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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. The difference is whether you drool
  2. In my fifth decade. Increasingly comfortable in my own skin but starting to slow mentally. Starting to find learning new things harder. The neurological aspects of ageing worry me more than the physical. I like my Dennis Healy eyebrows. I assume that people find it necessary to trim or shave their body hair because it has outgrown their genitals. Fortunately still have a few inches to spare but I don’t think we should judge the trimmers too harshly. We should pity their wee maggots. The shavers on the other hand are deviant perverts and should be shunned.
  3. I expect that it was a joke about San Miguel meaning St Michael. Not as funny as the oligarchy and murderous dictator material admittedly.
  4. Seems a strange question. presumably you have seen something to suggest that it is detrimental and you’re not just asking on the off chance? This sounds like a good old fashioned colonial theory about why the orientals often can’t grow a proper beard.
  5. Not a specific individual, but a category. Anybody wearing those stupid earrings that make a big stretchy hole in the earlobe. Amazonian and borneoean tribes are exempt for cultural reasons.
  6. And how should one eat one's peas if one wishes to avoid i advertedly disclosing ones plebian roots? balancing 6-8 on a flat face of a fork seems like the sensible thing to do. Should i be mashing them into my celeriac puree and wild garlic espuma?
  7. You are right that it is basically a donation. That's the point though. The board and shareholders aren't exactly coining it out of project AFC. This is not a comnercial transaction. You are't being asked if you wast to spend money on a Starbucks membership. It's not for me and i won't be signing up. but: I don't see why the board should bankroll the club with no prospect of a return, although i'd love it if they would. I don't think ticket price rises for everyone is a great idea. People who lovd the club will be priced out. I don't want to see us go for the bargain basement approach again because it is a false economy. We maybe have fewer fans than some clubs but we probably have a higher percentage of wealthy fans. Therefore why not get some of them to share the burden if they want to. If they don't want to they can still get to games. If they do want to then they still get a bit more than average fan but are net financial contributors. on balance AFC are the good guys.
  8. my wife was helping the youngest with her homework. The task was to write yes or no beside some statements about a picture. The picture was a dragon with a tail. statement 3 was "the dragon has no tail". The wife refused to believe that "no" could be the correct answer "because, yes, he has a tail". She is allowed to vote ffs.
  9. The real issue here is atrocious composition. no 3 is ok, but 1 and 2 focus on empty tarmac. I originally thought that you were referring to the blue car at the back. I think you got the parking that your photography deserves.
  10. There is no drama queenery in hating a c**t. no one said he was a bad player.
  11. his goal against Scotland was, although gutting, brilliant. My main memory of him at rangers (rip) was getting away with three increasingly blatant elbows in one game at pittodrie. cretin
  12. I'm going to start using "appointmented" to see if it catches on. Who's with me?
  13. It's still not too late to give up on the whole pointless escapade. Yet.
  14. backlight has gone on a 40 inch led telly. How much is it likely to cost to get fixed?
  15. ? I'm all for a federal united Europe, and for expanding a union beyond Europe. It won't happen in my lifetime unfortunately. This position is consistent with wanting regional devolution and an actual application of the principle of subsidiarity. I just happen to believe that National identity is a construct of feudal society that has been appropriated by capitalist interests.
  16. This is what they want. Divide and conquer; make it all about tribalism for the plebs while the aristos continue their cosy carve up. We should recognise that we have more in common than different and unite. Anyhow, the SNP deserve to be treated badly because they represent inadequate xenophobes.
  17. It's not just Embra. I constantly see parents letting their kids be wee shites and not doing a thing. I do have sympathy though. I usually keep mine relatively controlled, but if they are determined to be bad i have been known to give up and let them go feral. I may even join in.
  18. I witnessed two bakers in Lostwithiel having an increasingly heated argument as to whether the one who made chicken tikka pasties was entitled to call them pasties at all. The cornish make Aberdeenshire look cosmopolitan and outward looking.
  19. It takes ages to get from one to the other. I expect that the "full plea in mitigation" might be similar to your post.
  20. I'm not judging you for your choice of food although the combination does sound revolting. it sounded almost palatable until you put pumpkin seeds on. I am judging you for making extra dishes when a disposable plastic alternative is available.
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