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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. I have a jumper that I wore from the ages of 15 to about 36. Doesn't fit me now but I never got round to throwing it out.
  2. The wife wants a new car - a full 19 months after getting her current one.
  3. Live near the Forth? Your life is all warmth. North of the Tay? Stay away
  4. How can anyone not love The Big Lebowski?
  5. Years ago, my student union held a showing of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. What was interesting to me is that half the folk there walked out, but the half who stayed loved it.
  6. scottsdad


    Finished the series, thoroughly enjoyable. Well set up for the next one, whenever that comes out.
  7. Jeez, what did they do to you to deserve that punishment?
  8. I used to be addicted to swimming. I'm happy to say that I have been dry now for six months...
  9. The best thing so far this weekend is having Rosberg correcting David Croft every few laps. Just not indulging his pish.
  10. One from today. The wife and I went to The Range in Falkirk. Parked the car, we were walking to the shop. An old couple came out of the shop heading our way. The wife of the old couple had a walking stick but the guy seemed spry. The old woman saw a 5p piece on the ground. She looked at us, looked at it, then put the base of her walking stick right on it. She then shouted her husband, who was a couple of steps ahead, to cone back and pick it up for her.I Now, my wife has some form here. Discretion was not present. Walking last them, well within earshot of them, she started. "Five pence! Five fucking pence! She put her stick on five fucking pence! She thought we were going to dive down for five fucking pence!" And so on. Normally I would be embarrassed. But I just burst out laughing. I couldn't believe what I saw myself.
  11. I know it's a long shot, but I'm hoping it's me.
  12. Add it to Bernie's suggestion of sprinklers at random corners.
  13. I see your ensemble and raise you.
  14. Imagine a Brazil 2003 race running nowadays - it'd just be red flagged.
  15. Imagine trying to eat popcorn with splooge flying about everywhere.
  16. From the Public Health Scotland report itself, page 78 (if the SNP can cherry-pick their favourite bits, so can I) Look at Table 3 from the same report (pages 79-81). It lists the scientific evidence and what was found: One paper (and only one) showed the 13% drop that has been used to show this is a "success". Four papers showed no impact of MUP Two papers point out reduced spending on food in alcoholics Others talk about crime, cross-border buying etc. But read the report - better yet, read the scientific papers themselves! https://publichealthscotland.scot/media/20366/evaluating-the-impact-of-minimum-unit-pricing-for-alcohol-in-scotland-final-report.pdf
  17. My wife was signed off in January with a compressed nerve in her neck. She's on a phased return at the moment (last week, 2 hours per day; this week 4 hours, next week 6 and then back full time). The phased return is the suggestion of Occupational Health - a practicing GP who does this as well. She was signed off by a GP in the first instance, and since then by the GP practice's physiotherapist.
  18. The Wrath of Khan in cinema, September 2022. Best experience by far. Worst - seeing The Phantom Menace with my dad, who was ill at the time. Terrible film, miserable experience for him. Just before the final fight scene the fire alarm went off and we had to leave. The ushers asked if we wanted new tickets to come back and see it again. "No thanks!" dad replied. He never did see the whole film.
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