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The Other Foot

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Everything posted by The Other Foot

  1. First in Scotland apparently. Leading from the front, young Porto.
  2. Hundreds of P&B users risk getting terminal cancer within weeks. Click here to find out why...
  3. So does everyone already know the ICTChris story, or am I going to have to be the one who asks...
  4. Well, don't keep us in suspense Willy... how much change did he give you?
  5. Would you be working offshore though? I'm guessing you wouldn't be seeing much of the country anyway. Angola is very scenic, and Luanda a very liveable capital. My only experience of Nigeria is Abuja, which is a bit of a pit. But Lagos is meant to be buzzing, very exciting place to live. We should move this to the Travel thread. My apologies to the learned denizens of the Indyref2 thread.
  6. Luckily? Angola is a beautiful country and well worth a visit!
  7. Said it from the very beginning of the season. This is Sevco's season to lose. Celtic have failed to improve during the Banter Years, and instead regressed to the point of welcoming back Neil Lennon. It's over. 10 in a row (which isn't really something to be proud of anyway) is dead in the water.
  8. To be fair, the blue side of Glasgow seems to play the victim card as much as the green side these days. I had begun to think it was a weegie thing, but then... Hearts.
  9. Better than Heart of Midlothian FC - at Tynecastle, you only get females.
  10. I moderately appreciate the cut of your jib. The winning answer for April 1984 was Lionel Richie.
  11. I feel that this early departure can only be properly judged based on the merits of the records you bought. Please continue.
  12. I, for one, am completely behind the 'Send Old Firm Fans to Blackpool' initiative. Scottish society will surely, on the whole, benefit. Though I'm not sure who's being punished - Old Firm Fans or Blackpool.
  13. Can we not just all agree that folk in Scotland who support EPL teams are the real *****? Especially those who support the 'Breakaway 6'.
  14. One should NEVER leave while 3-0 down to Falkirk. Good man. P.S. I very very nearly almost left. Wiser minds prevailed. Wish I'd left early in the final though.
  15. Just want to clear up two things on this thread: (1) David Wotherspoon, though far from being the most formidable footballing genius in Scotland, has never been 'spineless'. Bizarre statement. (2) Rocky Marciano is the best goalkeeper playing in Scotland at this moment in time. There's not a huge gap between him and second place (Alan McGregor) but there is a gap nonetheless.
  16. That's nice though. Prozac doesn't always work for some people.
  17. Five years. FIVE YEARS. Shame that the cup game will be his only taste of Edinburgh derbies in that period.
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