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Everything posted by GAD

  1. GAD


    Went to see Run The Jewels at the Barras, it was absolutely fucking brilliant. There was a big "f**k the Queen" bit and I'm right up for a bit of civil unrest and smashing the system. Probably needs to be tonight though because I expect I'm going to be very hungover in the morning.
  2. There really is no excusing that. There is no structure, no focus. Players don't really look like they know what they are doing from one second to the next, everything in defence and attack is aimless. Occasionally score a decent try because we have a few good players who can hit a break, but there is no cohesion. Glasgow don't have an identity right now, they are just shit. SRU will have to punt Wilson tonight. They can't expect people to pay the prices they want to watch that again next season. They have some decent players coming in over the summer, but it won't matter if there is no plan on how to get the best out of them, and this coaching team has no plan.
  3. Adam Hastings absolutely tearing Sarries apart for Gloucester right now.
  4. Yeah, agreed. I've turned it off tbh. I'm actually starting to hate this team.
  5. Well, that's game over. What a fucking shitshow the last ten minutes have been, and that's all a team like Leinster need to go from on the ropes to utterly dominant. It's actually fucking pathetic the way Glasgow completely crumble at the slightest suggestion of things not going their way. Leinster haven't really had to do much here at all.
  6. Then kick dead from the restart. Error compounding error.
  7. One of the most experienced players on the pitch as well.
  8. Aaand, a stupid yellow and an immediate concession of a try. f**k. Sake.
  9. Glasgow teasing us with a good start and a good try...
  10. Everyone on here and Twitter needs to shut up. Of course £350k is a great price for such an excellent player. Would he a travesty to let him go for a figure so low, but we shouldn't be standing in the way of such a good move.
  11. Don't really disagree with anything you are saying to be honest, I just think it's a bit disingenuous to compare our situation with that of clubs that have the facility to sell thousands more tickets to OF fans than we do without moving anyone, especially when many of those clubs are already charging more for a season ticket than we are anyway.
  12. Nah, I think it's you that's missing the point to be honest. When it comes to signing players, etc, teams like Kilmarnock, Motherwell, Livingston, St Johnstone are all peer clubs. St Mirren already have one of the smallest budgets in the league. Even with Kilmarnock and Motherwell's grand gesture of only having 4-5 thousand OF fans into each home game, that's still a big budget deficit St Mirren have to overcome, even with the current arrangements, worse with the ones you think we are honour bound to implement immediately instead of 23/24 as promised. Personally I'd rather have one stand open to the OF, but that budget needs to be made up somewhere, or it needs to be unbudgeted cuts to the playing squad for this season. You can bet your fucking life that the guys on here insisting cuts to the playing budget are fine right now will be screaming in a month's time when we are unexpectedly missing out on players heading to the club's mentioned above.
  13. Of course it does, Kilmarnock have well over 1000 extra OF fans at each game than St Mirren do. You'd have nearly 3k per game if we shut the second stand. The situations aren't even remotely comparable.
  14. Yeah, so it's a pointless comparison really as it's a totally different situation to St Mirren's. You are still selling well over 1000 more tickets to OF fans for these games with one stand open as we are with two.
  15. Ha ha, Leinster probably couldn't have picked a better fixture to make themselves feel a bit better.
  16. I loved that, "the clock is stopped, there will be a restart, West can take as long as he likes...." Wrong, dick.
  17. That was fucking brilliant.
  18. There is no circumstance here where Barnes will give Leinster a yellow
  19. La Rochelle really piling the pressure on here, to Leinster and Barnes. Refusing to just take the 3, but Barnes can decide the match here if he calls for Leinster. Ballsy stuff!
  20. Still think it's Ridley, Carley and the TMO making the really, really bad calls here. Not much Barnes can do if they are calling it wrong.
  21. Man, I fucking hate Leinster. Everything about that last 5 minutes was horrible. A load of cheating completely facilitated by pathetically weak officiating, combined with a horrifically smug arrogance.
  22. Yeah, but it was the TMO that called that wasn't it? I think it looks a bit like Barnes is having a mare, but he's being let down a bit by the TMO and linesmen.
  23. I'm supporting La Rochelle here. I know O'Gara is a c**t, but everything about Leinster is dispicable.
  24. Yeah, but it's still more OF fans in the ground than St Mirren would have even with two stands open to them. I think it's something people need to understand before making these comparisons, it's not like for like.
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