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Archie McSquackle

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Everything posted by Archie McSquackle

  1. My moment of stardom- quite a few folk who aren't even Motherwell supporters told me they saw me in that video. Just be glad you can't actually hear me. My singing is bad enough but my voice went long before the end. For other songs, I've always been really impressed by Sunshine On Leith and have a nostalgic soft spot for Carnival de Paris.
  2. I see this programme tonight is the first of a series of 6. Don't know what the others will be though.
  3. I heard a bit of it yesterday and talking to Stephen Thompson about "Charlie Miller having a black boaby" must have been a new low.
  4. Not sure if it's been mentioned but the Motherwell v Dundee United classic cup final from 1991 is on the BBC Scotland channel tonight at 7.15pm. Watch out for John Clark's challenge on Ally Maxwell who plays on with two fractured ribs and a ruptured spleen as there were no goalie substitutes then. Different times.
  5. Watch out for Rangers renaming themselves as Aardvark Rangers.
  6. You do realise the 19 part of the name means it originated in 2019? It was very unlikely to be in Scotland that early if that's what you mean though.
  7. The ball boy finger gesture (with accompanying broad smile) was after Darren Jackson's goal IIRC. I could never work out if was aimed at the Motherwell or United fans.
  8. I can't quite make my mind up if he's actually been quite impressive or if he's just Boris's stooge brought out to make the occasional statement on finances.
  9. Cheers. I knew we were guaranteed top 6 and just assumed Aberdeen were too. Makes sense.
  10. Early payments are to be made by the SPFL which should hopefully go some way to prevent any club going into administration. Not sure about the logic of the top three clubs getting over double the rest of the premiership are getting (£395k + VAT compared to £157,500 + VAT), particularly in my own club's case (Motherwell) when they're only a point above Aberdeen and both of those have been on the slide recently.
  11. I see early payments are being made to clubs by the SPFL with the top three being paid £395k + VAT and the rest of the premiership getting £157,500 + VAT. Obviously the early payment is very welcome but it does seem odd the discrepancy between third and fourth when we're only a point above Aberdeen.
  12. That's them on Radio Scotland now (recorded interview).
  13. Were you trying to suppress a laugh as you gave her a row? My eldest has being doing my head in all day - you would think putting stuff in the recycling bin was some form of torture. How dare I get in the way of his X-box time!
  14. Supposedly tests in the UK show the virus doesn't survive long on soft surfaces such as paper.
  15. I drove past Firhill on my way home from work yesterday and Kingsley was standing by the side of the road wearing a kilt. He gave a big thumbs-up (which I obviously returned) as I drove past him. Left me fairly bewildered for the rest of my journey home.
  16. Vaccines are way ahead of normal schedule. Hopefully the first bulk batch will be available in June or July but obviously distribution will be targeted until more supplies allow a general vaccination programme.
  17. They put pictures of their dead cat on Facebook?
  18. That's me got that bloody Obika / Tequila song stuck in my head again (quite like it to be honest but it takes some shifting).
  19. Boris specifically said people shouldn't head off to holiday homes from London. Doesn't mean that will stop them I suppose although I don't see the harm if they go there and don't mix with the locals.
  20. There are a number of companies already started or getting ready to start test vaccines, including here in Scotland. It's a race for the big pharmaceutical companies to develop it as only a few will make it into mass production and they'll make a fortune.
  21. I was really thrown by the ads on The Terrace podcast about not being loyal to paramilitaries who kneecap people. Bizarre stuff. And someone mentioned the Gordon Smart interview with Simon Ferry. I'd never heard of him but it was really entertaining and well worth a listen- loads of bonkers stories.
  22. Or the Celtic seethe when the season is declared null and void? There is no easy answer to this but we need to avoid it going to the lawyers.
  23. With all the madness of the last few days that's the most common sense I've heard in a long time.
  24. Yip. Should have been going to the game tonight. Went to the pub instead with the guys I would have been going with and a few others. All very odd.
  25. The Premiership clubs should all be safe, I reckon. I take no joy in saying some lower league clubs could struggle with short term cash flow issues. I'd seriously hope that the football or government authorities could come up with some short term loan options.
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