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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Rainier Wolfscastle would have something to say about this post.
  2. You made one salient point Which i had already addressed. Hardly anyone says that people shouldn't have the right to choose not to be vaccinated. Lots of people did say that people who made that choice did so for reasons which don't stand up to any scrutiny. You say you want a debate but ignore any arguments put to you. You have a pet name for that lawrence Fox character. Coprolite's verdict: troll.
  3. My remarks are highly informed and not ignorant. I'll thank you not to ignore them. Sorry i called you a nutter. Not all book burning creationist anti vaxxers are nutters. Many are just really stupid.
  4. Ok, i'll play, even though i should know better. It is fair to say that the US is trying to make abortions illegal, although that contention needs qualified by adding "in states where there's a majority of book burning creationist nutters". You would be "exposing a double standard*" if there was a double standard. Very few people that favour vaccines dispute that they should be voluntary. Pro-choice campaigners generally do not spread made up shit of facebook about 5g or nanobots being a consequence of pregnancy. I find the atrempt to draw a false equivalence here quite distasteful to be honest. *bonus troll points for self important pomposity.
  5. If the market movement is any more than noise, which is a big "if", and if it's a response to Westminster shenanigans (another big "if") then possibly Sunak was seen as fiscally conservative and him going opens the possibility of more tax cuts or spending.
  6. It's important to remember that none of his antics are contrary to Tory values. He is the epitomy of corrupt privilege. The only reason that other Tories are going against him is because they see an opportunity.
  7. What about the remaining few uncontacted tribes in the Amazon? Or people who don't have friends? Utter shite theory. However, all people in films can be connected to Kevin Bacon through six or fewer co-stars.
  8. I have 2 memories of Goram v the Dons. One was a cup tie in Dumfries where he was taking dogs' abuse from the travelling support in good humour and bending over for an indecently long time to present his ample rear in retaliation. The other is this
  9. One of my favourite memories of Glastonbury '92 was a proper old guy (70s/ 80s) coming round the tents with an ice cream tray full of perforated printed card shouting "you're never too old to take acid. " Plenty other stages for folk that didn't want to watch McCartney. (I bought two and developed the ability to detect electromagnetic fields in the air. I used this ability to navigate and got lost for hours.)
  10. Shooting big guns a lot is more important than pointing them the right way.
  11. I think that it's disgraceful to reduce the tone of the conversation to simply sexual intercourse. There's far more to being a woman than having sex. Ironing for example, or being unable to follow a film.
  12. What's this "no minimum wage" shit? We borrowed their idea, as on many things. Like most countries i can't see the US as inherently good or bad. Sure, they egged us on into illegally invading iraq but then they made It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Multiple mass shootings vs the cheeseburger. Support for Israeli occupation vs Surfer Rosa. Etc I think we should also recognise that the US military's willingness to take WW1 scale casualties in WW2 was critical to the survival of democracy, however flawed current versions may be.
  13. Uk law is interpreted purposively. It's just that it's usually assumed that the purpose is what's written. Only if the statutory language is unclear, contradictory or "manifestly absurd" should anything from outside the rules be brought in. But judges have been more and more stretching those definitions recently.
  14. Osborne attended St Paul's. There's diversity for you.
  15. Minions- The rise of Gru Perfectly acceptable cash-cow miliking. The Minions are less funny and the baddies are less entertaining than earlier efforts. There were some laugh out loud funny bits and it didn't get boring. Odeon needs to sort it's shit out. They forgot to dim the lights for the fourth time out of the last six we've been. The public need to sort their shit out. I had to turf folk out of our seats, the wife asked the guy behind her to stop yapping about 20 minutes in and had to ask kids in front of her to sit down. Plus teenagers seem to be clapping at films like Americans now. We need National service back. 5.5/10
  16. That's exactly it, i think. Anyway my fun fact is that the country which produces the most lentils in the world is Canada.
  17. Maybe Aleister's folks liked a bit of the old dark arts and Satan?
  18. As i understand a theory, our perception that we experience the world in real time is an illusion and our conscious "observer" is always a fraction of a second behind our sensory inputs, experiencing only the bits that our subconscious thinks we need to know about. I guess in an emergency the editing suite thinks that more information is needed. In @Fullerene's analogy, we' re always recording at 56 frames/sec, viewing at 28 and usually view every second one but view them all if we need to.
  19. Brits abroad eh? All the way to Spain for a holiday and we play a bunch of cloggers from an hour down the road.
  20. It's not a question of whether there's regulation at all. It's a matter of degree. I think the current law and enforcement is round about right. That's because we've stopped prosecuting blasphemy and obscenity. That change is why we're now in a position where sexuality for example can be freely discussed. If people have homophobic or racist views it shouldn't be against the law for them to express those views. But people should absolutely feel free to shun them, sack them or call them all the c***s under the sun for expressing those views. I think the line we've drawn at banning incitement of violence, discrimination etc is about right. I don't trust a government to proscribe the sort of speech i'd like them to. Any restriction would open the door for further restriction on things like anti-patriotic or anti capitalist sentiment being expressed. I'm in favour of free speech and cancel culture and don't see them as opposing positions.
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