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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. Whereas slavishly accepting a policy because you like the party introducing it - regardless of the harms caused by it - is a good look?
  2. When this latest "My Team: Scotland" account gets binned, this thread will vanish. Like Dubai
  3. Christopher Lloyd (Doc Brown from Back to the Future) was in Star Trek 3
  4. Fucking hell. Community service gets tougher each year. What crime did you commit?
  5. I remember Williams being 90% of the way to signing Mika for 2005 (when they were half decent) but backed out when Jenson Button became available. Tinpot. Button ended up not moving in the end.
  6. When I was a kid, we used to get a barber coming to our house. He'd bring his stuff, cut our hair and leave. He was married with kids. My dad arrested him one day in public toilets in Stirling for hiring rent boys. When he told my mum, and I overheard him, this was the first time I'd ever heard the phrase. After that we went to barber shops again.
  7. Southampton resident questions location of new bench Hard hitting news here, from December.
  8. if I could sum up Dundee's performance in a single word, that word would be: Professional
  9. Chinese GP this weekend. I am struggling to remember if these are good or not. The only one I remember is 2007, when Lewis Hamilton could have won the title there but binned the car coming into the pits.
  10. These "My team: Scotland" posters are the worst.
  11. The tories supported it first time around, but not now as they a) haven't seen any benefits and b)are concerned that MUP exacerbates harms to the hardcore alcoholics (missing meals etc). I am no fan of the tories but here they are the only ones asking questions rather than just voting through this pointless measure.
  12. Voted through. Listened to the minister on the radio and she was awful. "Does this policy actually work?" " i met nursing students who were graduating last week, very excited to start work"
  13. Accused: Innocent or Guilty and Accused:Insanity or Murder have moved to channel 5. Brilliant shows. Imagine 24 hours in police custody but focusing on the trial and the run up to it.
  14. 'Fuming' Julie reports fly-tipping - and gets £400 council fine for her troubles
  15. James Remar and Lucy Lawless were in Battlestar Galactica
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