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Everything posted by GAD

  1. It's not the best view to be fair. Certainly looks like he got the ball but might have a bit too much force and may have been two footed, though hard to tell, so possibly in the margins. What's not hard to tell is that the McGinn one is a clear red card.
  2. I thought Taylor was really excellent again today and has absolutely nailed down that LCB starting slot. I'd love to know what led him to be playing in the second division in Ireland when we picked him up because he looks miles above that standard. Another fantastic signing from Robbo.
  3. It's good that Welldaft has clarified multiple times over several threads that he's expertly "fishing" for "bites" and it's actually all the St Mirren fans who are absolutely raging, because that may not have been clear to the casual reader.
  4. Love it when some seething steamer let's it all out on here after a painful defeat. First Kettlewell now Welldaft adding the icing to this particularly delicious cake.
  5. It's such a pisser England and Wales have basically been given a bye to the quarter finals when they are such horrendously bad rugby teams.
  6. Absolutely crazy from Vunipola. Obviously doesn't fancy the World Cup.
  7. Some of the refereeing in this England game is actually embarrassing, especially at the scrum. He's so obviously wrong, surely the TMO or someone has to intervene because he's handing the game to Ireland.
  8. So far this season Robinson has solved a big problem and made us so much more dangerous. We look like we will score goals. Also, have to be honest, I was struggling to understand why he was holding back on the subs, which just shows why he's the manager and I'm not as he actually timed it perfectly, completely took the wind out of Motherwell's sails and 3-0 wouldn't have flattered us in the end.
  9. Wins are always that wee bit sweeter when the opposition manager has a complete heads gone after the game.
  10. Quite surprised McInally didn't get picked over Cherry or Ashman. I thought he'd been playing better than both.
  11. Basically, there is not really any red cards in the tackle anymore. You don't have to go low, you don't have to wrap, and if there is any touch from another player it's not your fault. The game has just completely changed again overnight. Fully upright, swinging arm, ball dislodging tackles are back baby.
  12. When you read the mitigation then there is barely a high profile tackle red card over the past few years that should have stood. Gilchrist's against France should have been overturned.
  13. That is incredible. The disciplinary procedures are a farce.
  14. Ntamack being out of the world cup is a genuine shame. Real classy player and was probably integral to France's chances.
  15. I don't know, everyone around me saw that Dundee goal coming. We'd dropped off big time, Tiffoney was causing problems and our defending was looking very slack. When Tiffoney cut inside Strain so easily I knew then they were scoring. I think it woke saints up a bit and after that they were a lot more solid and saw the game out easily enough, but I wasn't surprised that Dundee scored when they did.
  16. What really winds me up is assistant refs who have steadfastly refused to give anything no matter how blatant and how close they are all of a sudden leaping into action to give an innocuous free kick for a defender falling over.
  17. In the end, that was one of the best teams in the world, away, and we took them all the way. Scotland are what they are, we score tries which means we can beat anyone. We make mistakes which stop us beating everyone. Unfortunately if you could hand pick two teams fir Scotland not to play at a world cup you'd pick SA and Ireland, and I think that's where the despondency comes from, because actually, Scotland are pretty fucking good. It is what it is, the world cup will take care of itself. I think we've got a surprise in us, I just hope the players do too.
  18. That was a good hit out against a top team. Joke of a call from the ref at the end, think he was absolutely desperate to just find anything that could stop the game.
  19. Stop crying, for goodness sake, you are a grown man.
  20. Good to mix it up by having a terrible second half this time.
  21. You are correct, it's not directly along the line so it just isn't conclusive enough to overturn the onfeild decision. The linesman should have had the best view. Doesn't matter anyway, we still win easily.
  22. Yeah, they are having a shocker. You could hear them there basically saying they are lost at the scrums. I don't even think the players are pushing it either, they aren't making it difficult, they are trying to play.
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