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Everything posted by GAD

  1. Conor Ronan's accent upsets me. Someone who looks like that, with a name like Connor Ronan, should not speak in that way.
  2. I think it might be the folk using the website that rate the players mate. It's often a load of shite.
  3. Have to be honest, Graham and Fagerson were the two picks I was most worried about. It's clear I have no idea what I'm talking about and should shut up.
  4. We are fucking horrible to play against right now. It's brilliant.
  5. The Irish media being verge of tears because we had the audacity to beat their wee pals England is a succulent cherry on top of a big tasty cake.
  6. So happy lads. Fucking love the rugby thread, we deserve this!
  7. Ireland 10 points up, but should be more. I think their scrum half looks shakey and they've had a bit of luck with the ref at the scrum and breakdown I think. Wales haven't had much, but Biggar has kicked well, and they have been stuffy and dogged. I think there is a hint of a bed shitting here from Ireland, just enough to suggest it might happen. The smart money is on Ireland tightening up and coming out and blowing Wales away in the second half, but I don't know.
  8. Porter is getting away with murder at the scrum here for me.
  9. His kicking has been a disaster as well. His pack are absolutely laying it on a plate for him as well.
  10. Yeah, but if it's a bad day for kicking, and you are absolutely dominant, surely you keep playing? 10 points is a shit return for that first 20 mins.
  11. I'm not sure Gibson Park is all that good.
  12. Sexton could kill Ireland here with this kicking. They are so on top I've no idea why they didn't go to the corner on that anyway.
  13. I would take a Wales gubbing from anyone these days. Last year they were the jammiest champions ever and behaved like total fucking dicks over it. Also their fans, after a decade of wanking on about "spirit of the lions" and how they would support a Lion's team with no Welsh players made total c***s of themselves in the summer.
  14. Yeah, I think the weather and fitness probably swung it for Johnson. Funny how we've got the big, solid, straight running centre pairing up against the more skillful but slightly suspect in defence English centres. Wouldn't have seen that coming a few years ago. Dombrant v Bradbury in the second half could be good. Also, he's very committed to this Kinghorn at 10 thing. You'd think Redpath and Kinghorn on the bench would give the maximum flexibility.
  15. England team for Saturday. Quite inexperienced, not nearly as shitfesty as I expected.
  16. I wonder if the weather forecast for Saturday will have a big impact on the team selection. It looks like it's going to be another horrendous, windy and wet night. A shitfest awaits, and that might suit Johnson/Harris better than Redpath. To be honest, it also looks to me like a night for Sean Maitland as well. Pity that's no longer an option.
  17. You can see why Rangers were absolutely desperate for this to be behind closed doors. Everyone said they were shit scared of playing Celtic in front of a crowd, and today they were proven correct.
  18. Rangers really could do with a big travelling support getting behind them now....
  19. What do you think we will get from the free market at this stage that's going to be that much better? We aren't going to get anyone near the level of Brophy, not unless they've been injured all season and need a few months to get back up to speed. The guys floating around that market now I don't think will offer much more than the three strikers we have.
  20. I think we will go with what we have up front. Erwin wasn't brilliant, but the team played better with him on. I reckon we will be ok being hard to beat and getting goals from across the team to keep us out of the relegation battle. I do, however, think Brophy's injury and the 6-7 goals we will miss from him if he's out the rest of the season will cost us any chance of top 6. I definitely wouldn't be throwing money at a scumbag like Griffiths.
  21. I actually thought we were better when Erwin came on. Not that he was particularly good, but it just gave us a better shape and the rest of the team looked more comfortable. That 15 minutes after Brophy went off and everyone seemed lost as to what position they were playing was really bad.
  22. Draw definitely the right result, though really poor way to lose the equaliser. Not sure the Motherwell defence exactly covered themselves in glory at our goal either. The passing from both teams was about as bad as I've seen this season. Mugabe motm. He wasn't particularly good, but he was by far the most entertaining to watch, so that swings it.
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