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Everything posted by GAD

  1. He definitely struggled on the left side of the back 3, but I thought he looked OK in the back four and gets forward OK. I think he's a bit quicker than Tait as well, and possibly a slightly better defender. Tait is OK as well, solid enough. I think he's a bit more dangerous in the opposition box than Fraser. I don't think there is much in it to be honest, they've both had good games and bad games, and both cost and saved us goals this season. I actually think what might have done it for Fraser a wee bit was that wild tackle against Hearts where he should have been sent off, just before Ronan was.
  2. To be honest, I don't think we are going to get top six now, I think we've left ourselves with a bit too much to do. Realistically we need to beat both Dundee United and Motherwell, especially considering our horrendous goal difference. I could see us taking 3 or 4 points, but not all 6. I think we blew it in Dingwall unfortunately. Even a draw there would have had us in a good position.
  3. That's a proper relegator of a goal really. Dundee clinging on desperately for a point they didn't deserve, only to lose it with practically the last touch? They aren't coming back from that.
  4. Ho ho ho ho, nae luck Dundee, nae luck Beaton. What a fucking sickener for both.
  5. Robinson really doesn't seem to like Marcus Fraser.
  6. DVDM banned for three games, so his 6 nations is over. Once again it's pretty clear that one if the main factors in rugby that decides red cards, ban length and citings is who you are and who you play for, rather than what you've actually done.
  7. Yeah, we've absolutely handed this on a plate to them. We've also continued our favourite trait of giving away loads of fucking penalties on our own fucking ball. I know the game turned on the honking penalty decision when we should have had a try, but even without they it's been so pedestrian and aimless. Almost lazy. Something needs to change.
  8. Wilson really needs to go. He's had a decent crack at it, but this happens far too often. Once again, they don't really look like they know what the plan is, especially with the ball. It's painful to watch. They just look badly coached.
  9. This is pathetic from Glasgow.
  10. Robinson won't get a lot of patience from the fans unless he either ditches this formation, or starts winning with it. At the moment he's making mistakes we've already made, and taken us back to November, to something we've already seen fail. The fans won't stand for that, and fair or not, he's not going to get time if he persists with this formation and Curtis Main.
  11. For me Fraser was just two one footed to play there, he couldn't put the ball down the line and was always trying having to come back inside. It was like watching Gary Irvine at left back under Rae all over again.
  12. Robinson is going to have to get some results quick if he wants to force in a back 3. To be honest, I don't think it was necessarily the back three that was the problem under Goodwin, it was the whole system, with it becoming a weird 3-1-6 in possession, which wasn't actually very attacking, and left us massively exposed at the back. Playing Fraser, Shaughnessy and Dunne all in the wrong place in the back three didn't help either.
  13. Edinburgh absolutely tearing Connacht apart here. Kinghorn, Muncaster and Boyle all been fantastic, as have the two Argentinians. Connacht have completely lost the plot.
  14. The Edinburgh game is pretty entertaining. Connacht are so far offside that it's actually led to a couple of Edinburgh tries as they have completely overshot the line.
  15. Yeah, I think we've been pretty lucky for a club of our size with the good times we've had. I was 7 when we won the Scottish cup, so my formative years as a St Mirren fan were mostly in the 90s where the thought of winning the 1st Division was an outlandish dream. Since then I've seen 3 1st Division/Championship titles, a challenge cup, and a league cup. There have also been 4 or 5 "great escapes" which to some extent are just as much fun. I know it's a bit up and down, and there have been some shit times, relegations, the cup final we don't talk about, but it's all part of the fun.
  16. Hate to say it, but I think the ref is going to have a big say here. He's itching to get involved.
  17. I think there is a difference between an all out back 5 v the old firm and that formation Jim was trying, where the fullbacks were so high they were basically wingers.
  18. It's going to be hard going when Randomguy is giving us this savage slagging for finishing 8th as his team plunge into Championship oblivion. I don't know how we will get through that.
  19. Yes mate, it's true. If only we were like you who is known to stoically shrug these things off whenever they happen.
  20. Yep, whine about decisions all you want, but the absolute dross at the bottom of the table are always there on merit.
  21. The Greive one is obviously an absolute stonewaller. Not sure about the second one though.
  22. A back row of Haining, Darge and Bradbury is what we deserve for going on about great squad depth.
  23. Looks like the women's team are going to the world cup. Playing really well here and pretty much have Columbia put away before half time.
  24. Yep, and lets be honest, if the weather is as bad as the Dundee boys are saying the game will be shit anyway. I think it'll be off.
  25. The weather is really bad down here as well. Even if the pitch is ok, it might not be a very fun drive there and back from anyone heading from Paisley. I was actually in Dundee the day the last game was cancelled and it was a hellish drive home.
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