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The Other Foot

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Everything posted by The Other Foot

  1. Kinky's version of events: I am a lean, mean, cross-country skiing and rugby-playing machine. Sometimes I break bones. No big deal. The reality:
  2. Marciano McGinn - Porteous - Hanlon - Stevenson Boyle - Gogic - Newell - Murphy Doidge - Nisbett Reasonable team. 442?. Also, my phone tried to change Porteous to 'gorgeous'. Smartphone indeed.
  3. Sometimes, nothing happens on P&B for days. Other times, you leave for a few hours and come back to find that the Chubby Baller's off the books, Porto's been called up, McNulty did the dirt on Hibs and 8GamesToGo may be Pet Jeden (which makes an awful lot of sense, considering both are slavering c*nts). What an age we live in.
  4. Meh. Title challenge is over. What else is on the telly?
  5. Never heard of it, is it New? F**k knows. Definitely quicker than Ceefax.
  6. Clearly not watching the same stream as me. In my one, some c*nt called @JonDavid keeps asking for donations. Is Stubbsy asking for donations?
  7. I think that's a little disingenuous, Romeo. Hibs - despite being second best - still look dangerous. I can see a goal off the counter-attack coming
  8. In "Shut the f**k up" shut up is the phrasal verb and "the f**k" is inserted for emphasis, so in that case "f**k up" is neither verb nor noun. f**k up can be a noun or separable phrasal verb in its own right though as in "What an almighty f**k up" or "Ade Azeez through on the keeper, he's going to f**k it up". Those uses are common in English but I've only ever encountered it as an imperative in the west of Scotland and that's with a different meaning. Thanks Diego. Not fully up-to-scratch on grammar tbh, so this is very interesting. The thing I'm complaining about is when, for example, someone on RangersMedia says something unpopular (such as 'Hibs actually played well') and someone else will respond with 'f**k up'. So are they issuing it as a command, or telling the person that they are a f**k up? It's not something I've heard in real life, but it annoys the tits off me when written
  9. 'Shut the **** up' is common. '**** up' on its own is not something I've ever heard uttered in real life
  10. Agreed, comrade. But just remember to remove the Hibs top when shagging. There's nothing more upsetting on the eye than a man wearing a t-shirt and nothing else. In fact, it's worse if he's also wearing socks.
  11. Well, it's not the first time you've made a hairy arse of yourself on the forum, and I'm sure it won't be the last.
  12. Hardly our fault that your pishy team won't be in a Cup final again for many many years
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