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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. Oh no! Tried that with the Cavelier. Used it once, listening to it rubbing along the ground, then as I left the car the shock I got was more like a bang. Took it off right away.
  2. Years ago I remember lying in bed, unable to sleep, because this had been on the radio earlier in the day. Even now I can't listen to the thing.
  3. Long story short this week - the Discovery straps on a pair of Gape Gloves and holds the orifice open wide enough for a big object to pass through. The storyline of the series moved along about half an inch. They spent 5 minutes smashing up the Strange New Worlds sets.
  4. Had similar at the weekend. I was on the M9, driving up the inside lane doing 70, and there was a guy on the outside lane doing about 65. Nothing in the inside lane next to him - he was overtaking fresh air. I had 2 options - carry on and undertake him, or pull in behind him and hope he takes the hint. I was saved the decision by his turning off appearing and he went across 2 lanes to get to it.
  5. I think the last thing anyone would want is to see a UV light in a strip club.
  6. On a more philosophical note, name one job in politics that Yogi couldn't do better than the current incumbent.
  7. Just head to the local strip club. Stuff them down a few thongs.
  8. OK, my last throw of the dice to take on the Beatles. Elvis. Various stats can back this up but in terms of recognition, surely he is up there. In terms of the actual songs, I'd take his best 10 over the Beatles best 10 any day. In fact, what is the Beatles best song? We're forgetting that they produced sub-par mince for 10 solid years. Moving away from stats, this guy was the King of Rock and Roll and in 2018, Donald Trump awarded him the Presidential medal of Freedom, which I'm sure meant a lot to him.
  9. That's her chances just taken a big dent
  10. What a read, jeez! On his former stepsons:
  11. Seeing Jaws in the cinema, in 3D, was amazing. Shame I missed Alien.
  12. Always fun to look in on their policies and manifesto https://scottishfamily.org/manifesto Plus they have videos explaining why middle aged angry men are the true oppressed minority
  13. I can honestly say I have never heard of him.
  14. I was speeding and got pulled over by a policeman. I rolled down the window and said, "Officer, I have to be honest. I have a dead body in the boot, as well as a hammer covered in blood, rope and duct tape." Within minutes loads of police arrived and surrounded me and the car. They popped the boot, and it was empty. The policeman's superior officer came to me and said "My officer said you had a dead body, hammer, rope and duct tape in your boot." "I bet he said I was speeding, too," I replied.
  15. My wife owns t-shirts and jumpers from Fleetwood Mac, Pink Floyd, AC/DC, Nirvana and Guns 'n' Roses. She doesn't listen to any of them, never has.
  16. I was following a hearse on the motorway. It was going kind of slow in the middle lane. I thought, I can't overtake it as that would be disrespectful. So I decided to undertake.
  17. When I had a Vauxhall Cavalier in the late 90s, I kept getting electric shocks. Every time I stepped out of the car and touched the door - boom. I learned how to exit the car without causing the shocks. But honestly, whenever I forgot it was a real pain (literally). I remember once holding my car key near the lock and seeing a spark. My new Vauxhall Crossland - purchased to universal acclaim here on P&B - is the same. Saturday, parked the car, stepped out, put my hand on the door.. "Ooohafucker!" Now I'm back to my old habit of opening the door, gripping the door frame then stepping out.
  18. I had David Cameron calling the Brexit referendum as the stupidest career suicide act, until now.
  19. Christopher Fairbank (Moxy from Auf Wiedersehen Pet) was in the 1989 Batman
  20. Is that the one that sounds like all their other ones?
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