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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. F1 HEADACHE Lewis Hamilton could be left with BRAIN DAMAGE due to porpoising Mercedes, according to shock Toto Wolff claims I know it's the Scum, but still...
  2. Nowhere in the bible does it state that Satan rules Hell.
  3. Fucking hell. Did he really say that? Labour were putting money into deprived urban areas. As chancellor I undid that and redirected it to places like here...
  4. My neighbour has chickens too. I like them. They eat stuff I'm throwing out and are generally soothing to watch. I find chickens soothing to watch, too. The way they go all golden-brown and crispy over the course of 90 minutes in the oven.
  5. Can't agree more. It's a bit of a myth that people who are heading towards suicide always exhibit certain behaviours, largely perpetrated by TV shows. They don't always start off by lashing out; they don't always make various attempts first; they don't always leave clues lying about for people to find and act upon. And so on and so on. The idea that someone can "spot" a person about to attempt suicide really needs put to bed. And please, reach out. Often doesn't matter who to - it can be anonymous folk on a Scottish football internet forum, it can be a friend, or a person in authority.
  6. What about your job would physically break you?
  7. Our neighbours have chickens. Whenever we try to sleep with the window open, these things start their pish at 4 am. Very annoying, just so that she can have a few free eggs or whatever she does with them.
  8. Rumpole's Return by John Mortimer. Just very enjoyable, like all the Rumpole stories.
  9. Scottish Power update. Their complaint department has sent me a new final bill for almost £3,000 and asking me to pay it. For those unfamiliar with my case, I left them in 2015 and last month they sent me a bill out of the blue for almost £12k. I have complained and they have revised their numbers. Looking at the bill, the payments made and energy use etc. all balances exactly. But they added this charge of almost £3k in 2019 simply labelled as "Mass Write-Off". I have got back to them telling them to recalculate it again without this mysterious charge added. When they do that, they will owe me 7 pence.
  10. I have resisted. Every time I read about them, it seems to be about folk having problems with this. Particularly if you change supplier.
  11. Boris Johnson doing a speech to the DUP conference saying "There will never be a border within the United Kingdom" months before signing a deal that put that very border in place was peak trolling by Big Dog.
  12. Jeez, that sounds awful. Hope it all turns out well.
  13. Ideally, the Tory party members will get their votes for Truss in nice and early. Then watch in horror as she unravels in August, making horrendous mistake after mistake, alienating everyone and dragging the party down before being declared the winner.
  14. At the weekend we were in Asda with my daughter. Saw a jumper I thought she would like and got her to try it on. It was a Stitch jumper and cost £15. I asked her if she wanted the jumper and she said, "no, but I'll take the £15". Every day since she has nagged me about this £15 that I "owe" her. She's threatening that the price will go up if I keep delaying paying her. 12 years old and it feels like I'm living with a loan shark. Next she'll be threatening to break my thumbs.
  15. All those roads are leading out of Dunfermline. Folk just go along them the wrong way.
  16. I these feckless football fans just gave up their Netflix subscriptions and skinny lattes, then they could afford a house in the Cotswolds with enough spare change to go to an away match in the SPFL.
  17. That's what it reads like to me. "City and Ancient Burgh of Dunfermline...A [word obscured by a post] City" Wonder what type of city it is...?
  18. I completely agree. Yesterday Liz Truss basically announced lower pay for folk in the North, then did a very fast U-turn. Today the Daily Mail officially endorsed her for Tory leader. Had Labour made any such U-turn, even on a much smaller scale, the Mail, Torygraph, Sun, Express and so on would be ripping them to shreds.
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