The school allowed us this, just a place where one or two prefects would sit and where any kid that was being bullied could spend their breaks or lunchtimes with us and not be in the playground. No idea if this helped anyone, but there were a few guys who regularly came and sat with us. One boy was really small and was best known for playing bagpipes. he looked terrified all the time. Since school nothing comes to mind.
  16. It's like the virus isn't even trying now. Not even a new variant klaxon here, just that the old one is still knocking about.
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