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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. Malta was horrendous. I once stopped at a busy roundabout and the cars behind me started beeping. In Malta you just dive in and expect others to make space. In the UK, Welsh drivers are the worst.
  2. In 3,026 years, life will either be really good or really bad. It's 5050.
  3. Can we hold similar votes about the mods?
  4. Picked up the death trap now. Said a sad farewell to my faithful Duster. Anyway, it's a Crossland SE. 11,000 miles. The old boy (I'm assuming he is old based on mileage) who had it before me seems to have taken it to Evans Halshaw in Falkirk for an annual service, and they fleeced him every time. After one year he had done less than 6,000 miles and they got him to change all 4 tyres.
  5. We were Mr, Mrs, Miss [name]. When I was in 6th year I went to the pub in Alloa, clearly only 17 but tall so got away with it. Bumped into my old history teacher and spent the night calling him David. he never grassed me up. My older siblings often drank with him too. He is buried near my uncle - I always say hello when at the cemetery. Wouldn't do that for "Sir".
  6. Alright, Beatles fans. This is musical greatness?
  7. I'll keep you all apprised as to the moment when the car falls to pieces and I am left crying into my Bishop's Finger.
  8. You could make a similar case for Queen and the Eagles.
  9. Duran Duran have made 16 albums. Not exactly all chart toppers
  10. Let's consult Quincy Jones. The Beatles were terrible, Michael Jackson stole songs and modern pop music is rubbish, says Quincy Jones
  11. Springsteen is a good shout. 40-odd years, loads of albums and singles, still putting them out and touring to huge crowds (unlike, say, Elton John who couldn't fill the Falkirk stadium). On a personal note, the best live act I have ever seen.
  12. No. Overrated. How they got this myth that they somehow transformed music and everything that came after is because of them is a mystery. Good PR in the 60s is what they had, plus some fairly good songs.
  13. My kids are raging about this for some reason. Getting quizzed as to why I didn't either a) keep the Duster or b) buy a new Duster.
  14. Watching Adam Richman Eats Britain, and he was in a place in Manchester that served waffles. The chef said he was a vegan, only used vegan ingredients like soy butter in making the waffles. Made them, then put them on the plate. "What goes on now?" asked Richman. "Fried chicken" The vegan chef then loaded the plate with about 6 chicken drumsticks, all sitting right on top of the waffles.
  15. I guess most of those with high "hit rates" are short-lived acts. Nirvana, for example, never had the chance to produce a further 10 albums of continually decreasing quality.
  16. My first car was a Nova. My second, and favourite, a Cavalier. Later had a Corsa. All great cars. The Zafira exploded.
  17. Sure I posted this before but he was in a couple of episodes of Columbo But for those in their 40s, he was in The Littlest Hobo One of the best theme tunes ever
  18. I swore never to buy a Vauxhall again after the engine on my last one exploded. Parts literally came through the bodywork and across the street. So, if it beats that I'm on to a winner.
  19. I don't bother much with teams outside my own, but I will be wishing Hibs well this weekend. I was at the funeral yesterday of a huge Hibs fan, and a lot of the service was about his love of the club. He was at the 2016 cup final, the happiest day of his life. Loads of photos in his montage were about Hibs. So, for him, I'll keep an eye on how you do, wish you well, and will raise a glass to him on Saturday night.
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