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Everything posted by AYRSHIRE_ANGUS

  1. There was an error getting a ticket from the main stand then I noticed the option was "pick up from ticket office" when I tried again for the wee Dublin end. Last season the ticket was on the phone so not sure if thats just a default option and you always get a pdf to scan via the receipt. Think I'll leave it for now!
  2. The 1-1 game last March was a great atmosphere in the cowshed so obviously that had to be stopped. The website is allowing tickets for the wee Dublin End, although for the same £22 as the main stand.
  3. All future rounds of this cup are on weekends. After September the next round is on December 10th which appears to have been set aside for this competition as there are no league games scheduled. Three more rounds after that which would push league games to midweek. Its a recipe for fixture madness.
  4. I normally gorge on pies at the football on Saturdays but didn't on Friday night as I'd eaten beforehand. However I noticed that someone had erected a wedding reception style gazebo attached to the food stall, meaning people could queue in relative comfort instead of being shat on if it was raining, and could potentially attract more fans to the pie stall that might not normally bother because of the weather. Its that kind of simple commercial logic coming into the club that I love to see. We're definitely due some bad news soon.
  5. The timing of the off the field improvements couldn't be worse though. Just when we're ideally placed to attract new fans along comes war in Europe and Weimar style inflation!
  6. I see the squad and staff were at Hawkhill today having a laugh at the bowls. After the golf day it looks like they're making use of local sports facilities to promote a good atmosphere amongst the squad. Who knows, one day they'll maybe get good weather for it!
  7. Adeloye is not getting much game time at Swindon so far and their fans, like us, reckon they still need a striker.
  8. I shouldn't imagine much has changed since July 30th.
  9. Online tickets available for this on the Cove website. Not the most obvious but you have to click first on "Away - Adult Ground" then "Section 'Away standing'" in yellow font to get to the proper away fans ticket page.
  10. I was at Barrow v Bradford last weekend and at half time they went through the entire squad and who sponsored them. There was barely time to announce anything else.
  11. Suncream at the ready for Saturday by the looks of it, hopefully break the 2k mark on the back of Friday night.
  12. They say the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach and to be fair it is quite true. Thoroughly enjoyed munching on a pepperoni pizza and quaffing a bottle of Ayr Brewing Company ale in the Hub beer garden before the game knowing some of the proceeds were going back into the club. I noticed the huge queue at half time for the new van on the terracing - can anyone post a review?
  13. As far as catering goes we definitely need some fans to kick the habit of buying a tray of chips, eating a couple then leaving the rest to the seagulls.
  14. I wonder if Gabriel Jesus also fancies a wee early season warmup in the Premier Sports cup..
  15. I'm sure signing players that took you down two years ago will be well worth your season ticket money.
  16. It's slightly concerning that the idea of ditching a Saturday Championship round in December for a joke cup involving B teams was signed off.
  17. First few Scottish Cup dates for us are Nov 26, Jan 21, Feb 11 and March 11
  18. Aye I know but there are after New Year. I originally thought December 10th was reserved for the Scottish Cup but I can't find the dates of that competition.
  19. SPFL Trust Trophy 2022/23 | SPFL Some potentially good awaydays in there but also the potential to screw up the league programme after New Year. Fourth round on Saturday December 10th??
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