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Everything posted by GAD

  1. Every single reply to that is a stunning example of why English football Twitter has the worst patter on earth.
  2. I think it's a decent window. Like everyone else, I'd have quite liked another striker, but the truth is we have 4 on the books for one spot. I know 2 of them are crap, and one of them is very raw, but it is what it is and there isn't an unlimited pot. (In fact, according to B&W army we are about to go bust). I expect both Jones and Kiltie could play up front in a pinch as well. Sounds like it may be a few weeks before we see Jones starting regularly, but I expect Gogic will start tomorrow. With Alnwick in goals, the usual back 4 with McCarthy and Tait covering, Power and Gogic with Erhahon and Flynn offering something different and three of Henderson, Jones, Ronan and Kiltie behind Brophy that is not a bad team.
  3. I think it can be frustration and being a whinging duck tbf.
  4. I think the ref has dealt with it quite well. He could get himself a bunch of likes from the #rugbyvalues wankers on Twitter, but it's a hard game and sometimes players get frustrated.
  5. That was great from Wilson to wrap that up in a maul.
  6. Irish commentator agreeing with me!
  7. Yep, ref has made a c**t of that.
  8. Absolutely suckered into carrying that ball there. Got bored with the kicking.
  9. Why is he doing this game anyway? Is it normal for Aussie refs to do URC games? I always thought it was just those affiliated with the countries involved?
  10. It's that kind of decision making that has stopped Horne from progressing. Utterly brainless.
  11. He looks a completely different player. He's playing ok.
  12. I probably just don't notice it with other teams, but the amount of penalties Glasgow concede on their own ball seems massive. At least 5 and a yellow card already today, when we had ball in hand.
  13. Glasgow's play is so brainless sometimes. They are their own worst enemy.
  14. I think so as well. We didn't actually have a very good team at all. Thinking about it now, Paul McGinn and Magennis would probably get a game for us now from the team that played Dundee United, maybe Hladky as well, with Mullen, McAllister and Flynn on the bench, but that's about it. Obviously Erhahon was on the bench that day as well at 17, but he'd spent most of the season hung out to dry at left back. We did get very lucky that Dundee were that bad, but it was still some achievement keeping that team up.
  15. It's a bit of a cliche, but when you sign loads of players in January it can take a fair bit of time for them to gel and actually start making a difference. As so many teams have shown, two wins in a row can absolutely change your season. The two times St Mirren have survived after signing a load of players in January, it still took us to mid-fed- start of March to really start winning games.
  16. Goodwin has pretty much said on a few occasions that it depends on players going out.
  17. Aye, fair enough, and I've criticised people for the same, definitely willing to give the guy a chance!
  18. I thought Grieve was pretty poor when he came on, first 5-10 minutes at least. He didn't really look like he knew what he was supposed to be doing, wasn't pressing well enough and often just looked like he was standing in the wrong place. He got a bit better towards the end of the game, but he's got a fair bit to learn. The drop off between Brophy and him was significant, but he's young, and looks like he has the physical attributes at least, so I'm hopeful he can do a job. Also, would be great for it to work out as it would be a great story.
  19. There's a guy on black and white army right now saying we are in such financial peril it's when, not if, the club dies if that's any interest to you?
  20. I actually thought it might be the opposite, hence why they were constantly going on about Brexit and insisting we focus on "priorities".
  21. Yeah, definitely. Ronan wasn't having a great game until he scored, and it wasn't really a surprise when he was hooked. Power gave the ball away a lot as well. He made up for it with his ballwinning and presence, but he made plenty of mistakes on the ball.
  22. Erhahon is still pretty young to be fair. I think he should have a bit more credit in the bank than people are allowing him. He seems to be a real boo boy target online, with quite a few waiting for any mistake to jump down his throat. He wasn't great last night, he had one really bad pass that put us under pressure, and that one where the ball got booted at him knee height by Power (I think) completely ignoring the massive overlap on the other side, that ran past him and again put us under pressure, but he wasn't the only player giving the ball away.
  23. I thought we were really comfortable, Aberdeen didn't really lay a glove on us, and apart from one misshit cross Alnwick didn't have a save to make, though there was a wee heart in the mouth moment with the clearance off the line during Aberdeen's decent five minutes at the start of the second half. Otherwise we contained them very easily, letting Bates, Brown and Ferguson play pointless sideways passes to each other. Thought Power, McGrath, Shaughnessy, Dunne and Tanser all had very good games. Brophy as well worked very hard and we missed him when he went off. Grieve looked a wee bit lost when he first came on in all honesty. He grew into it a bit, and physically he looks like he could do a job, but he'll need to start making better decisions. Henderson did ok as well, though he was up against the worst player on the pitch and maybe could have backed himself a bit more at times.
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