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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Temporary traffic lights on seafield road in edinburgh, right at the junction for my work. Great.
  2. In other news, the development squad is 2-0 up away to Alloa.
  3. One of our friend's sisters had a boy yesterday. They called him "phergus"'.
  4. The worst part is the adverts. f**k them, im waiting on the travel news. Far more than important than asda selling fanny pads on BOGOF
  5. Its regarding the autism thing ruggy. It was a cry for help. My dad was self employed, and had a small genuine mishap where he hadnt put a velux window through the books, and got hammered financially by the taxman. He tried to kill himself two weeks later, our next door neighbour managed to stop him, but hes never been 100% since. Hes retired now but he can still be very edgy at times. The whole thing just sent me over the edge.
  6. The wife listens to "boogie in the morning" on forth 1, I can't stand it. Forced laughs, too much chat, and being told every minute "this is forth one" "live from Edinburgh"
  7. Cheers folks. When I'm at work I'm at my best, it's when I get in the door I start to feel shite, I don't know how to combat it. I've also got a lot I need to get off my chest regarding past issues on here, but I'd get shot down in flames so I'll not bother with that.
  8. Is it bad to feel depressed about someone else being depressed? Selfish maybe?? My wife is going through a bad spell at the moment and if I'm being honest, I'm struggling to cope but i don't want her worrying about me, she's got enough going on just now.
  9. I'm sure he stays in Dalkeith. You ever been there?? No wonder he fucking drinks.
  10. If he drank 24 tins a day, he'd be supertramp, nevermind supermik.
  11. Magee has tweeted that he's no drinking tonight. At least his wife will be happy.
  12. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when throbs and missus go shopping. He'd probably get skelped on the napper by a big french baguette for picking up the wrong kind of cornflakes.
  13. Who lives in a bin by the offee?? Jakeball njordpants
  14. One of our neighbours has openly admitted to giving her 16yr old son money to buy cannabis which he is now selling from the house, two doors up. Silly cow.
  15. I tend to sneer at people who Drink corona with a slice of lime in it.
  16. Emotional eaters, (mainly women) "I felt rubbish today, so I demolished a whole pack of biscuits"
  17. Ruggy lives in Dingwall, mind. They've only just discovered electricity up there.
  18. In a bid to solve the evergrowing pothole crisis, Edinburgh city council are collecting dead pigeons which have been shot on the roof of the city chambers to fill the potholes in* *I wouldn't put it past the council to try it.
  19. People who chew gum loudly, with their mouths open should be fucking shot.
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