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Everything posted by GAD

  1. He's Scottish Qualified, isn't he?
  2. Agree with this. Wilson has to go, team always look underprepared, badly coached and, to be honest, unfit. They will plod along beating teams they are better than, but they will never be competitive with the bigger teams the way things stand. I think it's hurting Scotland as well.
  3. Brilliant at the end where all you can here is Carley whittering on trying to desperately trying to justify that performance, mostly to himself it sounded like.
  4. Carley has decided this match. His performance in the last 10 has been genuinely disgraceful.
  5. I also think the last couple of weeks have shown we can play a 3-5-2 effectively. The weird set up Goodwin had didn't really work, but that, with a decent balance in midfeild and the wing backs playing just a bit deeper (as well as the back three playing on their more comfortable side) works a lot better.
  6. Good performance. Thought a few of our players actually did really well to keep cool considering some of the tackles the ref was letting go. Don't think the ref did us many favours, but I did think there was a fairly cynical foul on Mullen early on that we got away with when he may have been clean through. Erhahon Motm, obviously, tremendous performance in the middle of the park, but Main and Gogic not far behind. Thought Kiltie and Tanser put in great shifts as well. Greive also deserves a mention as he had an absolutely brutal time up against a centre half that was basically allowed to do what he wanted. I get the impression Brophy was probably meant to come on for him in the second half, but it was so comfortable and Greive was so up for it there was no need.
  7. It's amazing how badly the Alba guys don't get it. Independence might be important but it's not the be all and end all. I'm not going to vote for genital inspecting weirdos. I don't care about their views on independence.
  8. Did we not try to sign him before, but he went back to Hearts instead? Not played a lot of football recently but I always liked him.
  9. It doesn't feel like this is the promised "difficult day" for the SNP. In fact it looks like it's going pretty well. Am I missing something or is it too early to tell?
  10. Yeah, I liked Lambert a lot from what I saw if him at last season, him and Stewart were the two who surprised me, though I suppose Matthews has been playing reasonably well.
  11. He's played 95 games for St Mirren at the age of 20. Yeah, managers hate him.
  12. Deadly serious. Truth hurts sometimes but it's better to face up than pretend it's not happening.
  13. Erhahon wouldn't get anything like the level of stick he does from the St Mirren dad's if he was white. He's a massively better player than MacPherson for example who they all loved and cried about leaving to St Johnstone. He was scapegoated for the Hibs result pretty unfairly considering he was miles better than Power that day, the senior player who has been selling the jerseys every week with barely a peep said about it.
  14. I thought we looked so much better without Power in midfeild. His performances have flown under the radar a bit because the St Mirren dad's were more focused on abusing Erhahon at every available opportunity, but he's been terrible. Gogic and Ronan worked so much better.
  15. Yeah, afraid so, said there were a lot if decisions that went against them. To be honest, I feel bad for the Saintees today after that. I've sat and watched that performance so many times from St Mirren and it's soul destroying. We didn't actually need to be good today, we just wanted it a bit more. You could see our confidence was shot, and when we didn't score in the first half I think that would have done us against a better team, but we just had to plug away and one goal was always going to be enough. I think St Johnstone can win the playoff, but I'm not sure they will. They'll play a team worse than them, but who will be on a high and absolutely giving it everything.
  16. £1500 p/m for a 5 bed flat in Langside actually seems suspiciously cheap!
  17. Not a lot of laughing going on here really is there, especially from the Tories? A lot of seething and aggression, not a lot of fun. Very Rangers.
  18. I mean, when you hear some MP has been caught watching porn in parliament you don't even need to ask which party. It would only be a shock if it wasn't a Tory.
  19. Yeah, it happens every week. I keep saying it, but I don't think the team are well coached, and possibly not fit enough either. The subs never improve Glasgow either.
  20. I completed this last week on the PS5, and I actually ended up really liking it. One thing I would say is that you can really batter through the main story very quickly if you want, it kind of funnels you towards that, but you should really do all the side missions before you complete that. Some of the side mission storylines I thought were better than the main one, especially the nomads one and the ones with Johnny's old bandmates. The open world is a bit of a sham though. There is honestly no point in exploring that I could find, it's just a big, empty movie set for the big set pieces. All you need to do is go from mission marker to mission marker.
  21. Pffft, Newcastle v Glasgow is not. It cost me £4.99 though, so I'm sticking with it no matter what.
  22. Considering none of the Newcastle back three seem capable of a tackle we are making quite heavy weather of this. Still, nice try in the end.
  23. Glasgow should be 2 or three tries better off. This has all come from yet another knock on on their line.
  24. Thompson's kicking has been rotten.
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