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Archie McSquackle

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Everything posted by Archie McSquackle

  1. That work seems to be paying off for both us and him at the moment - long may it continue. It's great to see someone playing with a big smile on his face. On the first day of the season I thought Lang looked as though he had promise but needed some work to get up to speed with the game here. He seems to have improved and becoming the player we thought we were getting.
  2. I may be being whooshed here but that would be difficult as Kelly has been dead for 10 years. As I also thought Baxter was before reading this.
  3. Rounded off the evening with a bottle of the Ola Dubh last night. Very nice although with the alcohol content and strong taste, I couldn't drink a lot of it. Reminded me a bit of Mcewans Champion Ale but with a bit more bite due to the whisky barrels.
  4. They didn't want the price to be less than the average cost per game for a season ticket holder (roughly £17 IIRC) so came up with a price a good bit above everyone else who generally took the view that season ticket holders were prioritising supporting the club over value for money and any income at all for PPV is beneficial. I can see where they're coming from in a way but am highly unlikely to pay it on Saturday.
  5. Mine also has one of these things to build tea bag mountains on (kitchen bin is right behind her when making the tea). She then dries out the tea bags to do something with (not sure, something about them being a slug deterrent) but has done nothing with them other than make a big pile of dried tea bags in a biscuit tin in a cupboard.
  6. I went over on my ankle last November on a bit of uneven ground (most of the run was fairly well lit apart from this short stretch). I could have ran again from December but didn't really start again until lockdown as I'd lost confidence in running in the dark. I've been running 2 or 3 times a week since but it's now dark when I leave work so I'm either going to have to pick well lit runs, get a head torch or go to the gym if I want to run during the week.
  7. I have just about finished building timber deck in the garden (just in time for winter). Any recommendations on whether it really needs treated and if so, which is the better option - oil or stain?
  8. I bought one but haven't tried it yet. Anyway last night I tried another one of my Lidl purchases. Wasn't sure what to expect from 71 Brewing's Valleys Between, described as a strawberry and passion fruit gose, but it was lovely - really refreshing. I'll be popping back for a few more of these and the Spey Valley Winter Sunshine.
  9. Watt seemed to be thoroughly enjoying himself yesterday, even having a laugh and a joke with the ref after his goal. Not sure why he had to cover his mouth though. Edited to add: fair play to him for setting up a Just Giving page for a foodbank as well (I saw the link on Steelmen). https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/tony-watt-match-shirt?utm_term=GjQkeMQzE
  10. Watt and Lang both look as though they have been working on their fitness and look sharper, particularly Watt who looks as though he's enjoying his football. Cole looks better than I remember and definitely improves the team. Not much between the teams in general play but I like the look of this forward line- good mix of pace, strength and trickiness.
  11. Season ticket holders can't get that, can they? Carson substituted after a knock.
  12. I've tried these few tonight. All decent enough with the Glasgow Porter and the super drinkable Winter Sunshine from Spey Valley Brewery (pick of the bunch) being the stand-outs. The Neipa was the only one I was a wee bit disappointed in.
  13. Cheers. I was in yesterday and there range wasn't that great- I'll pop back in on my lunch break tomorrow.
  14. You haven't come across Keeping The Ball On The Ground then and the incredible wit and chat of Paul Slane and Kevin Kyle?
  15. I don't know, Tony came out with a lot of big words in his statement so maybe he's brighter than he suggests when he speaks. Of course, we all think he wrote that, don't we?
  16. One of my favourite films. Tremendous cast with Alex Guinness a stand-out.
  17. Supposedly it's hilarious and had Twitter users in stitches. Really? I struggled to see what they're talking about and they had to circle it for those like me that couldn't see it. Made up non-story pish. And she's only 22?
  18. Is Tam using the licence fee to further his own agenda here? I thought it was a response on his personal Instagram account.
  19. I'd be happy if they could go with any solution that avoids the A82 down the side of Loch Lomond. The queues heading south on a decent day at the weekend are horrific but seem to be getting worse- I even got held up for about 20minutes last Thursday evening.
  20. I won't be surprised at all when this boring, cheapest option is chosen but thought ABC would have pushed for something more adventurous. As an occasional reader of the Argyllshire Advertiser, it's always seemed that local councillors and politicians wanted the situation addressed properly with some more ambition, particularly when the other side is likely to face the same ground conditions and likely difficulties. I personally fancied the idea of a bridge over towards Lochgilphead but it would have reduced the temptation to pop into Fyne Ales. As I type this the news has just reported The Rest is closed overnight due to the wet weather again.
  21. What's it called? Struggling to find it on catch up without a name?
  22. Cheers- you've just brought back memories of Stevie Woods playing on the wing against Clydebank.
  23. Motherwell's twitter says St. Mirren have advised the SPFL they are unable to fulfil the fixture. Is this similar to the Kilmarnock game where they were told the whole squad had to self-isolate or is it down to a lack of players? Edit: Philips455's post above has answered my question.
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