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Archie McSquackle

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Everything posted by Archie McSquackle

  1. I was surprised he played on Sunday as SOD looked absolutely done against Israel but they maybe don't have much option. I assume he'll play tonight as well.
  2. Sorry, I am and I'm sure many others are too. I'm normally pottering about the house or garden when listening and will sometimes move away from the radio to get something so like regular updates but I agree some of the presenters go the other way and say it almost constantly. Yes, I could get my phone out but I'd prefer if the radio got the balance right and I didn't have to (which I think Open All Mics does pretty well).
  3. We watched Onward at the weekend and it has the usual Disney Pixar emotional moments. At one near the end I was welling up, tears were streaming down my wife's face and my 11year old daughter let rip with a colossal fart. Sort of killed the moment!
  4. Glad you enjoyed it. I don't normally go further than Kirkintilloch and normally the walkers are all fine (can be really busy, particularly around Bishopbriggs) but tend to agree with you for the stretch through Maryhill area. I've always wondered if the jakies fishing ever catch anything or if it's just something to do. I even see a group of them on the other side near Milton about a month ago with a chainsaw to supply their fire.
  5. Primary school? I remember a weekend job where one guy would regularly do this out the back of the shop in an attempt to hit the first floor window.
  6. Ashfield, Ashfield, Ashfield, Ashfield Ashfield- the people who care For new cars, for used cars For van hire, you know they'll always be there And the Milky Bar kid
  7. The one thing that jumps out at me is we have Ricky Lamie until 2022.
  8. Going by his career since, if he hadn't gone to Burnley he'd have maybe made a few sub appearances before being put out on loan a few times before being released. We'd still have ended up receiving nothing.
  9. Any club he's trying to sign for is now going to see those stats and wonder why he's not made any appearances for his last two clubs. Not a good look.
  10. Was that the one where the guy had his eye scooped out with a spoon? I thought that came to an end, revealing the baddie's identity and pretty much ruling out another series. I'm surprised they're making a remake when the target audience knows how it ends (unless it's aimed at the US audience).
  11. Only that she hasn't as yet but maybe she's not well enough at the moment to do anything.
  12. Yes. No, not at the moment as she's off ill with Coronavirus but should be as an independent once she's able to work. As I heard someone say on the radio, she's probably on the best salary and was expected to be on £80k for roughly 4 years minimum. She may well have changed her lifestyle and will be trying to work out any way possible to avoid stepping down which would be the end of her political career. It's not as though she can go and become a politician somewhere else. She's well and truly mucked this up and seems to be the only person who doesn't think she should resign.
  13. It's good to read they've already done some houses in Scotland as we have a different building control system from England and the structural design needs to be carried out or signed off by an engineer registered with the Scottish scheme. Assuming the Huf Haus design is carried out by the suppliers it's unlikely they would be registered here and would need to work with a local engineer. Doesn't need to be a problem but some of the more fanciful projects on Grand Designs like building walls using hay bales probaby wouldn't be allowed here if calculations can't be done.
  14. I went for a ride on the canal towpath yesterday and as it was a lovely day I ended up going a good bit further than intended and made it to the Falkirk Wheel which I'd never visited before. really enjoyed the ride although legs were tired by the end. Obviously very flat but at 45 miles a good bit longer than I've been used to recently. I have to ask something though. At one point I was coming up to a gate across the towpath and I could see another cyclist in full lycra stopped at the little side gate. I assumed he was stopped for a rest but as I got up to him and went round the side track I realised he was having a pish and not off to the rear but facing along the towpath. Is this common among the more serious cyclist or as strange as I thought at the time, especially as the towpath is obviously lined with trees and bushes for a more discreet toilet break?
  15. They held trial runs with limited numbers of spectators as a first step to getting people back to the games but the number of cases has risen so it's no surprise they put a halt to the return of fans. I don't think there's any great concern about people sitting socially distanced for the duration of the match, it's all the peripheral activities like large numbers of people going to the toilet at half time or arriving and leaving.
  16. This could make a big difference. Also, it's becoming very difficult to get Scottish Water approval for connection into a combined sewer even if they don't have separate foul and surface water drains in the vicinity.
  17. I suppose it depends where you are. I'm in Glasgow and got a service from wee shop in Maryhill Road and went past Lambhill Stables yesterday and the guy was working outside the bike hut.
  18. I quite liked him and think he's better than Hastie and Seedorf (I know, damned by faint praise). I'd liked to have kept him as he offers something different and has tended to have a better delivery than Seedorf. Not getting a game though but this is one case where I really believe he'll come back to haunt us.
  19. Not a colleague but our office shares toilets with other offices on our floor and some of them are, quite frankly, disgusting. I was drying my hands today when a guy came in on his phone, walked up to one of the urinals and started to unzip. I then left but whoever he was on to was about to hear some interesting background noises.
  20. Oh yeah, I remember him. He probably wouldn't have been playing anyway but unfortunately there's now no chance.
  21. You could have told me the groundsman's name and I would have recognised it as much as those two- I take it they are new signings? This will probably come back to bite me and they'll score against us later in the season.
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