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Everything posted by GAD

  1. The biggest issue I have these days with Danny Wilson's Glasgow is how fucking boring they are. We are the problem at these scrums, and this us coming after trying to do a boring maul for half and hour and getting turned over. Everytime we've got the ball wide and run at them we've looked dangerous as well.
  2. Has anyone elses sound gone, or just me?
  3. Ha ha, it's so bad! I missed the first try just trying to fucking register and pay for it.
  4. So back it up then. Give us examples of a week's worth of food for 4 people for £80. Food they can carry back to the house because they don't have a car. Don't forget to include any storage or cooking costs either, or the costs of any equipment required.
  5. Leinster play to different rules to everyone else. Connacht have been completely shafted here, the decision not to red card Gibson Park was an absolute disgrace.
  6. Yeah, wonder if we are seeing a bit of Bojo's revenge here now that he's more or less managed to get through partygate. I'm still not sure Sunak or anyone else really wants the big job right now anyway. The cost of living crisis is only just beginning and you probably don't want to be the person in charge when that really starts to bite, especially considering how hard it's going to hit pensioners and the middle classes.
  7. I think despite the fact the URC has better teams and players, the Premiership is a much better league. It's more competitive, has decent rivalries and being a straight up league is better for the punters. There are no mini tours, so teams know where they stand week to week. I think the URC has lost a lot if what was starting to make the Pro12 really good. The natural rivalries are starting to die off (Glasgow v Ulster/Munster for example), there are too many shit teams. Actually, maybe too many shit teams is unfair, as the Prem has loads of shit teams, but maybe there is too much of a gap between the top and the bottom teams in the URC.
  8. Yeah, I don't think he's absolutely crap or anything, I just think he's a bottom half premiership/top end Championship defender. Maybe he would look better in a better team, I'm not sure. To be fair, his injury issues do seem to be behind him now, he's been pretty consistently available for us, apart from a short period at the start of the season, and he does seem like a good guy so I'd have absolutely no hard feelings for him if he managed to get this move.
  9. Dunne is like most of our team at the moment, he's capable of really good performances, but he's flakey. I don't think he's a bad player at all, he's got great attributes. He's quick and strong, but like so many of our players this season he makes mistakes and his form swings week to week, or even half to half. I don't think he's our third best CB, I think he's been better than McCarthy this season and deserves to be starting ahead of him, but if Jim is really prepared to put out £100k+ to get him this summer I'd honestly be very surprised and I don't think we would be hard to deal with.
  10. Is it not just a standard form they give everyone?
  11. To be honest, I doubt you'd even get billed on the fraudulent read. The most likely scenario is that the companies system automatically recognises that the read is massively out of step with previous consumption, bins it, and replaces with an estimate.
  12. It's been a while since I've been in America, but I've also had a few times, in places like San Francisco, Portland and Houston where the bar staff have been pretty much drinking with us, and for the tips they were getting, we were getting loads of free rounds and very generous pours. US tipping culture is mental though, it's hard for Europeans to get their head round at times, and I think that's why sometimes it comes across as a bit rude, especially in tourist areas, but the truth is, if you don't tip the hotel shuttle bus driver, for example, (as most Europeans would not), then he just doesn't get paid.
  13. See with Livaramento and other young English players, is it advantageous for them to remain "English" for a while, for home grown status and all that, or does nationality not matter, just where you were developed as a youngster?
  14. Yeah, it feels like something is just massively "off" both Glasgow and Scotland. Edinburgh on the other hand seems like a much happier place, and for me, it was the Edinburgh players who seemed to perform better during the 6 nations. No idea what the SRU are going to do now going forward. They look like they are throwing a bit of money at Glasgow again for next season but I just don't see this coaching team working any better. Also, with the national team, I expect they want to limp to the world cup, but the way things are now you can't see us even being close to South Africa and Ireland, and if Tonga get a load of Kiwis in under the new residency rules things could get very, very ugly. I think someone else can get more out of both Glasgow and Scotland, it's gone stale and the players look demotivated and badly coached.
  15. It was a decent enough performance, I think maybe a draw was probably a fair enough result, but the manner of how it happened is very annoying. In some ways the fact it was such a blatantly wrong call is a bit of a relief though, because you know that's not being given in a "real" game. What was the most pleasing aspect was actually the team we were able to put out on the pitch. Swap Robertson for Taylor, and that was a full strength starting XI last night. Before Clarke, as soon as the Ukraine game was cancelled most of our EPL and Old Firm players would have dropped out, and a few others at clubs having good seasons. It shows the players not only want to be there, but they know there is competition and are desperate to keep their spot. Also seems like for a lot of them Scotland is now the good team they are enthusiastic to play for to get away from the shit at their clubs. I don't know if we will qualify for the WC, Ukraine then Wales in Cardiff still looks like a big ask to me, but I think this team has a good few years in it to achieve something really good.
  16. I think Tanser and Power might be the "thought they were getting another contract" guys. Maybe McCarthy as well, though considering he is getting kept out the team by Dunne, maybe not. Millar, Flynn and McAllister will definitely be off, as will Alnwick for a different reason.
  17. So a bottom six level journeyman who tries really hard and might do ok if the stars align and he's able to get a run in the team in a system that suits him, but probably won't because he's always injured. Sounds like a St Mirren signing.
  18. Yeah, this kind of run has been coming all season I think, the narrow wins and draws have become narrow losses. We've run out of steam again, just like we did at this point last season. People say we've got a good squad, I don't know about that. We've got a lot of players who can be good on their day, but for me a lot of them are pretty flaky. Guys like Tanser, Dunne, Jones, Gogic, Power, they are all capable of really good games, but they've all had horrors as well. Doesn't seem to be much in-between. The only guys you can really hang your hat on to perform each week are Shaughnessy, Ronan and, up till last couple of games anyway, Alnwick. Brophy and Greive will give you 100%, but can only ever be as good as what's happening behind them. You don't really look at the bench and think there are many glaring omissions either who should be getting a chance to start, it's all much of a muchness. To be fair, it's not just us having this issue, it's everyone in the league below 3rd place. Nobody had been able to string together consistent results, everyone has been going on long winless streaks. I feel this was going to happen whoever was in charge.
  19. Telling a couple of w****r fans to f**k off is perfectly acceptable and puts him up in my estimation to be honest. More of our managers and players should do it.
  20. He also didn't return to the team hotel on Saturday, went to his parents house in Stirling from what I've heard. Heard this as well I'm afraid.
  21. Barnes not letting us out here till they score.
  22. Yeah, it's been a long time since I've felt so low about the Scotland team. I genuinely think today is going to be a meek turning over, with the game all but over by half time. I hope I'm wrong, but I just can't see these players pulling anything out the hat here.
  23. I dunno, the Thistle podcast guys are saying they (or at least some of them) were out bevvying till 4am, stayed out after they had been called back.
  24. I usually quite like this ref, but I don't think she's had her best night tonight.
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