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Everything posted by GAD

  1. Does Motherwell's away stand not hold more than 4000 people on it's own though? Have they shut down parts of it for Rangers and Celtic?
  2. Almost all the commentary surrounding that game was fucking deranged. There was this idea that we had lied about the crisis to somehow trick Celtic, and in fact a lot of people, including in the media were insisting it was actually Celtic who had the reserve team out. That was probably one of my favourite games of the season. I think most Saints fans just went because they didn't want these boys that were coming in to get beaten 6-0 in front of empty stands, but by the 60th minute when it was still 0-0 we had kind of already won at that point and the place was in great voice. I think it was also one of Goodwin's greatest moments at St Mirren. It showed what a good manager he could be when he kept it simple and got the players fired up. My head's gone was all the defending during the 4-2 loss to Motherwell. I genuinely thought we were going down after that.
  3. I just hope if St Johnstone win they celebrate in a way that upsets Tom English. Early indications are that they will.
  4. Glasgow got to 2nd as they are ok at beating the shit teams. They usually get it done against the Zebre's and Dragons of the world. Same in Europe, where they made heavy weather of beating a team like Newcastle, but get there in the end. They can't do that against teams of a similar or better standard though. Those games they just lose now, usually pretty comfortably.
  5. Wilson has to go, and I'm starting to think we are getting to the stage where he will. Glasgow Warriors Twitter is mostly pretty happy clappy, but seeing a lot if anger now and a lot of folk wanting him gone. There are some good players there, and some good ones coming in over the summer, but it's not going to work if he's still there. Also, so many players seem to be regressing at the moment. Time for a change.
  6. GAD

    FIFA 22

    Rest of the game isn't any better. Can't believe people paid upwards of £60 for this.
  7. Could be that. More likely he's just a bit shit now. You'll find out soon enough.
  8. I agree, I honestly thought he was pretty crap and I wasn't surprised at all that we released him. Actually pretty surprised Killie have signed him to be honest.
  9. Lol, Ramsey has been a worse signing than Shane Duffy.
  10. This Frankfurt team aren't scoring. This'll finish 1-0 to rangers I reckon.
  11. Quite surprised he wanted to come back tbh. Hope Wilson has a plan for next season because on paper this looks a decent squad.
  12. Aye, I guess the fact the club were easy to deal with when it came to getting Erwin and MacPherson out the door tells its own story. Though I see Erwin seems to be doing ok for his new club so far, on paper at least.
  13. To be honest, I think there were a few players that didn't like Goodwin too much. I'm pretty sure Cammy MacPherson wasn't happy under him. Looks like Erwin wasn't much of a fan either. I'm not even sure it matters that much, it could easily be that Sharpe and Langfield were the "morale" guys.
  14. To be honest, I think if Goodwin really is trying to sign guys like Dunne and Gogic then he's not going to last long at Aberdeen. These guys are decent players for us that fit our budget, but they are not up and coming youngsters, and I don't think they are overlooked diamonds as well, they are where they probably deserve to be. Aberdeen have a budget that dwarfs ours, I can understand them going for guys like Alnwick or Ronan, but not squad players like Dunne, or guys who didn't make it at Hibs.
  15. Russell going off actually killed them. Leinster or O'Gara to win it now. f**k.
  16. Teddy Thomas has properly butchered that there. That was probably the game, huge turning point.
  17. Matt Carley's one man mission to destroy every game he goes near continues.
  18. Unexpectedly excellent refereeing there to be fair. Clear push on Tanser, linesman sees it and ref has the bravery to overturn his clearly incorrect initial decision.
  19. Aye, fair enough, for some reason I thought Hickey had played more than that.
  20. Yeah, yet it seems like the young guys who have moved from Scotland to either England or abroad and done well are guys who played loads of games up here before they moved. I'm sure there must be some, but I can't think of many "starlets" who moved before playing much first team football that ever amounted to much? Billy Gilmour I suppose.
  21. Keeping Main feels like it becomes a bit less of a gamble if you have Greive and Brophy there, with the two young guys backing them up. Gives more flexibility and options. There were times this season where Main was the only option, and with his form being so bad it didn't do him any favours.
  22. I think we might stick with the 3-5-2 next season tbh. Tanser signing the new deal seems to suggest that to me, and Fraser looks so much better in the back three. I think we will be desperate to get in a Tanser type for the right hand side, and maybe another backup for the left. Means we will have Tanser, Fraser, Shaughnessy, Kiltie and Erhahon in the spots they look most comfortable (providing they all stay) and play a front two , which seems to suit all the strikers at the club. I don't think we will sign a striker, I think Robinson will go with Brophy, Main and Greive with Offord and Jamieson backing them up. Mind you, I think Robinson's style is to have a big squad with plenty of competition for places and options. We are kind of used to Goodwin having one first pick and a couple of "utility" players filling in. I think we are going back to the Jack Ross days of hundreds of players in every position.
  23. The ref moaning might be annoying for some people, fair enough, but the ref is the most important person on a rugby pitch. The ref can absolutely decide who wins and loses and wether you like it or not, Scottish teams regularly get absolutely fucking shafted (and we are not the only ones). The English and Irish would not stand for the shit we do, the fact they are basically trying to force Adamson out the game right now is testament to that. We should be more vocal about this issue, rather than less. As usual we just take it.
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